[Sláma, Petr. Exodus I, 1-15: Jak jsem zatočil s Egyptem: Český ekumenický komentář ke Starému zákonu 2/1] (original) (raw)
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Sociální integrace Arabů v současných Teplicích
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Emil Saudek neboli homo translatorus
Slovo a smysl, 2019
SYNOPSIS Emil Saudek or Homo Translatorus Emil Saudek (1876-1941) became famous at his time mainly as a translator, interpreter and therefore a propagator of Březinaʼs and Macharʼs works. The sketch presented here is only an attempt-in the confrontation with parts of the preserved correspondence, handwritten notes and sketches and published texts-to observe and explain in what categories and frames he understood (his own) translation work.