Круглые листовые бляхи из Александропольского кургана // Наукові записки. Серія: Історичні науки. — Вип.21: Актуальні проблеми археології та історії раннього залізного віку. — Кіровоград : РВВ КДПУ ім. В. Виниченка, 2014. — С.123-140. (original) (raw)
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Археологія і давня історія України, 2016
Статья посвящена публикации материалов скиф-ского захоронения из грунтового могильника у с. Заломы Кировоградской области. Памятник нахо-дится в междуречье рек Ирклеи и Цыбульника, при-надлежащих к бассейну Тясмина. в1986—1989 гг. раскопки могильника проводились археологичес-кой экспедицией Кировоградского государственного педагогического института во главе с Н.М. Бокий. всего на некрополе было раскопано 98 погребений. Исследованые скифские захоронения относятся к VI—IV вв. до н. э. в 1986 г. рядом с могильником было открыто одновременное селище скифского вре-мени. Таким образом могильник и поселение состав-ляют целостный археологический комплекс. Особое внимание среди раскопанных захороне-ний привлекает захоронение 42, в колчаном наборе которого наряду с наконечниками IV в. до н. э. обна-ружены три наконечники стрел VII—VI вв. до н. э. Наличие архаических стрел рядом с среднескиф-скими является достаточно интересным случаем. возможно, эти древние предметы имели сакральное значение для покойника.
A.A. Kadieva, S.V. Demidenko Fibulae of the first centuries AD from Zayukovo-3 burial ground (on 2016-2017 excavations materials), 2020
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"Oriental" rattle-mirrors and engraved bronze discs. Summary. In 2014 in lower reaches of the Ob River near the Arctic Circle it was found a rich treasure which contained a few large bronze discs very similar to some large sculptured rattle-mirrors reverse disks earlier found only in V-III centuries BC. female burials in Altai, the Upper Ob Region and the southern Urals in Pazyryk, Kamenskaya and Prokhorovskaya cultures. In the study of these bronze discs it is found that is not the part of composite rattle-mirrors but first recorded special category of religious artifacts. On three copies not found in Scythian-Siberian art mythical horses engraved images preserved. Supposedly, these discs could be produced in the III cent. BC. in some Near Eastern handicraft centers that copied "Indian" rattle-mirrors but in accordance with their industrial and artistic tradition. Probably, in the II-I cent. BC. a kind of disk with cones and rollers relief was taken by Lower Ob population culture and had been reproduced on different metal plates and buckles for a few more centuries. Keywords: bronze rattle-mirrors, bronze discs, Scythian time, Altai, the Lower Ob Region, artistic style, mythical horses. Аннотация. В 2014 г. в низовьях Оби у Полярного круга был обнаружен богатый клад, в состав которого входило нескольких крупных бронзовых дисков, очень похожих на рельефные оборотные диски зеркал-погремушек, до этого встречавшихся только в женских погребениях V-III вв. до н. э. на Алтае, Верхнем Приобье и Южном Урале в пазырыкской, каменской и прохоровской культурах. В ходе изучения указанных бронзовых дисков установлено, что это не часть составных зеркал-погремушек, а впервые зафиксированная особая категория культовых изделий. На трёх экземплярах сохранились не встречавшиеся в скифо-сибирском искусстве гравированные изображения мифических коней. Предположительно, эти диски могли производиться в III в. до н. э. в каких-то переднеазиатских ремесленных центрах, копировавших «индийские» зеркала-погремушки, но в соответствии со своей производственной и художественной традицией. Вероятно, уже во II-I вв. до н. э. своеобразный рельеф дисков с конусами и валиками был воспринят культурой населения Нижней Оби и ещё несколько столетий воспроизводился на различных бляхах и пряжках.
книга, 2021
Sanzharov S.N., Chernykh E.A. Burial mounds and burials of the Bronze Age of the Privolnaya meandr of the Seversky Donets River. In 2006-2013 researches of the burial barrows within boundary of the Privolnaya meandr of Seversky Donets River were carrying by the Dahl University expeditions. As a result, new burials of the Bronze Age were discovered, which belonging to the Early, Late and Final periods of the Catacomb Cultural - Historical community, Post-Catacomb, Final-Abashevo and Srubnaya Culture antiquities. A representative group of comparable burial materials, including the Late Pit Culture ones, were discovered on this territory at the end of the last century and these ultimately significantly expanded the general source base of the region based on the sites of the Bronze Age. The most expressive are the burial barrows and burial graves of the Early Catacomb period, which according to the main elements of burial ritual and the peculiarities of the accompanying implements demonstrate a cultural commonality and even homogeneity with groups of the Late Yamnaya and Early Catacomb antiquities of the Seversky Donets basin, Lower Don, Northern Azov and Lower Dnieper regions. Within the framework of the Seversky Donets natural-geographical region - the territory of the Privolnaya meandr - a significant concentration of individual kurgans and kurgan groups was established, often with five-meter barrows dominating the area. As field studies have shown, many barrows were erected in the Early Bronze Age by native cattle breeding tribes of the Late Yamnaya and Early Catacomb Cultures during the period of seasonal summer exploitation of steppe pastures and represent a whole range of specific elements of burial rituals. During the study of the Early Catacomb mounds of the Privolnya meandr, a tradition of erecting of rampart-shaped ring structures from bedrock soil and stones on the surface of the buried soil near the entrance shafts into catacomb was recorded. Significant for the all over Seversky Donets region the depths and sizes of catacomb burial structures, the selective practice of deliberately filling the entrance shafts with either loose chernozem, or filling them with a multi-ton volume of stones or in a special way tamped mixed soil, decorating the walls of the entrance shafts with cut-in ornamental subjects with a predominance of images of “trees of live », a significant percentage of dismembered burials were noted here. A striking