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This study aims to determine the quality of Landrace porkspermatozoa with the addition of natural thinners of lontar fruit juice and Moringa oleifera Lam. Leaf extract as antioxidants stored at different storage temperatures, namely 5°C (freezer),15°C (refrigerator) and 22°C (air-conditioned room). Semen was collected six times and evaluated both macroscopically and microscopically. The best quality of semen was semen with spermatozoa motility> 70%, concentration> 200x106 cells / ml and abnormal spermatozoa <20%. In this study, there were three treatments, in which the cement with antioxidant diluents was stored at 15°C. (treatment I), 22°C (treatment II) and 5 oC (treatment III). The results showed at the 36th hour of storage the temperature was 22°C with a motility of 55.00 ± 0.20% and a viability of 72.50 ± 0.27%, a temperature of 15°C with a motility of 55.00 ± 0.28% and a viability of 64.50 ± 0.20%, and a temperature of 5°C with a motility of 50.00 ± 0.50 % and viabili...
As-Syifaa : jurnal farmasi, 2017
The burn are injuries to the skin where a response to the skin and subcutaneous tissue to the trauma experienced. The burn with partial thickness is a burn that does not damage the epithelial tissue of the skin and only damage some of the epithelial. This research aims to determine the effect of ethanol extract of betel leaf (Piper betle Linn.) As an antioxidant to burns on the skin back of the rabbit's (Oryctolagus Cuniculus). The experimental method was carried out experimentally, divided into 5 groups and treatment for 7 days, P1 negatife control (made wound on the skin back of rabbit and smeared with vaseline flavum), P2 positif control (made wound on rabbit's skin back and smeared with bioplacenton ointment) P3 (made wound and ethanol extract of betel leaf with 5% concentration), P4 (made wound and ethanol extract of betel leaves with 10% concentration), P5 (made wound and ethanol extract of betel leaves with 15% concentration). The result of the research on the measurement of diameter of burn area on rabbit's skin back before and after treatment, group I 2.5 cm and 2.4 cm, group II 2.5 cm and 1.9 cm, group III 2.2 cm and 1.9 cm, group IV 2.3 cm and 1.8 cm, and group V 2.3 cm and 1.6 cm. The conclusion of ethanol extract of betel leaf (Piper betle Linn) at concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% as antioxidants can heal burns on the skin back of the rabbit's .
This study aimed to observe the anatomical structure and density of secretory cells as well as knowing activity of ethanol extract aktioksidan associated with cell density of the rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza secretion originating from Sub Pengaron Banjar regency, South Kalimantan. Making preparations rhizome anatomy carried out by using Free Hand Section, the analysis of antioxidant activity using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhidrazil). Observations consisting of rhizome anatomical structure of cells of the epidermis, the cortex, endodermis and the central cylinder. In epidermal cells contained little hair cover, the cortex and central cylinder composed of parenchymal cells, cell secretion and the carrier files. The antioxidant activity of ethanol extract obtained from the calculation rhizome Consentrasion inhibition (IC50) ranged from 17.70 to 55.22 ppm. IC50 value of 17.70 ppm rhizome ethanol extract has antioxidant activity 5 times weaker compared to the control of vitamin C (IC50 3.71 ppm) and 3 times weaker than BHT (IC 50 5.57 ppm). At 55.22 ppm IC50 extract has antioxidant activity 15 times weaker compared to the control of vitamin C and 10 times weaker than the BHT. Secretory cell density relationship with the antioxidant activity in test with linear regression analysis showed that there was no relationship between the density of secretory cells per unit area with antioxidant activity in the rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza.
Biomedika, 2023
Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative bacterium which is the main etiologic of urinary tract infection. This species adheres on host tissue and forms biofilm as one of its virulence factors. The increasing cases of antibiotics resistance towards this bacterium causes to develop methods to control E. coli biofilm formation. Kelor (Moringa oliefera) leaves have known to be an antibiotic. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability of kelor leaves extract to inhibit E. coli adherence. Kelor leaves were extracted with the maceration method. The susceptibility of E. coli to this extract was examined by a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test using the broth microdilution method. A bacterial adherence assay was performed by similar methods of the MIC assay. The MIC value for the kelor leaves extract was at a concentration of 5,000 μg/ml. Moreover, this extract inhibited E. coli adherence starting at a concentration of 125 μg/ml and reached a maximum at a concentration of 2,000 μg/ml. Statistical analysis using Oneway Anova demonstrated a significant difference of E. coli adherence following stimulation with kelor leaves extract (p = 0.000). In conclusion, kelor leaves extract can inhibit E. coli biofilm formation.
Jurnal Fitofarmaka Indonesia, 2020
Pomelo citrus (Citrus maxima (Burm) Merr) is a fruit plant that has the potential to be developed for health. Pomelo fruit contains lycopene, flavonoids and vitamin C which can provide antioxidant activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential antioxidant activity of ethanol extract and fraction of n-hexane of pomelo citrus using quercetin as a comparison. Extraction of pomelo citrus fruit using the maceration method with liquid-liquid fractionation using water and n-hexane (1: 3 v / v). Testing of antioxidant activity using the DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazil) method is based on the ability of the sample to capture DPPH free radicals which are characterized by purple to yellow discoloration and a decrease in the absorbance value of DPPH which has reacted with samples in certain concentrations. Absorbance measurements using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 514,942 nm. The results showed that the IC50 value of quercetin was 6.55 µg / mL which was ...
