Reactively and physically compatibilized immiscible polymer blends: stability of the copolymer at the interface (original) (raw)
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Macromolecular Symposia, 2005
Aqueous suspensions of nanocrystals can be obtained by acid hydrolysis of native waxy maize starch granules. The disruption of waxy maize starch granules by 2.2N HCl hydrolysis has been followed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and laser granulometry. The mechanical properties of composite materials made of poly(styrene‐co‐butyl acrylate) filled with starch nanocrystals were characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis. These nanocrystals appeared to be an interesting reinforcing phase in a thermoplastic matrix.
Recent Advances in MALDI Mass Spectrometry of Polymers
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Matrix‐Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) allows the identification of repeat units and end groups, the structural analysis of linear and cyclic oligomers, and the estimate of composition and sequence for copolymers. MALDI has also been applied to the measurement of molar mass distributions in polymers and to the study of thermal and oxidative processes in polymers. This paper illustrates the detection of self‐association in macromolecules made by coupling MALDI and Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), the investigation of polymer oxidation phenomena, and the characterization of copolymers formed in the processing of reactive polymer blends.
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Alkanolamines are used to remove acidic gases such as CO2 and H2S from natural gas. In this study, thermodynamic modeling of the binary component CO2+MDEA, three component MDEA+H2O+CO2 and the quaternary MDEA+AEEA+H2O+CO2 systems were developed using an additional Gibbs argillic model for the first time in the modeling of CO2 solubility in different solutions. The appropriate model was considered using the assumption of an entirely molecular system without any occurrence of chemical reactions and saturated gas phase from the CO2 gas. The nonelectrolyte Wilson nonrandom factor (N-Wilson-NRF) model and the activity coefficient method (γ_φ Aproach) were used to calculate solubility of CO2. The two-component water-CO2 model was modeled and the results were obtained by the accuracy of 1.38 of experimental results. In a three-component, water-CO2-MDEA system with the amount of 6.913, the optimization was developed. The quaternary water-CO2-MDEA-AEEA system was optimized with an overall approximation of 19.537 for all experiment data.
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Lamsfet-Longterm and Multipurpose Storage for Exercise Tasks
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