The Aurora and the Mother's Arc of Covenant Stargates: A Slide Presentation (original) (raw)

The Ascension Mysteries

Amazon, 2021

Reviews the book of the same title. Readers unfamiliar with this author might begin by reading my reviews of his earlier works, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

The Etheric World: Part 1 -Cosmic Movements

Karma, reincarnation, self-realization and the Divine Feminine as Holy Ghost and God-the-Mother were old Universal teachings originating from Old Civilizations of Mesopotamia, India, China, American and Australian Native Tribes and from Abrahamic cultures. For nearly four centuries after Jesus, Gnostic teachings of spiritual awareness spread alongside the blind faith doctrines of Paul's theory. By the third century AD, the Roman Church's council of Nicaea acted to stamp out the Gnostics and their antidogmatic approach to spirituality. The Gnostic wisdom was declared heretical, their texts destroyed and the Gnostics themselves persecuted into extinction. However, a few Gnostic teachings survived, hidden in caves or in watered-down form in other "heretical" texts (broadly labelled “Apocrypha"). The Gnostics practiced spirituality was more similar to Eastern traditions than to Western Churchianity of today. Unlike the blind faith demanded by today's Churches, 'Gnosis' meant direct experience of Spirit by following Jesus’ teachings – they were similar to the Indian metaphysical treatises on Self-Realization: "It is not by argument the ‘self’ and Self is known... Distinguish the Self from the body and mind. The Self, the atman (soul) the highest refuge of all, pervades the Universe and lives in the hearts of all. Those who are trained in the Self and who practice constant meditation gain that changeless and Self-effulgent atman (Spirit Self)”. The Self Realized person lived in direct experience of Reality. He or she was said to be 'twice born': first from a human mother to the earthly plane, then secondly as a child of the Goddess, or Divine Mother. She gave humankind a spiritual birth of Self- Realisation. She admitted the mortal into the plane of mystic awareness of Knowledge or gnosis. 'Divine Mother' was always the Cosmic Matriarch, the bestower of the highest treasure of Self-Realization, on Her deserving children. Many Indian mystic traditions said this same goddess was represented within the human being as the divine feminine power called Kundalini. When referring to life-force of chi or prana, it has been written in Gnosis: “And now shall all the angels of the Earthly Mother serve you and your breath, your blood, your flesh shall be one with the breath, the blood and the flesh (koshas) of the Earthly Mother, that your spirit also become one with the Spirit of your Heavenly Father; for no one can reach the Heavenly Father unless through the Heavenly Mother”. Central to most Eastern teaching was the understanding the feminine of God, God the Mother, was the means by which self-realization and spiritual evolution to god-awareness occurred. Sages and prophets venerated the Divine Mother as the Holy Spirit. It was this power, described in the East as living in the human being as the Kundalini, which was the Goddess-tradition in the East but challenged over time by the Christian West. C.G. Jung, in his critique of the Western psyche keynoted the absence of the Feminine Principle as a major cause of much of the West's psychocultural imbalance. The return of the Divine Feminine during the Age of Aquarius would indeed help the spiritual redemption of the Western Culture. With this perspective we may be able to understand a key image from Revelations: (12:1): "A great Portent in Heaven, a Woman robed with the Sun, beneath her Feet the Moon, and on her Head a Crown of twelve Stars. She was pregnant, and in the anguish of Her Labour She cried out to be delivered. Then a second Portent appeared in Heaven: a great red Dragon with seven Heads and ten Horns; on his Heads were seven Diadems, and with his Tail he swung down a third of the Stars in the Sky and flung them to Earth. The Dragon stood in front of the Woman who was about to give birth, so when Her Child was born He might devour It. She gave birth to a male child, who is destined to rule all the Nations with an Iron Rod....." The Divine Woman, a central figure of Revelations, was the Comforter Herself. The crown of stars pointed out that her authority and heritage was of the Divine Father, the moon, on which She lived was another symbol of the feminine. C.G. Jung recognized the link between the Divine Feminine and the Eastern principle of Kundalini. He understood the Kundalini was representing the Goddess within each. Is the Holy Ghost the Kundalini? Was the Kundalini a central principle in early mystic Christianity? Why was she denied access to Abrahamic humanity? Because the Holy Ghost threatened to neutralize the fear-oriented dogma which the Churches used, in the name of The Christ and Spiritual Truth, to uphold their physical strength, worldly power, possessions and wealth over the humanity of womankind. The Christ's promise