الإضافة ومعانيها في سورة الفرقان: دراسة نحوية (original) (raw)

دراسة تحليلية وصفية عن الأسماء المشتقة في سورة الطارق


Linguists consider that the study of derivatives is an important subject in the study of Arabic language because it has characteristics that differ from other languages in the world. Arabic language teaching in Indonesia is widespread, this study has not been a top place among Arab students. Starting from this point of views, in this article the researcher would like to contribute the share in this study, especially on the words derivatives in Surat Al-Tarik, it becomes from this point of view, a common derivative study in the hands of Arab students as is commonly known. The researcher used qualitative research in his research, which the type of qualitative desk study is the descriptive method, and the researcher used the method of content analysis to get access to the information. The result of this research is that the derivatives names in this surah are ha>fiz{, da>fiq, qa>dir, na>s}ir, and al-ka>firi>n.

التحليل البلاغي للظاهرة الصوتية في القرآن الكريم (المنهجية وخصوصية النص)

Bingöl Üniversitesi, 2018

لعل الذي يؤسس لصعوبة الدراسات المتعلقة بالتحليل الصوتي هو نقص المرجعية الدلالية للأصوات؛ من جهة المعجم اللغوي الصوتي، أو من جهة العرف بين المتكلمين _ وكلاهما مرتبط بالآخر؛ فليس لدارس الصوت معجمٌ لغوي لمعاني الأصوات يبني عليه أحكامه، كما هو الحال في معاجم المفردات (الكلمات)، كما أنه ليس للصوت في نطاق التداول معنىً في ذاته يمثل عرفاً عاماً، إذ الغالب عليه أن يأتي مصحوباً بالتحيّزات النفسية والذهنية لمستعمله ، وهذا ما يجعل الخوض في الحقل الصوتي ضرباً من المغامرة الخطرة، لا هادي فيها ولا دليل غير الرأي الذاتي، مما يجعلها عرضةً للاتهام بالخروج عن المنهج العلمي القائم على التعليل والتجريب، والذي تتصف نتائجه عادةً بقدرٍ كبيرٍ من الثبات. ولعل هذه الأسباب هي التي جعلت جهود كثير من الدارسين في الحقل الصوتي تتصف بالتجاور لا بالتراصف والتركيب (إن صح التعبير)، يكاد لا ينبني فيها رأي على آخر، تبدأ في معظمها من الصفر، من غير التفاتٍ_ ذي معنى وتأثير فاعل_ لجهدٍ سابق. والسبب الرئيس في ذلك هو البعد الشخصي الذاتي للنتائج التي يخرج بها عادة دارسو هذا الحقل.

الأسرار البيانية والمقاصد البلاغية من ورود الأمر في القرآن العظيم والرد على مطاعن المخالفين

Al-Dad Journal

A meticulous rhetorical article in a detailed scientific response to the non-scientific doctrine that denies the Sunnah of the prophet (PBUH) and attempts to nullify the cornerstone and the hypothesis of Fasting, from a rhetorical and intentional perspective of the occurrence of the matter in the holy Qur'an. My method in response was influenced by the approach of the Egyptian critic Dr. Mustafa Nassef in his book "A Second Reading of Our Old Poetry", where he made the structure of Arabic poetry a complex subject that requires a thorough analytical reading, in a medical sense, in order to dive into the body of the studied material and extracts its deep secrets and psychological facts instead of the superficial anatomical reading influenced by the Impressionism, which in his view and ours is an outdated reading. As for the goal of the research, it is to fathom out the secrets of the subject's rhetoric in the Great Quran, by defending its miraculous language from the...

The Meanings Of Verses In Surat Al-Alaq And Their relations To Teaching Arabic (a semantic an educational study)/ الأيات في سورة العلق وعلا قاتها في تعليم اللغة العربية دراسة دلالية وتعليمية

Jurnal Al-Maqayis

This study aims to determine the types and relations of meaning contained in the QS al-'Alaq. This thesis uses a qualitative method that is focused on library research. This research uses a multidisciplinary approach that seeks to discuss and examine objects from several disciplines or relate them to different disciplines, namely semantic studies, and education. The collected data is then processed using qualitative research methods, then the analysis technique and data interpretation used is descriptive-semantic analysis, namely examining the meaning of each word used as an interpretive word to interpret the verses in QS. al-'Alaq is based on theories of semantics in general. The results showed the types of meaning contained in QS. al-'Alaq, consisted of several types of meanings, namely: referential meaning, basic meaning or dictionary meaning (alma'na al-asasi wa al-mu'jami), and figurative meaning (al-ma'na al-majazi), and denotative meaning (al-ma'na al-haqiqi). Meanwhile, the relation of meaning between the words or the pronunciation of the Qur'an with the words of its interpretation occurs in four kinds of relations (meaning relationships), namely: Synonym relationships (al-taraduf), Polysemy relationships (ta'addud al-ma'na), the concept of hyponymy and hypernymy (al-Isytimal).