Metaplectic stacks and vector-valued modular forms of half-integral weight (original) (raw)
Related papers
On the Fourier coefficients of modular forms of half-integral weight
Forum Mathematicum, 2010
We prove a formula relating the Fourier coefficients of a modular form of half-integral weight to the special values of L-functions. The form in question is an explicit theta lift from the multiplicative group of an indefinite quaternion algebra over Q. This formula has applications to proving the nonvanishing of this lift and to an explicit version of the Rallis inner product formula.
2-Dimensional vector-valued modular forms
The Ramanujan Journal, 2008
We study the graded space H(ρ) of holomorphic vector-valued modular forms of integral weight associated to a 2-dimensional irreducible representation ρ of SL(2, Z). When ρ(T ) is unitary, a complete description of H(ρ) is given: the Poincaré series is calculated and it is shown that H(ρ) is a free module of rank 2 over the ring of (classical) holomorphic modular forms on SL(2, Z).
A note on the Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms
Archiv der Mathematik, 2014
In this note, we show that the algebraicity of the Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms can be determined by checking the algebraicity of the first few of them. We also give a necessary and sufficient condition for a half-integral weight modular form to be in Kohnen's +-subspace by considering only finitely many terms.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2012
Vector-valued Siegel modular forms are the natural generalization of the classical elliptic modular forms as seen by studying the cohomology of the universal abelian variety. We show that for g ≥ 4, a new class of vectorvalued modular forms, defined on the Teichmüller space, naturally appears from the Mumford forms, a question directly related to the Schottky problem. In this framework we show that the discriminant of the quadric associated to the complex curves of genus 4 is proportional to the square root of the products of Thetanullwerte χ 68 , which is a proof of the recently rediscovered Klein "amazing formula". Furthermore, it turns out that the coefficients of such a quadric are derivatives of the Schottky-Igusa form evaluated at the Jacobian locus, implying new theta relations involving the latter, χ 68 and the theta series corresponding to the even unimodular lattices E 8 ⊕ E 8 and D + 16. We also find, for g = 4, a functional relation between the singular component of the theta divisor and the Riemann period matrix.
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1102.0006, 2011
Vector-valued Siegel modular forms are the natural generalization of the classical elliptic modular forms as seen by studying the cohomology of the universal abelian variety. In spite of their relevance they have been studied essentially for genus g = 2, where correspond to suitable commutators of Siegel modular forms. We show that for g ≥ 4, a new class of vector-valued modular forms [i 1 , . . . , i K n |τ ] naturally appears from the Mumford form, a question directly related to the Schottky problem. In particular, the weight of [i 1 , . . . , i K n |τ ] is c n − g+n−1 n−1 , with c n := 6n 2 − 6n + 1 the power of the Hodge bundle in the Mumford isomorphism. In this framework we show that the discriminant of the quadric associated to the algebraic curve of g = 4 is proportional to the square root of the product of the Thetanullwerte, which is a proof of the recently rediscovered Klein "amazing formula". Furthermore, it turns out that the coefficients of the quadric are derivatives with respect to the period matrix of the Schottky-Igusa form, implying a new theta-relation relating the latter to the product of Thetanullwerte. As a byproduct we express the product of Thetanullwerte for g = 4 in terms of theta series corresponding to the even unimodular lattices Λ = E 8 and Λ = D + 16 .
On generalized modular forms and their applications
Nagoya Math. J, 2008
Abstract. We study the Fourier coefficients of generalized modular forms f(τ) of integral weight k on subgroups Γ of finite index in the modular group. We establish two Theorems asserting that f(τ) is constant if k = 0, f(τ) has empty divisor, and the Fourier coefficients have certain ...
Journal of Number Theory, 2003
The theory of ''generalized modular forms,'' initiated here, grows naturally out of questions inherent in rational conformal field theory. The latter physical theory studies q-series arising as trace functions (or partition functions), which generate a finite-dimensional SL(2,Z)-module.
2-ADIC Properties of Certain Modular Forms and Their Applications to Arithmetic Functions
It is a classical observation of Serre that the Hecke algebra acts locally nilpo- tently on the graded ring of modular forms modulo 2 for the full modular group. Here we consider the problem of classifying spaces of modular forms for which this phenomenon continues to hold. We give a number of consequences of this investigation as they relate to quadratic forms, partition functions, and central values of twisted modular L-functions.
Vector-Valued Modular Forms and the Gauss Map
We use the gradients of theta functions at odd two-torsion points --- thought of as vector-valued modular forms --- to construct holomorphic differential forms on the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties, and to characterize the locus of decomposable abelian varieties in terms of the Gauss images of two-torsion points.