Optimization of Switching Loss of a DC-DC Boost Converter (original) (raw)

Comparative evaluation of soft-switching concepts for bi-directional buck+boost dc-dc converters


Soft-switching techniques are an enabling technology to further reduce the losses and the volume of automotive dc-dc converters, utilized to interconnect the high voltage battery or ultra-capacitor to the dc-link of a Hybrid Electrical Vehicle (HEV) or a Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV). However, as the performance indices of a power electronics converter, such as efficiency and power density, are competing and moreover dependent on the underlying specifications and technology node, a comparison of different converter topologies naturally demands detailed analytical models. Therefore, to investigate the performance of the ARCP, CF-ZVS-M, SAZZ and ZCT-QZVT soft-switching converters, the paper discusses in detail the advantages and drawbacks of each concept, and the impact of the utilized semiconductor technology and silicon area on the converter efficiency. The proposed analytical models that correlate semiconductor, capacitor and inductor losses with the component volume furthermore allow fo...

A Comparative Analysis of Soft Switching Techniques in Reducing the Energy Loss and Improving the Soft Switching Range in Power Converters


This paper presents a comparative analysis of the zero-voltage zero-current switching (ZVZCS) soft switching technique with zero-voltage switching (ZVS) and zero-current switching (ZCS) counterparts. The generalization of the voltage–current crossover or the energy loss factor obtained from simulation of the prototype converter shows that the ZVZCS significantly reduces the losses and helps to improve the efficiency of the converter as compared to the ZVS or the ZCS. On the other hand, it is also found that the soft switching range of operation of the ZVS and the ZCS is largely affected by the maximum switch voltage and switch current, respectively. In contrast, these factors have a negligible effect on the ZVZCS operation which results in an extended range of soft switching operation. Additionally, a detailed PSPICE simulation is performed for selected ZVS, ZCS, and ZVZCS topologies from the recent literature, and the switching losses in the main switches of the converters are meas...

Overview of Soft-switching DC-DC Converters

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 2018

Application of soft switching in DC-DC converter has achieved a remarkable success in power electronics technology in terms of reduction in switching losses, improve in power density, minimization of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and reduction in the volume of DC-DC converters. Quite a number of soft switching techniques had been reported in the past four decades. This paper aims at providing a review of various soft switching techniques, based on topology, the location of the resonant network, performance characteristics, and principles of operation. In addition, converters area of application, advantages as well as limitations are also highlighted.

Analysis of a soft switched dual-boost converter


This paper proposes a soft switched dual-boost converter using an auxiliary resonant circuit. The topology is composed of a general dual-boost converter and an auxiliary resonant circuit including one switch, inductor, capacitor and two diodes. The auxiliary resonant circuit helps the main switch to operate under ZVT condition. The auxiliary switch is also operated at soft switching mode. Furthermore, the proposed circuit removes the voltage stress on the main and auxiliary switches. Under soft switching conditions the efficiency of the converter increases. The converter has various advantages compared with the conventional boost converters as higher boost rate with low duty cycle, lower voltage stress on components and higher efficiency.

Enhanced switching characteristics of DC-DC boost converter systems

In this paper, improvement of the switching characteristics of DC-DC boost converters based on power bipolar junction transistor (BJT) against excessive rise rates of voltage (dv/dt) or current (di/dt) was investigated. Here, it was proven that, in the normal operation of the boost converter (for free running devices), signal voltage across the switch resonates at parasitic ringing frequency of 1.14 MHz during turn-off. Also, ringing signal frequency of 89.0 kHz superimposed the output current waveform was noticed during turn-on mode of operation. Thus, the paper was devoted in the design, analysis and applications of dissipative voltage and current – snubber circuits, as a trial to improve such systems. From which, it is shown that the snubber circuits successfully improve the noticed problems, where for the first case (dv/dt), the ringing frequency was decreased down to 0.20 MHz, while for the second case (di/dt), the ringing frequency was completely damped. Keywords: DC-DC boost converter, dissipative voltage and current – snubber circuits.

Analysis, Design and Experimental Validation of Modified Simple Soft Switching DC-DC Boost Converter

International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2015

This paper investigates a modified simple soft switching dc-dc converter for low power applications. This simple topology uses an auxiliary switch, an inductor and a capacitor to operate the converter without switching losses. The efficiency of the converter is improved by transferring the energy that would be dissipated during the switching to the load. The main switch turns-on with zero current switching (ZCS) and turns-off with zero voltage switching (ZVS), while the auxiliary switch turns-on and turns-off with zero voltage switching (ZVS). The detailed theoretical analysis and the design equations are described. In addition to that, the analysis of proposed converter is demonstrated by both simulation and experimental results for effectiveness of the study.

