Pemanfaatan Biogas Termurnikan Berbasis Metode Kalsinasi Pada Kendaraan Bermotor (original) (raw)

Analisis pemakaian bahan bakar biogas termurnikan pada unjuk kerja motor bakar


The long term purpose of this research is to obtain the high quality renewable biogas that can be used as fuel for internal combustion engines to drive an electricity generator as energy diversification efforts in the area of small sustainable islands. The specific target expected to be achieved is a method/technique for absorbing impurities contained in biogas, especially CO 2 component. The study was conducted to reduce the level of CO 2 in biogas using NaOH solution. The mass flow rates of biogas employed were 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 l/min. The biogas was then tested using an engine to see the effect CO 2 on the engine performance at several rotations, i.e. 1500, 2500, 3500, and 4500 rpm. The results show that the torque increases by 21.3% for biogas B2 compared to the unpurified biogas. For biogas B4, the torque increases by 19.1%. While for biogas B6, B8, and B10, the torques increase by 14.9%, 12.8%, and 8.5% respectively. For biogas B2, the SFCE decreases by 33.4%, for biogas B4, t...

Teknologi Motor Bakar Bensin Untuk Mencapai Persyaratan Batas Maksimal Polusi Dan Efisiensi Pemakaian Bahan Bakar Bensin

Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, 2015

Sebagaimana yang telah diketahui bahwa semakin lama semakin meningkatnnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang beredar, baik itu kendaraan roda empat, dan yang mengalami peningkatan cukup tinggi adalah kendaraan bermotor roda dua. Di sini diharapkan kendaraan bermotor yang di produksi menggunakan teknologi untuk memenuhi persyaratan batas maksimal dari polusi yang ditimbulkan pada gas buang. Setiap pemakai kendaraan bermotor baik itu roda empat maupun roda dua tentunya mengharapkan dapat memiliki kendaraan yang hemat bahan bakar. Pengoperasian kendaraan oleh pemakai biasanya tidak akan mencapai hasil yang sama untuk segala kondisi pengoperasian, misalnya pengoperasian kendaraan pada kecepatan penuh sangat berbeda dengan kendaraan yang dioperasikan di dalam kota yang sering berhenti. Hal ini sangat menentukan pemakaian bahan bakar. Pengaturan pencampuran dan masuknya bahan bakar ke dalam silinder perlu dibedakan, antara operasi beban penuh dan operasi beban rendah atau menengah. Keadaan lingkungan yang makin menguatirkan, disebabkan oleh polusi udara dari kendaraan bermotor, mewajibkan para perencana dan produsen kendaraan bermotor untuk memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah dan lembaga pengawas lingkungan. Standar yang disusun menuju pada suatu kondisi di mana kadar komponen-komponen gas buang yang beracun dan membahayakan kesehatan manusia, dibuat seminimal mungkin dan diusahakan mendekati nol. Agar tuntutan tersebut dapat dipenuhi, telah banyak dilakukan perubahan desain kendaraan bermotor. Beberapa contoh di antaranya yaitu menggunakan material yang lebih ringan, mengganti sistem penyemprotan bahan bakar, mengubah ketinggian pembukaan katup silinder dan waktu mulai buka dan lamanya pembukaan. Kata Kunci: motor bensin, katalisator, katup, silinder ABSTRACT As is well known that the longer the increasing number of vehicles in circulation, both fourwheeled vehicles, and the increase is high enough two-wheel motor vehicles. Here is expected in the production of motor vehicles that use the technology to meet the requirements of the maximum limits of pollution generated in the exhaust gases. Every motor vehicle user both four-wheel and two wheels can certainly expect to have a fuel-efficient vehicles. Operation of the vehicle by the user typically will not achieve the same results for all operating conditions, eg vehicle operation at full speed very different from the vehicles operated in the city that often stops. This will determine the fuel usage. Mixing arrangement and the entry of fuel into the cylinder is necessary to distinguish between full load operation and low or medium load operation. The environment is increasingly worrying, caused by air pollution from motor vehicles, obliging planners and motor vehicle manufacturers to meet the requirements set by the government and environmental monitoring agencies. Standards developed leading to a condition in which the levels of the components of the exhaust gases which are toxic and harmful to human health be minimized and cultivated close to zero. In order for these demands can be met, has done a lot of motor vehicle design changes. Some examples of these are using lighter materials, replace the fuel spraying systems, change the height of the opening of the cylinder valve and open the start time and duration of the opening.