feature of innovations in funeral rituals is the fixation of the modeling of the facial cover of the deceased with a special composition of clay and the discovery of miniature anthropomorphic stone steles in the entrance shaft. The accompanying inventory is plentiful and varied in composition. The discovery on the slope of the primary early Catacomb Culture mound of an anthropomorphic stone stele-idol with developed detailing of complex symbols on the entire surface is unique. Both in the burial architecture and in the burial rituals and implements, there is a clear dominance of the previous Late Yamnaya Culture traditions. Until the exploration of the burial mounds by the Dahl University expeditions in the Privolnaya meandr just the Lugan basin with its Belaya tributary was region of the Siversky Donets basin where an increased concentration of the Early Catacomb antiquities was noted. Here, according to the observations of S.N. Bratchenko, in the 23 excavated mounds, 33 early catacomb burials were revealed, accounting for one third of the total number known at that time. In this regard, the Lugan basin appears to be the local center of the Donetsk focus of The Early Catacomb cultural genesis within the general territorial boundaries of the primary Early Catacomb focus of cultural genesis from the Kuban to the Dnieper in the south and to the Donetsk-Middle Dnieper borderlands in the north. After the latest studies of the mounds and the obtaining of qualitatively new early Catacomb sites, the Privolnaya-Lisichansk center became the second local center of the Donetsk center of cultural genesis, covering a relatively small area of the Privolnaya meandr of the Seversky Donets. Considering the increase in the total source base for the Early Catacomb burials of the Seversky Donets region from 100 to 116 burials, there were not 33%, but 28% of the Early Donetsk catacombs in the Lugan and Belaya basin. A quarter of their total number (25%) is distributed within the boundaries of the Privolnaya-Lisichansk center. The general picture of the localization of all Early Catacomb Donets burials as it proved to be as follows - more than half (53%) of the Early Catacomb Donetsk massif of burial are concentreted within the boundaries of two local centers: Lugansk and Privolnaya-Lisichansk ones. Of the 27 basic the Early Catacomb burials of the Seversky Donets which was accompanied by the construction of barrow embankments, 13 catacombs (48%) were found exclusively within the Privolnaya-Lisichansk center, which indicates the particular importance of this region in the formation and spread of its own early catacomb tradition of barrow construction, and the discovery of an anthropomorphic the stele-idol on the surface of one of the early Catacomb mounds establishes the presence within the Privolnaya-Lisichansk center and its own tribal sanctuary. The Late Catacomb burials of the Privolnya meandr are characterized by a mixed cultural type. In the presence of expressive the Late Donetsk, Bakhmut and Manych cultural traditions, the features of the Kharkov-Voronezh Catacomb culture dominate. The burials, both main and inlet, are distinguished by the use of traditional catacombs, as well as kerving and pits with ledges. There were the deceased are laid in a strongly flexed position on the right side with their hands at their faces in lining with narrow entrance shafts. There are also deceased which laid on the left side. The variety of forms of burial structures, postures of the dead and positions of hands, degrees of flexing and instability in orientation indicate the beginning of the transformation of the Late Catacomb burial ritual and the transition to the Final Catacomb period. In one of the burials a ring-shaped bone buckle was found, which in the Final Catacomb period became one of the important attributes of the funerary inventory. The burials of the concluding, final period of the Catacomb community are characterized by pits with wooden floors and intra-grave structures at the bottom in the form of frames made of blocks with limited funeral inventory. One part of the dead is placed in a flexed position on the left side and is oriented to the West, the other is right-sided with orientation to the East. The burials are both main and inlet. The practice of arranging burials at the foot of the mound from the level of the ancient horizon, followed by filling with a common embankment, is recorded. In the burials, ring-shaped bone buckles and disc-shaped-bar (figured) buckles were found. The Post-catacomb burials are few in number and appeared after the disappearance of the catacomb burial rituals and traditional inventory. They are distinguished by the unstable postures of the deceased, the presence of thick-walled small jars on pallets, and the finds of bone buckles with two holes. The Final Abashevo burials were made mainly in barrows with the Final Catacomb graves. The deceased are laid in a weakly flexed position on the left side and are oriented to the North with declining to the East or West. The hands are placed at the chin. Pot-shaped and jar forms with expressive rough combs prevail in ceramics. The most numerous are the burials of the Srubnaya Culture of its developted stage. The appearance of long barrows was noted. The burials are illustrated by the main and inlet graves in the form of rectangular pits with overlapping blocks of wood, wooden frame structures at the bottom, tombs made of stones and slabs. Strongly flexed left-sided deceased with hands near the face are oriented to the North-East and East. The pottery consists of pot-shaped, sharp-ribbed vessels and jars. The discovery of a bone disk with a carved ornament in the form of a three-bladed swastika is noteworthy. The presented burial mounds and burials of the Bronze Age of the Privolnaya meandr of the Seversky Donets basin represent diverse groups of antiquities with bright distinctive features in rituals and implements. The specificity of local the Early Catacomb sites is so obvious that it makes it possible to consider them within the framework of the local Privolnya-Lisichansk Center of the Early Catacomb Cultural genesis. Both the catacomb and later burial antiquities find broad analogies in the composition of archaeological sources in adjacent regions.