Monitoring of technical state of unmanned aerial vehicles (original) (raw)
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Realization of Fish Robot Tracking Control Using Position Detecting Algorithm
IEICE Proceedings Series, 2016
In this paper, we need to control the motion of the swimming fish robot in order to implement the aquarium fish underwater robot world. And, it implements positional control of the 3axes trajectory path for fish robot. The applied robot was verified the performance though the certificated fields test. It was satisfied the excellent performance such as driving force, durability and water resistance in experimental results. We can control robot motion that it is to recognize an object by using a video camera without any other sensors inside the fish robot. It is possible to find the position and control the fish robot motion control using RF (Radio Frequency) and controlled through the personal computer. In this paper, we are proposed to realize the control the motion of fish robot tracking control using fish robot position detecting algorithm with MATLAB and Simulink. It was verified by the performance test for the designed aquarium fish robot world.
O ukladaní kociek a iných objektov
summary:Uvedieme históriu a prehľad výsledkov o ukladaní kociek do kvádra s minimálnym objemom a pridáme aj hlavné myšlienky niektorých dôkazov. V závere sa veľmi stručne zmienime o iných ukladacích problémoch
Entry to Problematics of Technology Support and Patenting in Developing Eu Countries
Acta academica karviniensia
This study complements our long-term systemic research so as to promote technological innovation in the EU countries. The main research goal of this study is to examine technological innovation in the developing EU countries and to identify positive and negative technology innovation-related processes. In terms of the methodology of this research, as the main method was chosen Patent analysis of the WIPO database (1980-2014), which we perform in a long term. The patent data were analyzed, verified and summarized for the purposes of this study and subsequently completed by Bibliometric analysis of the technological innovation activities in these countriesfor identifying relevant trends. In the analytical part of our study was in particular examined the overall development of technology patents in the developing EU countries. According to these indicators, among the most successful technology developing countries in the EU mainly belong Poland, Hungary, Romania, and the more successful are also Greece and Bulgaria. Such a long-term study in our conditions has not been realized yet.
The Model of Physical Training in security study programme
Studia Kinanthropologica, 2008
This contribution presents model of physical training in security study programme in conditions of The University of security management in Košice, Slovak Republic, and shows the creation of schedule of this object of study. Contribution has an educological character. In PT study we offer basic and special physical training, including selfdefence and combat, practical shooting /from 3rd term/, and practical training courses-ski and canoeing courses, survival courses, drill on obstacles. Physical training as study object is optional in our conditions in this time.Data from Martinmas term of academic year 2007/08: the attendance ratio of trainees was 65 % from all undergraduates in 1st study year; 47 % in 2nd study year. Ratio representation of activities: the most frequent attended activity from all offered physical activities was selfdefence-yoseikan in 1st study yearthey participated in it 53 % of all undergraduates in 1st study year, and judo-55 % students in 2nd study year. Then followed swimming, sportgames and bodybuilding; least athletics-fittness, depending on study year.
Determination corrosion rate of welded joints realised by MAG technology
Koroze a ochrana materialu, 2017
The paper deals with evaluation the corrosion characteristics of welded joints in two corrosion environments – SARS and 0.1 M NaCl solution. Welds were made by MAG technology using three protective gas mixtures - Ferroline He20C8, Ferroline C18 and Ferroline C6X1. There were realised chemical analysis of the base material and weld metal of all welded joints, Vickers hardness test of the base material, heat affected zones and weld metals, metallographic analysis of all areas of welds and measurement of base and weld metal corrosion rate in two corrosion environments. Hardness increases from the base material through the HAZ to the weld metal. The maximum difference between the hardness of the weld metal and the base material is 36 HV 0.1 - realised welds do not show a notch effect. The corrosion rate of the materials in SARS solution was higher than in the NaCl solution. The corrosion rate in weld metals of all welded joints was lower than the corrosion rate of the base material. The...
Geografické informácie, 2018
Based on analysis of the natural environment, market survey in terms of available tourism products and knowledge of customer needs by an electronic questionnaire method, we created a proposal of an absent type of demand of the Orava Tourism Region. We created a new product focused on the presentation of the existing extreme sports in the region called "Orava As You May Not Know It." For its promotion, we chose rather more effective than costly form by using electronic technologies that help stimulate demand and bring long-term prosperity of the territory.
Influence of the inter-block pillars stability on the mechanized overhead stopping method
The paper focus on the geomechanical analysis of underground mining by extraction of the deposit of magnesite minerals in Slovakia. The biggest deposit near Jelńava is called Dubrava massif and is formed by a complex of three magnesit pods (Dúbrava, Miková, Jedľovec) at a length of cc 4.5 km, with the right thickness of up to 600 m. The main extraction technique up the eigthies of the last century was the method of open stope with mining railles mechanization. For selective mining since the nineties was used a new method of extraction: mechanized overhead stopping method, with the inter-block pillars of 5x5 m. The article presents examination of proposal the inter-block pillars for the 220 m level with mathematical modelling and analytical technique.
Výskum používania hier vo vyučovaní fyziky
Scientia in educatione
V článku sú predstavené výsledky pedagogického výskumu zameraného na zistenie používania hry ako vyučovacej metódy vo fyzike a na identifikovanie faktorov ovplyvňujúcich používanie, resp. nepoužívanie hier učiteľmi fyziky nižšieho a vyššieho sekundárneho vzdelávania. V rámci výskumu boli zisťované a porovnávané postoje učiteľov, ktorí sa vyjadrili, že hru vo vyučovaní používajú a učiteľov, ktorí hru neoznačili ako nimi používanú vyučovaciu metódu. Výsledky výskumu poskytujú východiská pre tvorbu didaktických hier, ktoré budú reflektovať potreby, očakávania a obavy učiteľov, čo umožní širšie a efektívnejšie používanie hry ako vyučovacej metódy v prírodovednom vzdelávaní.