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Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2017
The research methods are: studying of the scientific literature on the topic, and pedagogical observation. The study concludes that the activity approach in learning is a concept of a new school which will allow to form students' universal actions prepearing them for further education. The main factors of learning in the activity approach is a student's cognitive motive, the desire to learn himself, the stimulation of attention, the ability to specify the purpose and understanding of what it is necessary to learn, the student's actions in order to gain the knowledge, to form the ability to control their behavior both in the classroom and out of it, the personality of the teacher. At the music lessons efficiency of the active approach increases the usage of research methods and interactive technologies, various musical and creative methods, improvisation. The article deals with the main factors, which in fluence on the successful studying of junior students of compulsory schools. The necessity of creative development is grounded at all stages of studying. The article stresses on the conscious usage of the knowledge both at the lesson and in the future life. The article is aimed at considering the necessity of further development of the term "pedagogical creativity" and further searching of the best variants of the development of personality. Such reform will allow the teacher effectively form students' general cultural competence, musical and authentic taste, musical creativity, teamwork skills, the desire for further education, the ability to defend their own opinion, etc. As the volume of the article doesn't allow to consider the phenomenon of the reflection in details-the factor, that gives impetus for self-developing, stimulate for searching something new-the prospects for further scientific researchers are in the grounding of the concept "creative reflection".
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У статті проаналізовано досвід країн, освітнім закладам яких довелось зіткнутись з проявами надзвичайних ситуацій (НС) соціального чи воєнного характеру. На основі аналізу відповідних наукових досліджень авторами з’ясовано, як реагували педагоги та учні на надзвичайні ситуації. Визначено, які основні стратегії реагування педагогів на надзвичайні ситуації пропонують науковці різних країн. Описано структуру та етапи використання «педагогіки політичної травми», стратегії екстреної освіти та моделі педагогіки миру. Зроблено висновок, що розроблені в інших країнах стратегії реагування педагогів на надзвичайні ситуації можуть бути адаптованими в Україні під час організації освіти в умовах воєнного стану та в повоєнний час. Цінною для українських педагогів може бути розширена структура «педагогіки політичної травми», яка складається з чотирьох стратегій: піклування про соціально-емоційне благополуччя учнів (стратегія 1), культивування та розвиток позитивних громадянських настроїв (стратегі...
Introduction The aggravation of the ecological crisis in the 21 century makes relevant the need for finding effective ways to overcome it. The most effective of them is introducing education for the sustainable development and the ecologization of the educational process: forming future teachers (students of pedagogical universities) and school students conscious natural friendly behavior, a scientific picture of the world, which, in contrast, requires the improvement of scientific and methodological provision of the educational process, new approaches to forming the worldview of the younger generation, on the basis of which a person can understand the surrounding reality, orients himself and perceives himself as an eco-oriented person. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the experience of Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University in the field of ecologization of higher pedagogical education with the possibility of its generalization and dissemination into the practice of other pedagogical universities of Ukraine. Methods. In the study a system of methods is used for studying and generalizing pedagogical experience, which includes: studying the university`s work system, studying university`s documentation (work plans and activity reports), analyzing materials of the official university`s webpages, etc. Results. The environmentalization of the educational process at Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University is carried out through the implementation of a holistic system that includes educational, scientific, organizational and legal measures, and is implemented on the international, national and local levels. In the article it is reviewed the following major activities of the University upon ecologization in the recent period: 1) a joint meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and the Academic Council of Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University «New Ukrainian School and Teacher Training» (September, 2017, Hlukhiv); 2) implementation of the International Grant project «Implementing environmental safety strategy: European experience integration» (562284-EPP-1-2015-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) of the European Union Erasmus + Jean Monnet Module; 3) implementation of the international project «University –is a center of public opinion»; 4) creating and active functioning of the centers of international and national civil society organizations on the basis of Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University; 5) participation and holding of All- Ukrainian and International communicative events for the exchange of best practices on the environmentalization of higher pedagogical education and the dissemination of university experience; 6) involvement of students in scientific research on environmental topics and participation in international contests; 7) preparation of textbooks for secondary schools; 8) training of scientific staff through doctoral and postgraduate studies. Originality. For the first time, the events of Hlukhiv NPU on ecologization of higher pedagogical education, which form an integral system of activity, were systematized and presented. Conclusion. The ecologization of higher pedagogical education at Hlukhiv NPU is a systemic, purposeful scientific and pedagogical activity aimed at developing the personality of a student - the future teacher and training him for the implementation of his/her future professional activities on the principles of sustainable development. Implementation of the ideas of sustainable development at school and higher education by the measures of ecologization of content of all educational disciplines and the organization of special thematic programs is still current. strengthening of connections between disciplines of natural sciences and socio- economic cycles of training specialists with higher education; implementation of the development of a system for the formation of an active lifestyle of schoolchildren and students in the field of environmental culture and ethics.
Економіка та суспільство, 2022
Стаття присвячена теоретичним та практичним аспектам з формуванню програми сталого розвитку при наявності фінансових ризиків на підприємстві. Проаналізовані різні поняття науковців, щодо таких термінів: «ризик», «фінансовий ризик» та «сталий розвиток підприємства». Розглянуто основні складові сталого розвитку підприємства та вплив на нього фінансового ризику. Проаналізовано ринок продуктів сухих сніданків в Україні та рівень фінансового стану досліджуваного підприємства ПрАТ «Лантманнен Акса», Проаналізовано вплив всіх фінансових показників та наявність фінансових ризиків. Запропоновано заходи щодо зниження фінансових ризиків, створено нова програма сталого розвитку ПрАТ «Лантманнен Акса».
The article is devoted to modern trends of continuing professional development of academic staff in higher education institutions. The continuing professional development of an academic staff as a process of acquiring of new and improving the existing professional competencies is determined. Based on the analysis of strategic documents of the European Higher Education Area, modern trends of educating and teaching in higher education are described, according to them, directions of continuous professional development of an academic staff are determined. These areas include: development of a facilitator qualities, a coach, a moderator, a tutor, change of the authoritarian role of a teacher to a softer pedagogical support in a student-centered model of educating and teaching; improvement of foreign and intercultural competence to implement internationalization of higher education; development of own research competence and research methods usage as well as modes in conditions of organiz...