New Light on Dark Matter: Invitation to a Spirited Dialogue (original) (raw)

Divine mathematics, cosmic music and Einstein’s revolutionary thinking: is Physics becoming a new, universal language of humanity?

The topic that this assignment will address is the possibility of Physics becoming a new, universal language of humanity. By penetrating the deeper dimensions of Physics, some scholars may start to feel that their existence is like an orchestra. And that the mind of God is cosmic music resonating through a multidimensional Universe. Should one experience such a feeling, however, have not learned music, one must have arrived at such a beautiful conclusion through an amazing flash of inspiration. There is well-documented evidence for the claim that the greatest, the most path-breaking discoveries and astonishing experiments in fields of Physics would not have been possible without something special like a natural gift, or incredible ability, or perhaps cosmic music. No physicist would dare assert now that our physical knowledge of the universe is near completion, or that there is nothing new to be discovered in Physics. To the contrary, each new discovery seems to unlock a Pandora's box of even bigger, even deeper questions, unsolved problems or mysteries in physics. For example, the concept of infinity found in fractals brings to mind something with no beginning and end where there is no end: patterns which repeat themselves in nature and which give rise to infinite symmetry. Similar patterns are repeated from the micro-atomic to the macro-atomic, from snail shells to spiral galaxies and perhaps even the whole cosmos. Another example includes the parallels between music and mathematics, not many people realise that the first cosmologies, such as those developed by the ancient Egyptians, Hindus, Babylonians, and Greeks, were based on musical ratios (Durant, 1939; McClain, 1978). Pythagoras and Plato applied these same "musical proportions" to their theory of numbers, planetary motion, and to the science of stereometry - the gauging of solids. And so the examples could be limitless how one observation in one field led to a discovery and a fine breakthrough in another field. Although everything begins with an idea, good ideas are not conjured out of anything. Eureka moments may not be a result of the reckless inspiration of the moment but are rather achieved through years of practice, hard work and intellectual effort. Imagination plays a great role and it is more important than logic. For example, Max Planck (1949: 109) held that creative scientists “must have a vivid intuitive imagination, for new ideas are not generated by deduction, but by an artistically creative imagination." Similarly, Albert Einstein reported “to these elementary laws there leads no logical path, but only intuition” (Holton, 1971–1972: 97). Einstein maintained that logic only came later after the creative ideas had emerged through some free, combinatorial process. “Taken from a psychological viewpoint ... combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought – before there is any connection with logical construction in words or other kinds of signs which can be communicated to others” (Hadamard, 1945, 142). Consequently, Einstein continued, “conventional words or other signs have to be sought for laboriously only in a secondary stage when the mentioned associative play is sufficiently established and can be reproduced at will” (Ibid.:143). When we have initiated this self-propelling process then the invasion of ideas cannot be resisted while imagination is advancing the process of expansion. The question is whether the idea or a detailed pattern could repeat itself in the mind of an inventor so that to naturally lead to a productive breakthrough going into infinity and possibly beyond infinity. Surprisingly enough, in writing about science, historians celebrate a few great names - Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Einstein while often neglecting the contributions of common, ordinary people who were not afraid to be motivated by the spirit and trespass another level in their development. To achieve the level of intelligence demonstrated by the great mind pioneers we have to dare to dream and then put our dreams into reality. To do that try to seep into your subconscious mind, that mysterious source of wisdom which never sleeps, which creates your dreams, and then enables you to transform them into reality. Then you will begin to awake, each morning, with vitality for life, your vigour will increase, and your enthusiasm will rise while your desire to get to know the world and then change it will overcome every doubt you once had. Thanks to this process of awakening people will believe to achieve even the impossible because there are no things that are impossible. If it is possible then this process can be inspired by a single focus of the mind giving birth to a yearning for change. The truth is that the most outstanding triumphs of science rest on a "massive foundation created by humble laborers." (Conner, 2005) As observed by this author, "If science is understood in the fundamental sense of knowledge of nature, it should not be surprising to find that it originated with the people closest to nature: hunter-gatherers, peasant farmers, sailors, miners, blacksmiths, folk healers and others." (Ibid.). The predominant question under discussion in this paper is whether creative and revolutionary thought processes require inspiration often generated through cosmic music. It is widely known from the music of Ludwig van Beethoven and more specifically from his ‘Moonlight’ Sonata (No. 14) that maths is used within the composition. Beethoven used the harmonic patterns to represent the mathematical relationship between the pitch frequencies of different notes, which then would form a geometric series. This is a brilliant talent and a truly remarkable idea. It follows that listening to enjoyable music may improve cognition and math skills, performing music offers even more advantages. Learning music improves math skills because, at some level, all music is math. Students who commit themselves to learn an instrument may also learn other skills that help them perform better in school while gaining more complete education. Nobody else has fully and scientifically explored the research question yet, because there are not many cross-disciplinary works that offer a big-picture overview of this topic. Not many previous works capture the intricacies and hinges between cosmology, mathematics and music while investigating this particular subject matter in sufficient detail and from many angles. Thus, this paper explores whether the Universe is not made of chaos, but of a magical, well-ordered whole, in other words - Cosmos, accompanied by cosmic music.