of a comforter, the "second coming", implied another divine feminine incarnation to bring about the redemption of humanity. It was always the Divine Mother who had the power to redeem her children, the Sons of Man (as the Gnostics put it), in the eyes of God the Father. Who better than the Divine Mother to comfort the children? It is they who suffer in much of the world from a culture whose ethic of materialism, greed and immediate indulgence was their hallmark. They are characterized by terms such as "the lost generation", "eco-disaster", "terrorism", "future shock" and "psychosocial alienation". Another part of the same text has said: "Honour your Earthly Mother and keep her laws that your days may be long on this earth and honour your Heavenly Father, that eternal life may be yours in the Heavens. For the Heavenly Father is a hundred times greater than all the fathers by seed and by blood, and greater is the Earthly Mother than all mothers by the body". The Holy Trinity then always was God the Father, God the Son (Son of Mother and Father - The Christ and the Divine Mother particularly since she is the means and power of spiritual evolution. The Secret Book of John relates Jesus’ description of the Divine Feminine as the power of God Almighty. "She is the first power. She preceded everything, and came forth from the Father's mind as forethought of all. Her light resembles the Father's light; as the perfect power she is the image of the perfect and invisible Virgin Spirit. She is the first power, the glory, Barbelo, the perfect glory among the worlds, the emerging glory; She glorified and praised the Virgin Spirit for she had come forth through the Spirit. She is the first thought, image of the Spirit. She became the Universal Womb, for She precedes everything, the common parent, the first humanity, the Holy Spirit". So old Christian tradition tell us the Holy Spirit was the Divine Mother! God Almighty in Indian mythology was always described in his in eternal perfection (Sat Chit Ananda), meaning Existent-Knowledge-Bliss but his power was Shakti (primordial power) who was his feminine counterpart or spouse. It was She who did all things. She created the universe and the gods who attended over it. (The Secret Book of John paralleled that with: "She became the universal womb, for She precedes everything, the common parent, the first humanity, the Holy Spirit, the triple male (Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu) the triple power (Parvati, Sarasvati, Lakshmi), who were spouses of the triple males. Was the Holy Spirit of Western tradition the triple Goddesses made mythological? Why did the Churches suppress these true traditions? They are patriarchal institutions based on the questionable dogma of Paul who perceived women and the feminine principle as inferior. Also because spirituality focused on the Divine Feminine would also focus on the redemptive power of God the Mother and on her role as the grantor of mystical experience. By defying all mystics and mysticism, organizations, dogmatic hierarchies and institutions preferred their political role. Individual experience, revelation and progressive growth toward divine awareness were denied relevance and expression. The Divine Mother gave birth to Self-realization. She always succeeded in producing a man-child. Such a ‘man’ pointed to spiritual maturity and action. He was a ‘child’ symbolising purity of heart and had the quality of innocence which Jesus taught was essential to enter The Christ, into the state of Heavenly Experience. The ‘child’ always had mystical awareness of self-realization, and ruled over nations. The ‘child’ had command over earthly plane as well as over the inner country, the chakra system. The child of the Divine mother was always a Gnostic adept! The dragon who stood over the Woman as She laboured waiting to devour the child could well be the Churches. Their 2000-year vigil against the Divine Feminine lest she produce a race of Gnostics was obvious in their manipulation and suppression of the scriptures. Revelations told us the Divine Children were destined to overcome the beast and set up a New Age of divine awareness. Consider Christ's warning "he who has blasphemed against the Holy Ghost shall be damned forever". What then of the Churches who have almost edited out the divine feminine out of the Western Cultural tradition to keep their grip on the masses? Some myths die as Time and History unfolds and effects of Karma or actions play out. The Churchian Myth is still alive. The Karmic Movement has spanned two millennia. It was and still is a social movement creating a ‘group action’ by individuals and organizations that were and still are focused on specific social and political issues. The legacy of havoc caused by Western-based Abrahaminical logic is rooted in myth, which has become an essential part of that "religion". It has caused humanity to lose its way. Which humanity could survive emptied and lacking of the Cosmic Mother, the Holy Ghost? For further study, have a read of: Myth, Legend and Prophecy ISBN: 978-0-9880092-7-1

