Household projections by the headship rates method: The case of Serbia (original) (raw)

Demographic summary of Serbia in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic


In Serbia, from a demographic point of view, 2020 certainly stands out as one of the most significant years of the twenty-first century and, with respect to mortality, of the period after the end of the Second World War. This is mainly linked to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has spread across the planet at an unprecedented rate. The aim of this paper is to present the analysis of Serbia's basic demographic data during the first year of the pandemic and to highlight the most important demographic consequences of the epidemic of the current coronavirus disease. As of 31 December 2020, according to the official SORS estimates, Serbia had 6,871,500 inhabitants, 55,000 fewer than in 2019. The decline is 74% higher than the 20-year average. As the estimates do not include net migration, the real population size is significantly smaller and, according to the author's opinion, it reaches a maximum of 6.7 million (as in 1961). The death toll was 116,850 and it is 15.2%...

Widowed persons in Serbia: Change in number and general demographic characteristics (1980-2016)

Stanovnistvo, 2018

Widowed persons represent a vulnerable population group, especially because the loss of a spouse is usually a part of old people?s experience. In old age, people are typically faced with multiple constraints, related to health, financial resources, family and other social relationships. Changes that accompany the death of spouse and widowhood are generally long-term and largely negative for many widowed persons. With advanced population ageing, the share of the widowed in the total population is increasing, and this is also true for Serbia. With a crude widowhood rate of 11.7% in 2011, Serbia is at the very top of the list of European countries and has the highest widowhood rate of men (5.2%). However, widowhood primarily affects women, and 78% of the widowed in Serbia are widows. This paper analyses the widowhood in Serbia from 1980 to 2016. The main objective is to describe the trends and characteristics of widowed persons in this period. This article is primarily based on the ana...

Ekonomski aspekti pandemije COVID-19: slučaj Republike Srbije

Ecologica, 2021

Pandemija COVID-19, pored zdravstvene krize svetskih razmera, snažno je ugrozila globalni ekonomski rast i razvoj. Danas, u drugoj godini pandemije, još uvek su velike nepoznanice dužina i dubina ekonomskih posledica koje nas čekaju, ali i trajanje ekonomskog oporavka. Neizostavno se postavlja pitanje kakve su ekonomske posledice pandemije COVID-19 na malu, otvorenu i zavisnu privredu kakva je Srbija? Uprkos pandemiji, kako bi se ostvarili planirani ekonomski rezultati Srbija zadržava kontinuitet i posvećenost ključnim nacionalnim prioritetima-povećanje javnih investicija u zdravstveni sistem, saobraćajnu, energetsku i komunalnu infrastrukturu. Obzirom da je cilj ekonomskog razvoja stvaranje uslova za širenje materijalne baze celog društva radi obezbeđenja društvenog blagostanja, ovaj rad je posvećen analizi ekonomskih aspekata pandemije COVID-19 u slučaju Republike Srbije. U radu su predstavljeni prioriteti ekonomskog razvoja Srbije, osvrt na uspešnost sprovođenja razvojne strategije usled vanrednih okolnosti, kao i priprema za buduće izazove u cilju bolje ekonomske perspektive i očuvanja privredne aktivnosti na što višem nivou. Takođe, prezentovani su i relevantni makroekonomski pokazatelji, kao merila aktuelnog stanja privrede pogođene pandemijom, zajedno sa predlozima za brži ekonomski razvoj Srbije u postpandemijskom periodu.

Suicides in Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century and trends in the past fifty years

Stanovnistvo, 2007

In 2006 in Serbia, 1444 persons committed suicide (19.5 per 100.000 population. Compared to the early 50s of the 20th century, the number of suicides has nearly doubled, but there has been a moderate decrease in the last 15 years. Similar, but somewhat more moderate tendencies are noted in the change of the value of the suicide rates. The lowest suicide rates were recorded during the 1950s, around 12 per 100.000, and the highest in the last decade of the 20th century when the rate reached 20 suicides per 100.000 inhabitants. The highest suicide rate is among the elderly, and there is also a noticeable tendency of increase in the share of the elderly in the total number of suicides, which is primarily the consequence of intense demographic aging. With youth, the last thirty years note a decline of both the number of suicides and the value of the suicide rates. The number of young people aged 15-24 who have committed suicide in 2006 is less than half of the number from 1971 (decreased...

Changes in the population trends in the town of Novi Sad in the period between two censuses

Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, 2006

According to the 2002 census, Novi Sad, the capital of The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has 299.294 inhabitants, including the suburban settlements, which makes 14,7% of the total population of Vojvodina. The Town of Novi Sad includes two urban municipalities: Novi Sad and Petrovaradin that is fifteen settlements. The goal of this paper is to point to the changes in the population trends in the suburban settlements and Novi Sad which occurred in the period between the censuses 1991 and 2002. In the mentioned period, the number of inhabitants increased in all settlements except Kisac, where on the average there were 34,4 inhabitants less every year. The population of Novi Sad and Veternik increased most. The basic question to be asked is: was the growth in the number of inhabitants caused by the positive natural increase or was due to the immigrated population.

Seasonality of suicide deaths in Serbia, 1990-2012

Stanovništvo, 2014

Ciklične varijacije suicida, a naročito njihova sezonalnost davno je utvrđena, i to u svim delovima sveta. Može se reći da se Srbija u tom pogledu ne izdvaja, mada je u dosadašnjim istraživanjima samoubistva, posebno onim demografskim, temporalnim karakteristikama posvećena mala pažnja. Cilj rada je da se za Srbiju ocene sezonske varijacije u periodu 1990-2012 (evidentirano je ukupno 32.855 suicida), kakvi su trendovi prisutni i sagleda koliko je ta pojava u skladu sa ustanovljenim obrascima u drugim zemljama. U radu su primenjeni "klasični" statistički metodi ocene cikličnih varijacija (2-test, Edwardsova procedura), zatim neki skorašnji metodi (peak-low ratio), a uveden je i jedan novi pokazatelj intenziteta mesečnih varijacija suicida (indeks MtMV). Istraživanjem je utvrđena unimodalna distribucija suicida, s maksimumom u proleće i leto i minimumom u zimu. Po mesecima, najviše samoubistava je u maju, dok je maksimalan prosečan broj samoubistava po danu izračunat za jun (21 % veći od proseka za 1990-2012). Decembar se izdvaja kao mesec s najmanjim brojem i najmanjim dnevnim prosekom samoubistava (25 % manje od proseka). Sezonalnost suicida je jasno izražena tokom čitavog posmatranog perioda, i nisu primećena bitnija kolebanja odnosno smanjenje intenziteta varijacije. Temporalne karakteristike su razmatrane i po polu, i nisu utvrđene bitnije razlike u cikličnosti suicida kod muškaraca i žena.

Childlessness among women of reproductive age in Serbia from a demographic perspective


The social, economic, and cultural changes that have taken place in Europe in the past few decades in the field of fertility have been accompanied by an increase in permanent childlessness. The childlessness level among women born in 1968 is 12% in Serbia, slightly below the European average (14%). The aim of this paper is to explore in more detail the level of childlessness in Serbia and the characteristics of women aged 15-49 without live births. Changes in childlessness over a 60-year period (1961-2020) by five-year age groups were analysed. The basic characteristics of childless women of reproductive age by education, marital status, and age were observed from 1991 to 2011. The paper is based on census and vital statistics data. The authors introduce two new indicators of childlessness: the general childlessness rate (GChR) as the share of women without live births in the total female population aged 15-49, and the age-specific childlessness rate (ASChR) as the percentage of chi...