Model Mobilnog Zdravstva Zasnovan Na Tehnologijama Wearable Computing-A (original) (raw)

Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je razvoj modela mobilnog zdravstva zasnovanog na wearable computing-u. Razvijeni model ima za cilj da pokaže jedan od načina integracije koncepata elektronskog zdravstva, mobilnog zdravstva, Interneta inteligentnih uređaja i wearable computinga. U radu je dat prikaz razvoja wearable sistema zasnovanog na uređajima i tehnologijama Interneta inteligentnih uređaja. Razvijeni sistem omogućava merenje otkucaja srca kod pacijenata. Kao podrška wearable sistemu razvijena je mobilna aplikacija koja pruža servise mobilnog zdravstva. Servisi treba da unaprede način pružanja zdravstvenih usluga, praćenje zdravstevnog stanja, sprovođenja preventivnih programa, smanjenje troškova pružanja zdravstvene zaštite i način na koji pacijent uzima aktivno učešće u brizi o svom zdravlju. KljUčne RečI: e-zdravstvo, mobilno zdravstvo, wearable computing, Internet inteligentnih uređaja ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is development of mHealth model based on wearable computing. Developed model aim to demonstrate one way of integrating eHealth, mHealth, Internet of Things and wearable computing. The paper present the development of a system based on wearable devices and technologies of the Internet of Things. The developed system allows the measurement of the patient's heart rate. Mobile application that provides mobile health services is developed in support of wearable system. Those services needs to improve the way health services are delivered, health condition monitoring, and prevention programmes implementation, reduce the costs of health care delivery, and allow patient to take an active role in one's health care.