Teknologi Terapan Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Pencucian Kendaraan Dengan Metode Koagulasi Dan Biofilter Multimedia

Media Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar, 2018

Waste water generated by the efforts of the washing of vehicles is directly discharged into water bodies or waterways will cause pollution in water bodies due to the characteristics of the washing process that generates the content of the detergent or ionic surfactants and COD concentration is high contained in the waste water washing the car and potentially causing a decrease in the quality of water bodies and cause unpleasant odors, it is caused by the nature of the detergent and oil are difficult to decompose, causing a decrease in self purification of the water body. Under these conditions, the necessary technology can be used to deal with waste car wash. This study aims to determine the ability of coagulation methods and biofilter in lowering levels of contaminants COD (chemichal Oxygen Demand) and the levels of detergentthe vehicle washing waste. This study is Praeksprimen with Pretest-Posttest Design draft that begins with a literature review, a preliminary study and research core that is making the tool coagulation and multimedia biofilter. Data on laboratory results were analyzed descriptively explained in the form of tables, graphs and narrative that describes the overall process that occurred during the study. Based on the research that the method of coagulation and multimedia biofilter reducing levels of COD (chemichal Oxygen Demand) washing the vehicle with the efficiency decreased by 55.99 mg / l (64.84%) and the content of detergent (MBAs) in wastewater effluents washing vehicles with efficiency penu (Runan of 86,05mg / l (40.05%) the processing is compliant with the standards in accordance Government Regulation No.82 of 2001 on processing of water Quality and water Pollution Control who will be discharged into water bodies class III, shall not exceed 200 mg / l.

Potensi Daur Ulang Limbah Cucian Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan Reaktor Filter Karbon Aktif Sistem Kontinu


ABSTRAK Jasa pencucian kendaraan adalah salah satu kegiatan industri yang menggunakan deterjen sebagai bahan penunjang untuk membersihkan motor dan mobil. Namun tanpa disadari, limbah pencucian kendaraan dapat menyebabkan pencemaran air karena terdapat beberapa parameter (kekeruhan, surfaktan, dan COD) dengan kadar tinggi yang terkandung dalam air limbah tersebut yang akan menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air tanah dan air permukaan sehingga diperlukan penghematan air dengan daur ulang dan perbaikan kualitas air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan konsentrasi kekeruhan, surfaktan, dan COD yang terdapat dalam air limbah buatan pencucian kendaraan bermotor dengan menggunakan satu buah reaktor dengan tinggi 100 cm, diameter reaktor 10 cm, tinggi media karbon aktif 90cm, ukuran butiran media >2 mm, sampel limbah buatan dengan konsentrasi surfaktan awal 3mg/l, dan memvariasikan debit 0,0088 l/dtk, 0,011 l/dtk, dan 0,0147 l/dtk. Proses adsorpsi dilakukan dengan sistem kontinu. Has...

Optimasi Dan Rancang Bangun Destilasi Untuk Pemanfaatan Limbah Oli Bekas Kendaraan

Teknobiz : Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin

Meningkatnya pemakaian kendaraan bermotor diIndonesia yang mempengaruhi konsumsipemakaian oli untuk pelumas kendaraan, berdasarkan sumber dari Direktorat Jenderal Minyak danGas (Ditjen Migas) konsumsi minyak pelumas (oli) di Indonesia, baik untuk otomotif maupun mesinmesinindustri mencapai 650 juta liter per tahun dengan peningkatan sekitar 7-10% per tahun, haltersebut memicu saya untuk meneliti seberapa besar pengaruh proses destilasi untuk pemurnian olibekas sehingga dapat membantu pengadaan material untuk oli atau untuk diolah menjadi sesuatu yanglain, dengan mengoptimasi dan merancang bangun sistem destilasi diharapkan dapat mampumemurnikan oli sendiri seperti sebelumnya dengan hasil yang lebih baik, seperti yang kita tahu kalaubahan baku pebuatan oli yaitu 70-80% adalah base oil dan 30-20% lagi adalah penambahan additive.Dengan menggunakan destilasi tipe bertingkat ternyata dapat menghasilkan minyak yang memilikikualitas baik dan hasil minyak yang mendekati spesifikasi material...