Teleological and Aesthetic Perfection in the Aurora Consurgens


This paper examines the concept of perfection in relation to the celestial magic described within the alchemical work Aurora Consurgens. This fifteenthcentury illuminated manuscript has been erroneously attributed to Thomas Aquinas and was popularised by Carl Gustav Jung. It contains an entire section on ‘astronomy’, which is one of the keys to wisdom and perfection. Perfection, a multifaceted concept, proves useful in elucidating further philosophical understanding of the various traditions within Western esotericism. By identifying interpretations of this concept within Aurora Consurgens, I hope to demonstrate how this approach can aid in the understanding of both Aurora Consurgens and of alchemy and its relationship to celestial magic in general. This will then provide an opening to identifying concepts that are common to all Western esoteric

Occult Cosmology

The third face of the esoteric Teaching is given as related to the Neotheosophical tradition following the Theosophical "Secret Doctrine" of H.P. Blavatsky and the Neotheosophical occult transmissions of the Tibetan master by Alice A. Bailey. Underlying all three waves of new revelation, regarding cosmic law and the expansion of world civilization, is the Tibetan master Djwal Khul who focalizes, according to occult cosmology’s amanuensis to the Tibetan’s transmissions Bruce Lion, the Fourth Ray knowledge in prospect of its planetary incoming by 2024. A Great work of profound assimilation of the esoteric teaching by Bruce Lion and an explanation, regarding the “blinds” occult knowledge met due to the un-readiness of human consciousness and scientific dryness to intuit further than its trend to separateness. Although the esoteric teaching, following the external religious trends emphasized during the first two transmissions the solar focus of consciousness, the underlying spiritual centre was hinted but not identified. Now following the scientific observations of galaxies, the centre of spiritual awareness is identified in the galactic black holes and spirituality is synchronized with science again. What is needed then for esoteric discipleship is to turn its directed science of invocation and evocation to the new spiritual centre and cultivate the coming civilization under the quality of the spiritual will along with love - so much overemphasized and misunderstood since lacking its will aspect of synthesis and harmony. Astrology, ritual, invocation and world service are synthesized through the identification of the ascending sign with the soul, the sun sign with the personality and the opposite to the sun sign with the monad - the spiritual aspect within human energy sphere. Thus a new codified system of astrological invocations is produced for discipleship to advance its future service, initiating an era of rhythmic stepping-down of divine purpose; a work that will implement astrological researchers, diviners, as well as esoteric academy with the missing keys for the immediate future.

On the Draco Constellation and its Alpha Star Thuban (Alpha Draconis) and the Original God's Consciousness Structure (Golden Apple)

