Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (original) (raw)
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Non-anticommutative N = 2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theory 1
We derive the master function governing the component action of the four-dimensional non-anticommutative (NAC) and fully N=2 supersymmetric gauge field theory with a non-simple gauge group U(2) = SU(2) × U(1). We use a Lorentz-singlet NAC-deformation parameter and an N=2 supersymmetric star (Moyal) product, which do not break any of the fundamental symmetries of the undeformed N=2 gauge theory. The scalar potential in the NAC-deformed theory is calculated. We also propose the non-abelian BPS-type equations in the case of the NAC-deformed N=2 gauge theory with the SU(2) gauge group, and comment on the SU(3) case too. The NAC-deformed field theories can be thought of as the effective (non-perturbative) N=2 gauge field theories in a certain (scalar only) N=2 supergravity background.
Non-anticommutative supersymmetric gauge theory
Physics Letters B, 2004
We calculate the component Lagrangian of the four-dimensional non-anticommutative (with a singlet deformation parameter) and fully N=2 supersymmetric gauge field theory with the simple gauge group SU(2). We find that the deformed (classical) scalar potential is unbounded from below, in contrast to the undeformed case.
Noncommutative self-dual supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory
Physics Letters B, 2003
We formulate noncommutative self-dual N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in D = 2+2 dimensions. As in the corresponding commutative case, this theory can serve as the possible master theory of all the noncommutative supersymmetric integrable models in lower dimensions. As a by-product, noncommutative self-dual N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory is obtained in D = 2 + 2. We also perform a dimensional reduction of the N = 2 theory further into N = (2, 2) in D = 1 + 1, as a basis for more general future applications. As a typical example, we show how noncommutative integrable matrix N = (1, 0) supersymmetric KdV equations in D = 1 + 1 arise from this theory, via the Yang-Mills gauge groups GL(n, IR) or SL(2n, IR).
SU(2)×U(1) Nonanticommutative N = 2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theory
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2005
We derive the master function governing the component action of the four-dimensional non-anticommutative (NAC) and fully N=2 supersymmetric gauge field theory with a non-simple gauge group U(2) = SU(2) × U(1). We use a Lorentz-singlet NACdeformation parameter and an N=2 supersymmetric star (Moyal) product, which do not break any of the fundamental symmetries of the undeformed N=2 gauge theory. The scalar potential in the NAC-deformed theory is calculated. We also propose the non-abelian BPS-type equations in the case of the NAC-deformed N=2 gauge theory with the SU(2) gauge group, and comment on the SU(3) case too. The NACdeformed field theories can be thought of as the effective (non-perturbative) N=2 gauge field theories in a certain (scalar only) N=2 supergravity background.
On the structure of noncommutative N= 2 super Yang-Mills theory
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2000
We show that the recently proposed formulation of noncommutative N = 2 Super Yang-Mills theory implies that the commutative and noncommutative effective coupling constants τ (u) and τ nc (u) coincide. We then introduce a key relation which allows to find a nontrivial solution of such equation, thus fixing the form of the low-energy effective action. The dependence on the noncommutative parameter arises from a rational function deforming the Seiberg-Witten differential.
Supersymmetry in noncommutative superspaces
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003
Non commutative superspaces can be introduced as the Moyal-Weyl quantization of a Poisson bracket for classical superfields. Different deformations are studied corresponding to constant background fields in string theory. Supersymmetric and non supersymmetric deformations can be defined, depending on the differential operators used to define the Poisson bracket. Some examples of deformed, 4 dimensional lagrangians are given. For extended superspace (N > 1), some new deformations can be defined, with no analogue in the N = 1 case.
Towards a consistent noncommutative supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory: Superfield covariant analysis
Physical Review D, 2004
Commutative four dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) is known to be renormalizable for N = 1, 2, and finite for N = 4. However, in the noncommutative version of the model the UV/IR mechanism gives rise to infrared divergences which may spoil the perturbative expansion. In this work we pursue the study of the consistency of the N = 1, 2, 4 noncommutative supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with gauge group U (N ) (NCSYM). We employ the covariant superfield framework to compute the one-loop corrections to the two-and three-point functions of the gauge superfield V . It is found that the cancellation of the harmful UV/IR infrared divergences only takes place in the fundamental representation of the gauge group.
Non-anticommutativeN = 2 supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory
We calculate the component Lagrangian of the four-dimensional non-anticommutative (with a singlet deformation paramete and fully N = 2 supersymmetric gauge field theory with the simple gauge group SU(2). We find that the deformed (classica scalar potential is unbounded from below, in contrast to the undeformed case. 2004 Elsevier B.V.