Di Indonesia, pendinginan menggunakan vapour absorption refrigeration system atau sistem refrigerasi absorpsi uap bukanlah hal yang umum digunakan pada kendaraan. Sistem ini tidak seperti sistem refrigerasi kompresi uap yang menggunakan listrik untuk menjalankan kompresornya melainkan menggunakan panas pada generatornya. Penggunaan sistem refrigerasi absorpsi dianggap dapat diaplikasikan pada kendaraan yang menghasilkan panas buang yang berasal dari mesinnya. Artikel review ini membahas mengenai penggunaan panas buang dari beberapa metode transportasi untuk mendinginkan kabin atau produk lewat riset konseptual dengan meninjau literaturliteratur terkait. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mesin bertenaga diesel dapat menghasilkan panas yang cukup untuk memberi tenaga pada sistem pendingin tersebut.


Human dependence on fossil fuels cause the reserves of energy resources is increasingly reduced. To overcome these problems is urgently needed alternative fuels which are cheap and readily available, one alternative fuel is biogas. However, the use of biogas not yet maximized because of low heating value of the biogas produced from the process without purification. Premium fueled vehicle proved to be turned on using biogas. Tests conducted on the variation of the engine rotation of 1500, 2500, 3500, and 4500 rpm and variations of biogas that has been purified using the paste pumice stone with a variation of the flow rate of purification of 2 liters / minute, 6 liter / minute, and 10 liters / minute. In this test should be able to get the best performance in terms of fineness engine rotation (force braking and fuel consumption). From the test results with the variation of rotation and flow rate variations purification of biogas obtained performance of the motor fuel of the best on rotation 4500 rpm with a flow rate of fuel biogas purification of 2 liters / minute produces a torque value of 6.98 Nm and an effective power of 3288.09 Watt while the value SFCE by 0.33 Liter / Jam.Watt. This proves that, biogas purification using paste pumice stone is able to improve quality of biogas.

Pengembangan Bioaditif Serai Wangi Pada Bahan Bakar Bensin Terhadap Performa Mesin Dan Emisi Gas Buang Sepeda Motor

Teknobiz : Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin

Bio-additives are elements derived from plants that are utilized as additives to improve fuel quality. Lemongrass fragrant oil is one of the types used as bio-additives that are volatile and soluble into fuels. The purpose of using this bio-additive is to improve the performance of the machine, but the resulting emissions must be in permissible regulations. This research was conducted by experimental methods, some of the tested samples consisted of gasoline (Pertalite), then the development was done by adding the element of lemongrass aromatic bio-additive on the fuel with a ratio of 1.5:1000 ml, 2.0:1000 ml, 2.5:1000 ml, 3.0:1000 ml, and 3.5:1000 ml. The sample test was carried out to measure engine performance, exhaust emissions, using Sportdevice Dyno and Emission Tester. Also, fuel consumption testing is carried out to determine the efficiency of fuel consumption. The results of this study the use of a fragrant lemongrass bio-additive can improve the performance of the motorcycl...

Kajian Emisi Dan Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Dalam Penggunaan Campuran Bahan Bakar Biosolar Pada Kendaraan Penumpang

ROTOR, 2020

Research has been conducted to determne the effect of using biodiesesl on emission and fuel efficiencyin diesel engine vehicle. Testing was conducted on vehicle 2500 cc fuelled with 2 base fuel of diesel fuel 48 and diesel fuel Euro4 standard in which both of base fuel was blended with biofuel in form of FAME and HVO with ratio of 30% (B30). Test method was using United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, yakni UN ECE R83 and R10. The results showed the addition of 30% FAME and 30% HVO in petrodiesel and diesel fuel 48, was able to reduce CO and HC emissions. While for NOx emissions there has not been a significant change. The addition of FAME to both base fuels was able to reduce particulate emissions, but conversely with the addition of HVO, particulate emissions were higher. The addition of FAME and HVO to petrodiesel has not been able to save fuel consumption, instead there was a slight increase of 0.1% for FAME and 0.5% HVO. Meanwhile for diesel fuel 48 the addition of FAME...