Latar belakang: Kanker kolorektum di Indonesia menempati urutan nomer 3 dengan insiden sebesar 12,8 per 100.000 penduduk usia dewasa, dan mortalitas 9,5% dari seluruh kasus kanker (IARC, 2012). Tingginya biaya dan efek samping yang ditimbulkan dari terapi kanker memicu kita untuk menemukan suatu terobosan baru untuk menekan angka peningkatan kanker kolon sedini mungkin, salah satunya melalui sumber daya alam. Kulit jeruk Mandarin mengandung tangeretin dan nobiletin, senyawa flavonoid yang memiliki efek antikanker yang jarang ditemukan pada tanaman lain. Perjalanan penyakit kanker meliputi proses proliferasi dan metastasis. Migrasi termasuk dalam proses metastasis, dimana sel kanker dapat berpindah ke organ lain. Penghambatan migrasi sel kanker kolon penting dilakukan sebagai upaya preventif agar sel kanker tidak bermetastasis ke organ lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh ekstrak etanol kulit jeruk Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) dalam menghambat migrasi sel kanker kolo...
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA)
This study was conducted to determine the effect of ethanol concentration on antioxidant activity and to obtain the highest antioxidant activity in red betel leaves extract using the MAE method. The experimental design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with an ethanol concentration treatment consisting of five levels, namely 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90%. All treatments were repeated three times to obtain 15 experimental units. The data obtained were analyzed by variance and if the treatment had significant effect followed by Duncan test. Treatment of ethanol concentration had a very significant effect (P <0.01) on yield, total phenol, total flavonoids, and antioxidant activity. The results showed that 90% ethanol concentration was the best treatment which produced a yield of 25.17%, total phenol 106.00 mg GAE / g extract, total flavonoids 46.98 mg QE / g and antioxidant activity based on IC50 at 81.61 ppm. Keywords : red betel leaves, ethanol, MAE, antiox...
The research in this paper aims to determine the effectiveness of immunostimulants from ethanol extract of coffee parasite leaves (Loranthus ferrugineus Roxb) with four variants of doses of 50mg / kgBB, 100mg / kgBB, 200mg / kgBB, 400mg / kgBB. This study used 18 male white rats with 200 gram BB which were divided into 6 treatment groups. Rats were injected with 0.1ml SDMS 1% for 7 consecutive days intraperitoneal, then on the 7th day each blood sample was taken through veins in the tail, CMC Na 0.5% suspension, and Levamisole suspension 50mg / kgBB as a positive control was administered orally on the 8th day. Then blood samples were collected in a micro tube and then 1900rpm was centrifuged at a temperature of 4oC for 10 minutes. The results of the study of ethanol extract of coffee parasite leaves proved effective as immunostimulants because they have a value close to positive control, starting from a dose of 200mg / kgBB to 400mg / kgBB.
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Farmasyifa, 2019
Kerehau (Callicarpa longifolia Lamk.) adalah tumbuhan yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri, antiinflamasi dan analgetik. Tetapi, belum ada yang penelitian kerehau sebagai antidiabetes. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas antidiabetes dari ekstrak etanol daun kerehau. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Tes Toleransi Glukosa Oral (TTGO) dan defisiensi insulin dengan menggunakan mencit galur swiss webster yang dikelompokkan menjadi 6 kelompok yaitu kontrol negatif, kontrol positif, pembanding (glibenklamid 0,65 mg/KgBB), dosis I (75 mg/KgBB), dosis II (150 mg/KgBB), dosis III (300mg/KgBB). Pada metode TTGO mencit diberikan glukosa monohidrat 3g/KgBB sebagai kontrol positif dan di ukur kadar glukosa darah setiap 30 menit selama 150 menit. Pada metode defisiensi insulin mencit dinduksi aloksan dosis 55-60 mg/KgBB. Pemberian bahan uji dilakukan selama 14 hari dan diukur kadar glukosa darah pada hari ke-7 dan ke-14. Hasil TTGO menunjukkan bahwa dosis 150 dan dosis 300 dapat menurunkan KGD pada menit ke-30. Pada defisiensi insulin semua dosis dapat menurunkan KGD pada hari ke-7. Kesimpulannya yaitu ekstrak etanol daun kerehau memiliki aktivitas antidiabetes dan dosis yang paling efektif yaitu dosis 75 mg/KgBB.
Measurement of antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of Marunggai leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam) was conducted. The aim research to obtain antioxidant activity using FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power). Marunggai leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam.) ware extracted using maceration method by ethanol 96 %. Free radical activity absorbance was measured with a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 720 nm and the total value of antioxidant activity was calculated based on the data absorbance. The calculations showed that Marunggai leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam.) have the antioxidant activity with the value 7,923 mg AAE/g extract.