Perception of “Beautiful” Indonesian Women in The Eka Kurniawan’s Novel “Beauty is a Wound” (original) (raw)

Stereotypes as the Ideology of Feminism in Novels Authorized by Indonesian Female Authors (Ideologicala Gynocritical Feminist Literary Criticism)

International Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture, 2018

This study aims at (1) discovering women stereotypes based on words of the characters’ in the novel in form of text quotations. (2) examining ideology and gynocritics aspect that is how the special characteristics of the feminists’ creative process in terms of style and expression. This study is a qualitative research conducted through descriptive and analytical data analysis by giving exposure and depiction of data in the form of description. Data were collected by using literature study to dismantle aspects of women stereotypes contained in the novel through linguistic expression in the form of text citation since the data sources in this study were dominated by the written data. The data were analyzed grounded on two theories of feminist literary criticism namely ideological and gynocritical feminist criticism theories. The theories are used to discover figures, stereotypes, history, style, theme, genre, structure, profession, customs, traditions and cultures that influence the m...

Stereotypes as the Ideology of Feminism in Novels Authorized by Indonesian Female Authors

International Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture, 2018

This study aims at (1) discovering women stereotypes based on words of the characters' in the novel in form of text quotations. (2) examining ideology and gynocritics aspect that is how the special characteristics of the feminists' creative process in terms of style and expression. This study is a qualitative research conducted through descriptive and analytical data analysis by giving exposure and depiction of data in the form of description. Data were collected by using literature study to dismantle aspects of women stereotypes contained in the novel through linguistic expression in the form of text citation since the data sources in this study were dominated by the written data. The data were analyzed grounded on two theories of feminist literary criticism namely ideological and gynocritical feminist criticism theories. The theories are used to discover figures, stereotypes, history, style, theme, genre, structure, profession, customs, traditions and cultures that influence the mindset of female authors. The results show that many women stereotypes paint the works of female authors. Based on three novels authorized by Indonesian female authors studied show that they are obviously consistent in exposing the stereotypes in every writing of their novels. The stereotypes revealed in these novels serve as the basis for the struggle of female authors and their expression in an attempt to voice the dignity of Indonesian women in various sectors of life including politics, social, economic, and culture, in order to align with men. As a result, the struggle give birth to a movement called feminism.

The History of Beauty Discourse in Indonesia

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Recent Language, Literature, and Local Culture Studies, BASA, 20-21 September 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Beauty is an interesting object to discuss. Beauty would always associate to women but beauty also part of human culture. Beauty discourse that created from power and industry have so many effects in human's life and society. This study aims to describe the history of beauty discourse that exists in Indonesia This study is conducted through Michel Foucault's archaeology method in order to disclose the various system and ideas, as well as to examine the origin and development on the beauty discourse in Indonesia. The results of this study are a description of the history of beauty discourse that exists and emerged in Indonesia. Those discourses of beauty are sorted into four periods: (1) the era of the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom, (2) pre-independence era, (3) postindependence era, and (4) reformation era. The discourse of beauty that emerged during the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom and pre-independence until postindependence was closely related to those who were in power. Meanwhile, the discourse of beauty that existed during the reformation period was more related to those who were dominant in the beauty industry. Currently the Korean beauty discourse is the dominant one. It emerged and developed along with the growth of Korean popular culture in Indonesia.



Cultural discourse in Balinese people relates to social discourse which lives in line with current development within an ethnic entity. This writing aims at giving articulation in form of comprehension upon the existence of Balinese women in criticizing something felt as cultural unfairness which marginalizes themselves as individual and women. The study is in form of feminist literature which focuses on woman representation in the world of literature. The existence of feminist theory is intended to elevate the marginalization of woman literary works or marginalization of woman in literature. There are three focuses, namely: 1) giving text of woman author work, 2) discussing woman character in literary work, and 3) studying the response of woman reader upon the literature. The cultural criticism conducted by Balinese women in the novels of Balinese writer such as AA PanjiTisna, Oka Rusmini, Putu Wijaya concerns about the existence of cultural rebellion which is related to monolithic...

Women's Struggle toward Gender Unfair: A Case Study in Indonesian Novel

Linguistics and Literature Studies, 2014

This study aims to describe the struggle of women's characters toward gender unfair in domestic and public sector that reflected in Indonesian's novel. The root of the problem is patriarchy system that operated through various media in all field of life in society. In order to achieve the aims of the study, a descriptive qualitative approach with feminism literature critic is used. There are thirteen novels that are used as the source of the data: Azab

Feminism in Javanese Culture: An Analysis of Gender Inequality in Alun Samudra Rasa Novel

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st Seminar and Workshop on Research Design, for Education, Social Science, Arts, and Humanities, SEWORD FRESSH 2019, April 27 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, 2019

Women become victims of violence committed by men. Men consider themselves as the powerful ones and think that everything is in their control, so women are often degraded. The existence of inequality possibly results in gap between men and women as well as discrimination toward women. Gender inequality experienced by Javanese women is portrayed in Alun Samudra Rasa novel by Ardini Pangastuti Bn. This study was descriptive qualitative with the employment of feminist literature criticism approach on Alun Samudra Rasa novel. Feminist literature criticism was used to investigate how gender inequality toward female main character occurs in that novel. Source of primary data was a novel entitled Alun Samudra Rasa. Technique of data collection utilized literature study and interview. Technique of data analysis was content analysis combined with Feminist literature criticism approach. After analyzing the data, it is concluded that there are some forms of gender inequality toward female main character, namely subordination, stereotype, violence, and workload. These represent feminist view in Javanese society. Besides, in Javanese culture, feminist approach can be used as moral lesson for not considering women as a weak creature.

