Gravity dual D3-braneworld and Open/Closed string duality (original) (raw)

Curved branes from string dualities

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2000

We describe a simple method for generating new string solutions for which the brane worldvolume is a curved space. As a starting point we use solutions with NS-NS charges combined with 2-d CFT's representing different parts of space-time. We illustrate our method with many examples, some of which are associated with conformally invariant sigma models. Using U-duality, we also obtain supergravity solutions with RR charges which can be interpreted as D-branes with non-trivial worldvolume geometry. In particular, we discuss the case of a D5-brane wrapped on AdS 3 × S 3 , a solution interpolating between

Comments on D-branes in AdS3

Nuclear Physics B, 2001

We study D-branes that preserve a diagonal SL(2) affine Lie algebra in string theory on AdS 3 . We find three classes of solutions, corresponding to the following representations of SL(2): (1) degenerate, finite dimensional representations with half integer spin, (2) principal continuous series, (3) principal discrete series. We solve the bootstrap equations for the vacuum wave functions and discuss the corresponding open string spectrum. We argue that from the point of view of the AdS/CFT correspondence, the above D-branes introduce boundaries with conformal boundary conditions into the two dimensional spacetime.

Some comments on Anti-de Sitter D-branes

We present some preliminary investigations about the AdS 2 ×S 2 D3-branes in AdS 3 ×S 3 . We analyse the quadratic fluctuations of Dirac-Born-Infeld action around a given semi-classical D-brane configuration and compare them with results obtained by using conformal-fieldtheory techniques. We finally study classical motions of open strings attached to those D-branes and analyse the rôle of the spectral flow in this context.

D3-Brane dynamics and black holes

Lecture Notes in Physics, 1999

Using the D3-brane as the fundamental tool, we adress two aspects of D-branes physics. The first regards the interaction between two electromagnetic dual D-branes in 10 dimensions. In particular, we give a meaning to both even and odd spin structure contributions, the latter being non vanishing for non zero relative velocity v (and encoding the Lorentzlike contribution). The second aspect regards the D-brane/black holes correspondence. We show how the 4 dimensional configuration corresponding to a single D3-brane wrapped on the orbifold T 6 /Z 3 represents a regular Reissner-Nordström solution of d = 4 N = 2 supergravity Talk presented by Matteo Bertolini

Some remarks on anti-de Sitter D-branes

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001

We present some preliminary investigations about the AdS 2 ×S 2 D3-branes in AdS 3 ×S 3 . We analyse the quadratic fluctuations of Dirac-Born-Infeld action around a given semi-classical D-brane configuration and compare them with results obtained by using conformal-fieldtheory techniques. We finally study classical motions of open strings attached to those D-branes and analyse the rôle of the spectral flow in this context.

Black hole - D-brane correspondence: An example


We explore the connection between D-branes and black holes in one particular case: a D3D3D3-brane compactified to four dimensions on T6/Z_3T^6/Z_3T6/Z_3. Using the DDD-brane boundary state description we show the equivalence with a double extremal N=2 black hole solution of four dimensional supergravity.

D-branes in lorentzian AdS3

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005

Introduction and motivation 1 2. Euclidean AdS 3 : closed string sector 3 3. AdS 2 D-branes 6 4. Localized D-branes 12 5. Extended D-branes 14

AdS3 solutions of IIB supergravity from D3-branes

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006

We consider pure D3-brane configurations of IIB string theory which lead to supersymmetric solutions containing an AdS 3 factor. They can provide new examples of AdS 3 /CFT 2 examples on D3-branes whose worldvolume is partially compactified. When the internal 7 dimensional space is non-compact, they can be identified as supersymmetric fluctuations of higher dimensional AdS solutions and are in general dual to 1/8-BPS operators thereof. We find that supersymmetry requires the 7 dimensional space take the form of a U (1) fibration over a 6 dimensional Kahler manifold.

Supergravity Duals of Matrix String Theory

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002

We study holographic duals of type II and heterotic matrix string theories described by warped AdS 3 supergravities. By explicitly solving the linearized equations of motion around near horizon D-string geometries, we determine the spectrum of Kaluza-Klein primaries for type I, II supergravities on warped AdS 3 × S 7. The results match those coming from the dual two-dimensional gauge theories living on the D-string worldvolumes. We briefly discuss the connections with the N = (8, 8), N = (8, 0) orbifold superconformal field theories to which type IIB/heterotic matrix strings flow in the infrared. In particular, we associate the dimension (h,h) = (3 2 , 3 2) twisted operator which brings the matrix string theories out from the conformal point (R 8) N /S N with the dilaton profile in the supergravity background. The familiar dictionary between masses and "scaling" dimensions of field and operators are modified by the presence of non-trivial warp factors and running dilatons. These modifications are worked out for the general case of domain wall/QFT correspondences between supergravities on warped AdS d+1 × S q geometries and super Yang-Mills theories with 16 supercharges.

Heterotic string plus five-brane systems with asymptotic mathrmAdS_3\mathrm{AdS}_3mathrmAdS_3

Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2013

We present NS1+NS5-brane solutions of heterotic supergravity on curved geometries. They interpolate between a near horizon AdS3 × X k × T 7−k region and R 1,1 × c(X k ) × T 7−k , where X k (with k = 3, 5, 6, 7) is a k-dimensional geometric Killing spinor manifold, c(X k ) its Ricciflat cone and T 7−k a (7 − k)-torus. The solutions require first order α ′ -corrections to the field equations, and special point-like instantons play an important role, whose singular support is a calibrated submanifold wrapped by the NS5-brane. It is also possible to add a gauge anti-5brane. We determine the super isometries of the near horizon geometry which are supposed to appear as symmetries of the holographically dual two-dimensional conformal field theory.