Didactics of Mathematics as a Research Field in Scandinavia (original) (raw)

European Didactic Traditions in Mathematics: Introduction and Overview

ICME-13 monographs, 2019

European traditions in the didactics of mathematics share some common features such as a strong connection with mathematics and mathematicians, the key role of theory, the key role of design activities for learning and teaching environments, and a firm basis in empirical research. In this first chapter, these features are elaborated by referring to four cases: France, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany. In addition, this chapter gives an overview on the other chapters of the book. Keywords European didactic traditions • Overview 1.1 Introduction Across Europe, there have been a variety of traditions in mathematics education, both in the practice of learning and teaching at school and in research and development, which have resulted from different cultural, historical and political backgrounds. Despite these varying backgrounds, most of these traditions share some common

Comparing mathematics education lessons for primary school teachers case studies from Japan Finland and Sweden20200407 16255 gnthe3

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2019

The aim of this paper is to investigate and compare lessons given in primary school teacher education in Japan, Finland and Sweden. We analyse one lesson from each country and compare them using a common framework. Chevallard's anthropological theory of the didactic (ATD) is used to frame this analysis and in particular to model teacher educators' didactic organization of the lessons. The focus is on how the didactic organizations of the teacher educators relate to the mathematical and didactic organizations of primary school. Based on official documents and viewpoints of the teacher educators , we also discuss how the contents and descriptions of the national curricula, and the different traditions of the teaching practices in each country, influence the didactic organizations found in the lessons. ARTICLE HISTORY

Didactics of Mathematics in the Netherlands

ICME-13 Monographs, 2019

This chapter highlights key aspects of the didactics of mathematics in the Netherlands. It is based on the Dutch contribution to the Thematic Afternoon session on European didactic traditions in mathematics, organised at ICME13 in Hamburg 2016. The chapter starts with a section in which mathematics education in the Netherlands is viewed from four perspectives in which subsequently attention is paid to the role of mathematics and mathematicians, the role of theory, the role of design, and the role of empirical research. In all these themes Hans Freudenthal has played a key role. Hereafter, the focus is on two Dutch mathematics educators (Adri Treffers for primary school and Jan de Lange for secondary school) who each left an important mark on how the didactics of mathematics has developed in the last half century and became known as Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). To illustrate the principles of this domain-specific instruction theory a concrete task is worked out in the section "Travelling to Hamburg". The chapter concludes with five sections featuring voices from abroad in which mathematics educators from other countries give a short reflection on their experiences with RME. Keywords Realistic mathematics education • IOWO • Freudenthal • Mathematisation • Mathematics as a human activity • Didactical phenomenology • Empirical didactical research • Treffers • Students' own productions and constructions • De Lange • Contexts for introducing and developing concepts • Design-based research • Task design • Parametric curve • Findings from field tests M. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (B)

Comparing mathematics education lessons for primary school teachers case studies from Japan Finland and Sweden20190604 31371 15d8uwa

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2019

The aim of this paper is to investigate and compare lessons given in primary school teacher education in Japan, Finland and Sweden. We analyse one lesson from each country and compare them using a common framework. Chevallard's anthropological theory of the didactic (ATD) is used to frame this analysis and in particular to model teacher educators' didactic organization of the lessons. The focus is on how the didactic organizations of the teacher educators relate to the mathematical and didactic organizations of primary school. Based on official documents and viewpoints of the teacher educators , we also discuss how the contents and descriptions of the national curricula, and the different traditions of the teaching practices in each country, influence the didactic organizations found in the lessons. ARTICLE HISTORY

Reflections from abroad on the Netherlands Didactic Tradition in Mathematics Education. Abstracts


s ICME 13 Hamburg 2016 ICME 13 Hamburg 2016 Ha r Reflections from inside on the Netherlands Didactic Tradition in Mathematics Education Abstracts ICME 13 Hamburg 2016 ICME 13 Hamburg 2016 Har versie 2 201606029N.indd All Pages 11-7-2016 13:36:47 1 Reflections from abroad on the Netherlands didactic tradition in mathematics education abstract internationaal.indd 1 11-7-2016 13:39:10internationaal.indd 1 11-7-2016 13:39:10 2 The Netherlands contribution to the ICME 13 Thematic Afternoon on ‘European Didactic Traditions’ is prepared by a committee consisting of Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen Paul Drijvers Michiel Doorman Marc van Zanten

Nordic Research in Mathematics Education


The theme for the conference was "Nordic research in mathematics education". The first NORMA Conference on Mathematics Education NORMA-94 was also held in Finland, namely in Lahti in 1994. The second Norma conference was held four years later in Kristiansand, Norway and since then conferences have taken place every three years. The NORMA-conference provides a forum for discussions and constructive meetings of researchers, teachers, teacher educators, graduate students and others interested in research on mathematics education in the Nordic context, including also the Baltic countries. The scientific committee of NORMA 14 represented all Nordic countries and had one representative from the Baltic countries. There was also a good mix of senior and junior researchers. The members of the scientific committee for NORMA 14conference were

National Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics: Teaching and Learning in the Context of Realistic Mathematics Education


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Integration of Mathematics and Didactics in Primary School Teacher Education in the Netherlands

National Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics, 2020

From the 1970s, curricula of primary mathematics teacher education in the Netherlands drastically changed. This occurred simultaneously with the changes in primary mathematics education. Teacher educators systematically discussed mathematics teacher education and implemented new content and new approaches in primary teacher education. This chapter provides a chronological overview of how Dutch primary mathematics teacher education developed from the 1970s until the present. We describe ideas about learning to teach mathematics and ideas about the relationship between the development of mathematical literacy and didactical proficiency of student teachers. Furthermore, the influence of national measures such as the introduction of nationwide tests for primary mathematics teacher education is discussed. The chapter ends with an impression of recent learning materials for student teachers and a reflection on new perspectives for integrating theory and practice, emphasising the continuous search for a well-balanced way to interconnect mathematics and didactics.

Governance of Swedish school mathematics — where and how did it happen? A study of different modes of governance in Swedish school mathematics, 1910-1980

Espacio, Tiempo y Educación

The aim of this paper is to revise a standard narrative about governance of the Swedish school system in the period of 1910-1908. According to this narrative, the Swedish school system was centralized during this period. However, this narrative does not fit the history of Swedish mathematics education (years 7-9). The research questions are: where in the school system was change initiated and how was change enforced? On the basis of studies of syllabi, textbooks, teaching literature, teacher journals and reports from investigations and development projects, different modes of governance of school mathematics are identified. The main results are that textbook producers rather than national syllabi and exams were drivers of change in the period 1910-1960. Moreover, the centralized attempts to change school mathematics, prepared in the 1960s, were soon abandoned in the early 1970s. Thus, centralized governance of Swedish school mathematics, with the ambition to achieve change, was some...

Baltic-Nordic Comparative Study on Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and practices

The article describes some aspects of the cross-cultural NorBa project " Mathematics teachers' educa-tional beliefs " . 1 The aims of the study, its theoretical background as well as the development of the qu-estionnaire are discussed. Some preliminary results on Estonian and Latvian mathematics teachers' beliefs and their comparison are presented. Knowledge of teachers' beliefs may reveal the specificity of teaching approaches and thus contribute to teachers' education or curricular reforms.