Gribov. I. 2013. From the waveguided gravity to the periodic waveguided multiverse as united solution of dark energy & dark matter & SUSY – mysteries.

The quasi-classical concept of Periodic Waveguided Multiverse (PWM) is proposed. This periodic 4D-hyperstructure has substantial theoretical and observational-cosmological confirmations because it unites and refines the basic physical laws (SR&GR&QM, etc), inseparably emergent in the waveguided dynamics and gives the multiversal explanation of dominating observational DE&DM-mysteries (including predicted and observed two-component DM) – interconnected cosmological evidences for the PWM-existence. The PWM concept can be soon tested in a laboratory: (a) it predicts antigravity in the anti-hydrogen gravity test at CERN; (b) predicts direct-atypical DM&ANTIMATTER annihilation with radiation of one – visible-detectable and one – dark-undetectable gamma quantum - as basis for the proposed selective direct DM-detection. The PWM-foundation is surprisingly compact – it is based on two penetrating Planckian & Einsteinian ideas: (I) - photon-quanta and (II) - principle of equality of our 3D-spatial dimensions (x,y,z) with an additional extra-dimension L, realizing so expanded - automatically Euclidean 4D-space (x,y,z,L). We have applied these basic physical insights in frames of classical-Maxwellian-like 3D-waveguides Wn [x,y,z,nL0<L<(n+1)L0], realizing an endless periodic chain of physically identical parallel W2n/W2n+1 Universes/Antiuniverses (n = +/-1, +/-2, +/-3,…, +/-k), filling this global space (x,y,z,L), where Lo=length el.Compton ~1 picometer, determined by the lightest (electron) rest mass particle. This structure discloses the waveguided co-emergence of the (1) pure C4-dynamical quantized-gapped - “elementary” rest mass; (2) the SR & QM & Newtonian-like, periodic matter/antimatter antigravity; (3) the CPT-PWM symmetry between particles/antiparticles, with the gravity “charge” symmetry (4) the modified Equivalence Principle EPPWM; (5) singularity-less Diracian-like fermions/antifermions and GR-like black/white holes free of singularity; (6) opens physical possibility of the nongravitating – chargeless, very robust scalar (Cooper-like) composites - electron-positron-cells, hidden in their globally coherent superfluid vacuum condensate at low T – as Diracian-like, equilibrium superfluid sea/anti-sea. Common electron/positron pairs arise as elementary defects – Diracian holes/antiholes in this vacuum, disclosing the composite-SUSY nature and explaining why cosmological constant is zero; (7) the global C3-dynamical pseudo-Euclidean 4D-spacetime concept by Minkowski is rethought and reformulated on the 3D-waveguided, 4D-Euclidean physical basis, where global linear intervals (→→→→→C3tMink.) → (↗↘↗↘↗↘↗↘↗↘C4tPWM) - waveguided-polygonal intervals - C4t-parameterizations of the polygonal rest mass particle dynamics, disclosing the waveguided/wave-optical (Huygens-Fermat’s) sense of the mechanical Lagrangian and Hamilton's principle of the least action.

