Latinité « originale » et latinité « renforcée » dans une région isolée de Transylvanie (original) (raw)

Sur les mots latins hérités seulement en roumain

Revue De Linguistique Romane, 2002

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Lénition et fortition des occlusives en coda finale dans deux langues romanes : le français et le roumain

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020

L'exploration automatisée de grands corpus permet d'analyser plus finement la relation entre motifs de variation phonétique synchronique et changements diachroniques : les erreurs dans les transcriptions automatiques sont riches d'enseignements sur la variation contextuelle en parole continue et sur les possibles mutations systémiques sur le point d'apparaître. Dès lors, il est intéressant de se pencher sur des phénomènes phonologiques largement attestés dans les langues en diachronie comme en synchronie pour établir leur émergence ou non dans des langues qui n'y sont pas encore sujettes. La présente étude propose donc d'utiliser l'alignement forcé avec variantes de prononciation pour observer les alternances de voisement en coda finale de mot dans deux langues romanes : le français et le roumain. Il sera mis en évidence, notamment, que voisement et dévoisement non-canoniques des codas françaises comme roumaines ne sont pas le fruit du hasard mais bien des instances de dévoisement final et d'assimilation régressive de trait laryngal, qu'il s'agisse de voisement ou de non-voisement.

Romanès ou L'intégration traditionnelle des Gabori de Transylvanie

Gabori are Roma from Transylvania, considered as « traditional ». Based on a long fieldwork, the thesis deals about the way they behave: the romanès. This case study, not exhaustive but “total” (from the “total social fact” of M. Mauss) of the Gabori’s society, just wishes to understand and make people understand the sociocultural realities of those particular individuals. The anthropological resources are mobilized and discussed in order to light up the Gabori practices in the fields of clothing, kinship, economy, relation to misfortune, etc. In such a way, we can grab how a strong identitary affirmation is structurally linked to the deep integration of those Roma in the surrounding society, as well as how this particular identity motivates the Gabori traditional integration day after day. The purpose of this work is to show, according to the relevant statement of M. Godelier, “how men live in a society and how they produce a society to live”. The notion of social integration, which assumes that two subjects co-act on the world by mobilizing together different categories of “Us” and “They”, makes it possible to understand how Roma and non-Roma are not part of the same ontology (the terms of being) while they maintain permanent social relations (which are usually positive). The Gabori’s ontology is based on the baxt (Chance-Luck), which makes them naturally different from the Others. As a consequence, the romanès defines itself by the Gaže (not against them or beside them), and, in the same time, out of them, definitely.

”Né de lit illégitime” en Transylvanie dans la deuxième moitié du xixe siècle

Annales de démographie historique, 2014

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Le latin de Scytia Minor, territoire "destiné" au bilinguisme

Latin vulgaire – Latin Tardif, 2018

In this paper I have set out to present the results of a more thorough research about the bilingualism of the Scythia Minor population (nowadays Dobrogea, in Romania) during the entire period in which this region produced written documents. I shall refer both to the local people, native speakers of the Tracian or Geto-Dacian language, and to the speakers of Greek and/or Latin, as well as to those who used Greek and Latin almost on a par. My attention focuses especially on the latter category, in a double attempt: 1) to highlight the mutual influence of Latin and Greek and 2) vulgar and late (phonetic, morpho-syntactic, lexical) aspects in both languages, with a special emphasis on the phenomena which cannot be encountered in the Latin of the Western regions of the Empire. This study takes into account both the statistical data and that provided by the bilingual inscriptions, extremely illuminating for the present research.

Géosites et Patrimoine en Roumanie. Étude De Cas : Les Églises Fortifiées De Transylvanie

A great German civilization lived for more than 700 years in Transylvania. They improved the indigenous life and technology. They built the largest area in the world with fortified churches, more than 150 in a relatively small area (Hârtibaciu's hills). Seven fortified churches of Transylvania are UNESCO monuments. The seven buildings are partly managed by UNESCO for several reasons. Most important, this organization provides assistance in countries that cannot take themselves the safeguard of their heritage. This is Biertan, Viscri, Saschiz, Prejmer, Valea Viilor, Câlnic, and Dârjiu; the seven churches should represent the region with the largest number of fortified churches in the World. The authors had tried to integrate those monuments in a geosite study. This approach will provide a better understanding of these monuments and, in the future, their better integration in tourism activities. The methodological framework of the geosite is more complete and more pertinent to a s...