Soft-Switching dc-dc Converters

Springer eBooks, 2017

A class of dc-dc converters, known in the literature as soft-switching resonant converters, has been thoroughly investigated in recent years for its various attractive features. Soft switching means that one or more power switches in a dc-dc converter have either the turn-on or turn-off switching losses eliminated. This is in contrast to hard switching, where both turn-on and turnoff of the power switches are done at high current and high voltage levels. One approach is to create a fullresonance phenomenon within the converter through series or parallel combinations of resonant components. Such converters are generally known as resonant converters. Another approach is to use a conventional PWM buck converter, boost, buck-boost, Cuk, and SEPIC and replace the switch with a resonant switch that accomplishes the loss elimination. Because of the nature of the PWM circuit, resonance occurs for a shorter time interval compared to the full-resonance case. This class of converters, combining resonance and PWM, is appropriately known as quasi-resonance converters. In this chapter, our focus will be on the latter method, mainly using the resonance PWM switch to achieve soft switching. For simplicity, here we use the term soft switching to refer to dc-dc converters, quasi-resonance converters, and other topologies that employ resonance to reduce switching losses. Two major techniques are employed to achieve soft switching: zero-current switching (ZCS) and zero-voltage switching (ZVS). This chapter will focus only on ZCS and ZVS types of PWM dc-dc resonant switches and their steady-state analyses. 6.1 Types of dc-dc Converters As shown in previous chapters, linear-mode and switch-mode converters have been used widely in the design of commercial dc-dc power supplies. Linear power supplies offer the designer four major advantages: simplicity in design, no electrical noise in the output, fast dynamic response time, and low cost. Their applications,

A Family Of Soft-swtching DC-DC Power Converters To High Power Applications - Power Electronics Congress, 1996. Technical Proceedings. CIEP '96., V IEEE International

F m : +55 55 226 21 66, e-mail: leae@eeper. ufsm br UFSM-CT-DELC CT-This paper presents a family of soft-switching C power converters, which is suitdde for high power ations using IGBT's. These converters present the following characteristics: Commutation at zero-current (turn-on and turn-of8 for all active switches without overvoltage and overcurrent, commutation at zero-voltage for the free-whee~~ng diode and PWM operating ut constant frequency. Small power rated auxiliary components can be e feasibility of the proposed family of soft-power converters, the ZCS-PWM Boost Converter is analyzed. Operating principle, commutation analys~s and features are described and verified by ~ p e r ~ ~ e n ~ a ~ results obtained from U prototype operating at rated ai 155 V input voltage and 1.1 kWatts output power. The measured efficiency to full load was about 98%.

Reduction of Power Loss in Boost Converter using Capacitor Switching Method


In the current century, the requirement of dc power plays a vital role in industrial areas. Most of the application needs variable dc power supply for the operation. The efficient dc power is able to control the electrical equipment appropriately. A microcontroller based DC-DC Buck-boost converter is designed and presented in this project. The variable dc voltage obtained from the converter circuit which is controlled by signal representing from microcontroller. In order to control the output voltage of the buck-boost converter, the controller is designed to change the duty cycle of the converter. The simulation circuit is developed using MATLAB simulation program. An experimental set up is developed to verify the simulation results. The buck-boost converter circuit with MOSFET as a switching component is developed. The microcontroller is used to generate duty cycle of PWM signal is programmed. The simulation and experimental results show that the output voltage of the buck-boost co...

IJERT-Analysis and Simulation of Novel Soft Switching High Frequency Boost Converter

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014

https://www.ijert.org/analysis-and-simulation-of-novel-soft-switching-high-frequency-boost-converter https://www.ijert.org/research/analysis-and-simulation-of-novel-soft-switching-high-frequency-boost-converter-IJERTV3IS041034.pdf This paper presents the analysis and simulation of a new type of soft switching boost converter used for high frequency applications. It has an active snubber cell that provides main switch to turn ON with zero voltage transition and to turn OFF with zero current transition. The proposed converter can be operated at high frequencies. In this converter all semiconductor devices operating under soft switching. Also in this converter, there is no additional voltage stress across the main and auxiliary components. Also a modified soft switching converter is also given in this paper. That can be used for ac voltage applications and it can be extended to be used in LED lighting applications. The operation, design and analysis of this PWM boost converter and simulation of new topology is also given in this paper. Index Terms-Boost converter, soft switching, zero voltage switching(ZVS), zero current switching(ZCS), zero voltage transition(ZVT), zero current transition(ZCT)