Veda Vedas & Science - The Truth Of Reality.docx

This paper explores cosmological science and Vedic philosophy regarding the origin of the universee. In this paper I investigate the meditative account of the ancient sages way of questionimg the mystery of the universal determination of the truth in ancient Hindu philosophy.

Gribov, I. 2012. Dark matter as pico-windows to physically equal Multiverse worlds with myriads civilizations around us (in extra dimension). (submitted - Jun 24, 2010, publ. 20.01.2012).

The inversed vacuum/matter paradigm is proposed: an “empty” vacuum consists of Cooper-like (e /e+) bosonic composites - building non-gravitating superfluid with non-broken SUSY, (b) mass particles are Diracian-like holes=defects in it. The underlying Periodic Waveguided Multiverse (PWM) concept unites the PWM-emergent SR&EP&GR&QM and explains: (1) the interconnected nature of Dark Energy (DE) and Dark Matter (DM) & the flatness of our Universe/Multiverse & the accelerating expansion & the “bubble” large-scale structure, with the estimated theoretical ratio DE/(DM + Ordinary Matter) ~74%/26%, that is very near to the recently done measurements; (2) creates massive-quantized – elementary, hyper-periodical fermions / antifermions, with the string-like properties and the GR-like black/white holes free of singularities; (3) predicts antigravity in the future antihydrogen-gravity test (preparing in CERN); (4) explains the Cooper-like (e /e+) composite-ghost nature of the supersymmetry (SUSY), providing zero vacuum energy density; (5) predicts natural absence of the hypothetical elementary SUSY sparticles (at CERN); (6) predicts secondary role of the Higgs bosons, because masses of all particles (including Higgs) must be created by the holistic waveguided rest-mass creation mechanism; (7) predicts existence of plenty (physically “cloned”, interconnected) parallel, dark Universes, with enormous density of hyper-civilizations (placed proximally near 10 -100 light minutes in a R4-distance around us)!


This article aims to present the origin and evolution of Universe, Sun and Earth as well as alternative solutions for the survival of humanity with the end of Earth planet, Sun and Universe.

Modern Physics and the Philosophy of Science

Modern Physics and the Philosophy of Science, 2019

This article is a summary of a book which I have published as an Amazon Kindle book. As a retired professor of anthropology who has a strong interest in the philosophy of science, I am now pursuing a life-long interest in physics. However, in reading Modern Physics, I have become more and more critical of the approach it uses, and I believe that the methodology used is unscientific and tends toward metaphysics and mysticism. Hence the book is about epistemology (how we know what we know), primarily focusing on language and logic as ways of knowing. Some physicists have admitted that the physics enterprise is now more mysticism than science. Among these notable physicists are Fritjof Capra and David Bohm who essentially said that modern physics is more similar to Eastern mysticism than Western Science. As an anthropologist who has studied linguistics, I am conscious of the way language is used in science. Two of the terms that are often confused in physics are space and time. Although space and time are metaphysical concepts, they are treated as physical entities since Einstein’s relativity came to dominate physics thinking. Conceiving of these metaphysical entities as physical has led to the vain search for particles of space (space-atons, if you will) and time (perhaps time-atons) as physicists try to quantize space and time as they have quantized matter and energy. Consider this confusion regarding the concept of space. Michelson-Morley found no evidence for ether filling space, in Special Relativity, Einstein said that space is vacuum (nothingness), in General Relativity, Einstein said that space is something material that is subject to be warped by mass thus causing planets to revolve around a star, in quantum physics, space is said to be nothing and something (a quantum foam of particles is constantly being born out of the vacuum). It is apparent that physicists have relied far too much on mathematics and paid much too little attention to the accuracy and consistency of language. It is the thesis of this book that the mathematics of a theory can be no better than the verbal logic upon which these mathematics rest. The book also examines the evidence that supports relativity and quantum mechanics. It was found that the evidence offered as conclusive support for relativity (Haefele-Keating airliner experiment and GPS synchronization) is not nearly as airtight as physicists make it out to be. It is also found that there is contradictory evidence offered for the various interpretations of quantum theory. For example, how does the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics explain the certainty regarding the high level of accuracy of Cesium clocks which depend on quantum emissions? Some physicists I have read are beginning to question the accuracy of the premises upon which Modern Physics rests. Perhaps, it requires an outside perspective to see through the thought molds and group think of insiders more completely. Hopefully, this book provides some insight on the fallacies of physics based in language from an outsider not socialized in the halls of academic physics. If you have any interest in reading my book in its entirety, you may download it from for a free 30-day trial. Douglas Reinhardt, Ph.D. anthropology UNC-Chapel Hill, Chief Interest: Philosophy of Science Retired Professor of Anthropology