Finding Feminist Literary Reading: Portrayals Of Women In The 1920s Indonesian Literary Writings


Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat potret perempuan dalam tiga karya yang ditulis oleh penulis laki-laki dengan menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis. Melalui teknik pem-bacaan yang mendalam (close reading technique), penelitian ini menggunakan kritik sastra femi-nis untuk menelaah potret perempuan dalam tiga karya tersebut. Temuan dalam tulisan ini me-nunjukkan bahwa di satu sisi perempuan masih terbelenggu oleh patriarkat, tetapi di sisi lain pe-rempuan bukanlah korban patriarkat yang pasif: perempuan tetap berupaya untuk keluar dari be-lenggu ini dan memutus rantai penindasan patriarkat melalui kebebasan dan otonomi personal. Kata-Kata Kunci: sastra Indonesia modern, tahun 1920-an, Balai Pustaka, perempuan, kritik sastra feminis Abstract: Modern Indonesian literature can be said to be born around 1920s with the publication of modern Indonesian literary works by Balai Pustaka. Amongst the works published by Balai Pustaka in the 1920s, there are most popular works namely Sitti Nurbaya (1922), Azab dan Seng-sara(1927) and Salah Asuhan (1928) representing the tone of 1920s literary productions. This paper aims to look at images of women in those three works written by male authors, using feminist literary criticism. By means of close reading technique, the study uses feminist literary criticism to examine and (re)examine the images of women portrayed in those three works. The finding shows that on one hand some women are still trapped with the shackle of patriarchy, but on the other hand some women are not simply passive victims of patriarchy: these women still attempt to escape from the patriarchal chain and cut out the patriarchal oppression.

Women’s Objectification in Tanah Tabu and Cantik Itu Luka


This research was motivated by the phenomenon of woman objectification in the public life as outlined in a literary work in the form of a novel. This study aims to describe and explain the various forms of objectification experienced by women in the novel Tanah Tabu by Anindita S Thayf and the novel Cantik Itu Luka by Eka Kurniawan. Type of research this is research qualitative by using the method of analysis of the contents. The data of this research are the objectification of women from words, phrases, clauses and sentences contained in both novels that meet the criteria for objectification of women. Technique data collecting by way of reading and understanding, establishing characters major and figures companion, identify data related to the shape of the objectification of women in both novels. The results of the research on women's objectification in both novels are as follows: Woman objectification can be divided into eight types, namely instrumentality, rejection of autono...

Representation of Women’s Struggle in Indonesia Contemporary Novels: Liberal-Feminist Studies

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

This study aimed to describe the form of the struggle of women in Indonesian contemporary novels. To describe the form of the struggle of women in Indonesian contemporary novels, the theory of liberal feminism was being used. This study used a qualitative method of content analysis techniques. Data validation was done by triangulation techniques, which checked the validity of data that take advantage of something else outside of the data. The data of this study were words, phrases, and sentences from the narrator or a character that describe the struggle of women. Source of research data were the text of the novels Para Priyayi by Omar Khayyam, Saman by Ayu Utami, Kitab Omong Kosong by Seno Gumira Adjidarma and Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini. Based on the result of the analysis found that the forms of stuggle done by women in the contemproray novel are (1) the struggle to find the equal righs in education and politic, (2) the struggle to be free from patriarchal culture, namely do not regarding man as a strong and a superior man and man have no right to decide a choice.

Logic Of Phallus And Object Of Desire: Rethinking ‘Masculinities’ in Literary Works of Contemporary Indonesian Woman Writers

SULUK: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya, 2021

The recent studies commonly pointed out that literary works of contemporary Indonesian women writers have coined feminist ideology. However, the study on reading these writers in ‘masculine’ perspective is rarely given. This study amins to analyze the works of two important Indonesian women writers, Ayu Utami and Djenar Maesa Ayu to demonstrate the inadequate definition of labels 'masculine' and 'feminine’ as binary opposition between male and female for explaining a much more fundamental problem: desire. This study concluded that first, the short stories of Ayu Utami and Djenar Maesa Utami demonstrate—in Connell's terminology—the master signifier or—in Lacan's terminology—phallic desire towards male, meaning that, instead of being regarded as "feminist champions," they are possible to be considered as "masculine without an object." Second, concept of "masculine without an object" is plural and splitted. Although neither Djenar nor U...