This is the first among a series of several papers on the Constellation Draco and its main star Alpha Draconis (aka Thuban). Thuban was originally the main hub for God’s organic consciousness [1-3] creational mechanics [4-10] with the underlying function of disseminating God’s consciousness energies [11-12] to ITS organic offspring managed and administered via its Time Matrix or the 12D Grid-Tree of Life System [13-15], affording humans and other organic living beings to experience their true organic sojourns of life in this universe. Unfortunately, it was invaded-conquered by a horde of fallen demonic negative aliens [16-17], leading to damaging its Cosmic Clock and Timekeeper Function [18] via the calamity of deploying AI technology that at the center of it resides the so-called Metatronic Consciousness Reversal Structure [19] that, succinctly speaking, violates the Trinity Principle of Cosmos [20-22] (the body of our Prime Creator [23-25]), by changing the prescribed ratio of the magnetic to electric quantum spin velocities, effectively stealing magnetic energies from its structure to be converted to a form that can feed these parasitic-vampires [26-29] as well as maintain the continuous operation of their AI machinery and structure, with even more energies being directed to their black hole or energetic storage Moloch Tanks for their future use. In turn, this form of distorting the Sextant Matrix [30] (composed of horizontal rows representing the electric and vertical columns epitomizing the magnetic components of the electromagnetic energy or light [31-32]) not only distorts the planetary magnetic fields of all its constituent spheres (particularly those that accommodate living organic light beings), but also ours and other organic being’s morphogenetic system [33]. As a result, our Lightbody [34-36] and its Nadial-Chakric System [37-38] has been damaged or distorted [39]. And by analogy, the rod-staff function of our planetary stargates and grid system [40-48] (as the macrocosm aspect of us with us representing the microcosm [49] aspect of the subject matter) has also been distorted and damaged, changing the intended coordinate of our evolving cosmic space-time [50-52] location by practically keeping us confined within the same low dimensions of consciousness [53], which happen to be the ideal feeding grounds for these parasites-vampire, with all organic beings providing the congealed [54] low frequential energies [55-56] of loosh for them to consume and utilize. While other companion papers embarks on the task or strive to elucidate a host of issues such as the historical [57-65] as well as the nature of atrocities [66-67] that were committed by these demonic AI beings, including their psycho-physical as well as spiritual and emotional consequences [68-82], through interfering in the consciousness mechanics and structure as well as the affairs of our Prime Creator, with a succinct-concise attempt to explain some of the scientific aspect of the problem at hand, this paper attempts to provide an introductory account, exploring and elaborating on the way our initially perfectly organic-designed universe (and in particular our Milky Way Galaxy) was invaded and its consciousness mechanics and structure desecrated, damaged, and reversed by this horde of fallen AI parasitic-vampiric-demonic negative aliens (mostly of initial reptilian or insectoid races collectively referred to as the Black Hole-Black Sun entities). In particular, this manuscript attempts to introduce the reader to the vital significance of the Draco Constellation, and in particular, its α star (Alpha Draconis or Thuban) as the most important hub for God’s Consciousness mechanics and infrastructure in our universe. Succinctly speaking, Thuban (Alpha Draconis) epitomizes the home for the Cosmic Templar Dragon Eye for our organic consciousness through which we were experiencing our consciousness reality via having embodied within its space-time domains or dimensions. However, this was distorted by the negative aliens through consciousness reversal to suit the energetic harvesting agenda of these parasitic-vampiric entities who cannot sustain a regular life within light. Accordingly, Alpha Draconis (Thuban) was the realm that the negative aliens targeted first to invade and conquer and take over the Amethyst Dragon Timekeeper functions of the Cosmic Clock eons ago in order to take control the Solar Logos plane of the Christos-Sophia Collectives, effectively condemning all organic beings, particularly human beings, into imprisonment [83] and unconsciousness enslavement [84] that has persisted until now. Accordingly, they managed to corrupt the energetic content of the consciousness records held in the Universal Matrix, what is referred to as the ‘Golden Apple,’ changing the course of consciousness development and reality experience of the organic living beings, particularly human beings, incarnated within our galaxy. And, this is what is commonly referred to as the ‘Poison Apple’ [85]. Note that the Golden Apple ordinarily represents a series of geometric programs recorded in divine sacred living solar light vernacular based upon the accumulative chronicles of the consciousness life streams that originate from the Amethyst Dragon Timekeeper timeline histories that are held as cellular memories. Thus, through the imposition of certain frequency fences and holographic inserts [86], the solar consciousness and the interconnected energy relationships between all organic sentient beings [87-89] encoded into every atom, molecule, as well as every element in the matter world, was altered by these negative aliens, negating the true course of living rays of the golden sunlight organic intelligence to be developed and integrated within every organic being. However, as they say “it is the dawn of a new day,” [90] as the alien AI machinery and infrastructure is being methodically dismantled and de-rooted, providing new Universal levels of accessing and experiencing our consciousness reality [91-99] that has never been possible in the past. And, the level or the urgency that such a new horizon could be expediently experienced lies within humanity and its extent of cooperation as to indulge in spiritual awakening [100] and enlightenment [101], which depends upon how pure our crystal heart can become to communicate with God’s Universal language and ITS living knowledge and acumen, to make us spiritually initiated into the Unity Consciousness [102-105] Sacred Unified Field [106] of the Holy TRUTH that is embedded within the Divine Mind of our Progenitor God-SOURCE.



(RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) indicates the two primary "symptoms" of an imminent "Paradigmatic-Shift" described by Thomas Kuhn (1962), e.g., the existence of an apparent "theoretical inconsistency" between these two RT & QM "pillars" of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm, and the principle inability of this Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm to account for up to 95% of all the "mass" and "energy" in the universe (termed: "dark-matter" and "dark-energy", but which cannot be observed or verified empirically!) Indeed, according to Kuhn's brilliant analysis of the characteristics of such "Paradigmatic-Shifts", the appearance of these two "symptoms" of an apparent "theoretical inconsistency" between the pillars of the "Old Paradigm" and its inability to account for major observed empirical phenomenon (e.g., such as the accelerated expansion of the physical universewhich is assumed to be "caused" by the existence of purely hypothetical "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" that cannot be verified empirically) call for the discovery of a New Paradigm that can resolve wjpmr,