2016c (Dec). ISS Theory: Cosmic Consciousness, Self, and Life Beyond Death in a Hyperdimensional Physics. J. of Consciousness Exploration & Research (JCER) Vol 7, No 11, pp. 1012-1035, Dec 2016. Special issue on “Theories of Consciousness & Death”, with editor-at-large Gregory M Nixon.

The Infinite-Spiral-Staircase Theory (ISST) posits a hyperdimension of consciousness populated by faster-than-light, high-energy, sub-Planckian sygons pervading the pluriverse. This HD is in fact triune, a braid of hyperspace (Center, C), hypertime (Rhythm, R) and consciousness (Syg, S), topologically organized as a double phi-based golden spiral set on a double BlackHole-WhiteHole Kerr system. Within the Terminal Black Hole of a parent universe, all matter-systems are translated into pure CSR information or syg-fields steered by the sub-quantum sygons; and through the White Hole at the origin, these syg-fields are translated back from virtual sygons into post-Planck particles and matter systems, still retaining the sygons as a 5 th dimension at their core. ISST builds on the Semantic Fields Theory (SFT) in modeling a semantic layer of organization in all systems—their syg-fields (semantic fields) ranging from proto-consciousness to self-consciousness. As human beings, our mind or consciousness is our global syg-field, organized in dynamical networks and steered by syg-energy—the sygons (Hardy 1998, 2001, 2003). The ensemble of all syg-fields form the cosmic CSR hyperdimension of consciousness, as a gigantic hologram, self-conscious and evolving. Positing a consciousness-HD layer in the universe leads to envision a new paradigmatic stand in philosophy as well as in physics. The syg-HD operates clearly beyond-spacetime and is a beyond-matter layer (thus in accord with dualism); yet, given that consciousness-as-process is steered by the sub-quantum sygon particles, the syg-HD is definitely a blend of energy and mind (as in monism/materialism). Thus ISST reframes the mind-body split in a complex dynamical network systems' framework, as a consciousness HD existing at a sub-quantum scale in all matter systems (thus setting a type of panpsychism), and also as a bulk in its own CSR-HD region. At the scale of the pluriverse, the spacetime regions of specific universe-bubbles are constantly birthed and then die. The HD preexists and survives to these matter regions in the BH-WH double spiral, and pervades them during the life of a universe. In a consciousness-HD (syg-HD) framework, consciousness and our mind—the syg-field— operate mostly via the HD, and only a small part of our syg-field is branching into the brain's neuronal networks. It is because the Self and the mind belong to the syg-HD that they instantiate psi capacities, high meditation states, and some independence from spacetime. In this framework, death is just the severing of links to the brain-body and the Self, at death, becomes fully independent from the body and enjoy (in the HD layer) the same intelligent, creative, and individualized capacities as when embodied, yet with greater psi capacities.