The Effectiveness of Local Wisdom-Based Electronic LKPD to Improve Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students (original) (raw)

Local wisdom-based teaching materials to improve student problem-solving


Article history Improving students' problem-solving skills can be done through teaching materials. Teaching materials used in schools throughout Indonesia have not been integrated with local potential or wisdom. This research aims to develop teaching materials based on local wisdom to improve students' problem-solving abilities. The local wisdom raised in the teaching materials is the local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai Medan and the Balinese environment based on the local wisdom of the Tumpek Wariga ceremony. The development of teaching materials uses the ADDIE design model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate). The implementation phase uses a quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent control group design in a high school located where the local wisdom applies. The results showed that the feasibility test of teaching materials and the readability test showed that teaching materials based on local agricultural wisdom in Binjai were 83.643% (very feasible) and 77.13% (high). In contrast, environmental teaching materials in Bali were based on local wisdom Tumpek Wariga. Successively very feasible (88.10%) high (95.39%). Students' problem-solving ability has increased with an N-gain of 0.67 (medium) on teaching materials based on local agricultural wisdom in Binjai and 0.71 (high) in Balinese environmental teaching materials based on Tumpek Wariga. The study results showed that teaching materials based on local wisdom of Agriculture in Binjai and Tumpek Wariga in Bali were valid and could improve students' problem-solving skills on Ecosystem and Environmental Change materials. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA license.

Development of LKPD Teaching Materials Based on Community Science Technology To Improve Students’ High Level of Communication and Thinking Ability

Edunesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 2021

This development research aims to realize the development of STM-based LKPD, to find out the effect of developing STM-based LKPD which is theoretically feasible and suitable for use by educators in classroom learning. The research method used is development research (Research and Development) by using research steps according to Borg and Gall. The population in this study were fifth grade elementary school/MI educators in Rajabasa District, Bandar Lampung City, which amounted to eight educators. The sample used in this study was a saturated sample, namely eight educators. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out in two ways, namely observation, and questionnaires (needs analysis questionnaire). The instruments in this study consisted of: 1) needs analysis instruments, 2) materials expert validation instruments, media experts and linguists, 3) user validation instruments (educators). The results of prototype product...

Effect of Science LKPD Based Surrounding Environment on Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

This study aims to find out how the influence of environment-based science worksheets on the learning outcomes of fifth grade elementary school students, especially in the subject of ecosystems and food chains. This study uses a quantitative method with a type of nonequivalent control group design that will be used in this study. The design to be used is a quasi-experimental design, namely the experimental class and the control class as research subjects. The experimental class is the class that will be studied using a treatment while the control class is the class that is studied using conventional methods or the way the teacher usually teaches. The sampling used in this study were 40 students with 20 students in the experimental class and 20 students in the control class. The collection of research data through tests. The hypothesis test that was carried out was the T test with a Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.717. This value is based on the basics of decision making, so the value is l...

The Role of Local Wisdom-based Student Worksheet on Scientific Reasoning

Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019)

The aim of this research is to analyze the students' scientific reasoning skill by the use of Students' Local Wisdom-based Worksheet. This is a Quasi Experimental research with One Group Pre-test Post-test design. Research population are the entire students of science education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Thus, the sample is taken through purposive sampling, which are 4th semester students of science education department. This research utilizes Scientific Reasoning Test as the instrument. Acquired data then get analyzed in descriptive quantitatively by using N-gain. In a brief, the findings show Students' Local Wisdom-based Worksheet has a moderate influence to the N-gain value of 0,6 against the students' scientific reasoning skill.

The Development of E-LKPD (Student Worksheet) in Science Learning in Grade V at Siem Primary School


During the Covid-19 pandemic, schools did many ways to keep the learning going, such as implementing online learning using learning tools that were also in the form of online, one of which was the E-LKPD or digital-based student worksheets. E-LKPD is a student work guide to make it easier for students to carry out learning activities electronically seen on desktop computers, notebooks, smartphones, and mobile phones. This study aimed to determine the development of E-LKPD in science learning at grade V of Siem Primary School. The type of research used is Research and Development or R & D research, using the ADDIE development design. Instruments or tools used for data collection are validation sheets and questionnaires. This validation sheet contains responses or opinions regarding E-LKPD, making it easier for validators to provide responses and assessments. Based on the results obtained, the development of E-LKPD has reached the very feasible category with an average score of 3.66....

Development of Course Learning Devices Integrated (SD Mathemathics Learning) MitApp-Based Local Wisdom

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture, ICIESC 2021, 31 August 2021, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia, 2021

This research is intended to develop the material for Unimed PGSD (Elementary School Teacher Education) math students in Elementary School. The elementary school math course is a new college education for Indonesian PGSD students in accordance with the policy of the minister of education associated with the free college. The development of the teach material is felt necessary because of the Study materials for the mathematics study in elementary school that will use by lecturer and students nothing at all. The target of this research are: (1) a resource study materials for mathematics lecturer and students at the integrated elementary school of north Sumatra local wisdom, (2) a reputable scientific publication of a journal or indexed scopus or web of science. The method of executing research uses the model van den acker: (1) initial analysis, (2) expert and teacher evaluations, (3) initial model of the teaching material (4) validation of the teaching material (5) empirical data, (6) reflection and revision.

Electronic Development of Student Worksheets Based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics to Improve Creative Thinking Ability of Class V Elementary School Students in Science Learning\_Vol.9\_Issue.1\_Jan2022/IJRR-Abstract019.html, 2022

This study aimed to analyze the validity, effectiveness, and practicality of the E-LKPD (Electronic Student Worksheet) to improve the creative thinking skills of fifth grade students at SDN 1 Kutoharjo and SDN 2 Kutoharjo after participating in STEAM-based learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). This study used research and development procedures with reference to the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) but this research was only up to the develop stage. The research design used was "One Groups Pretest-Posttest Design" with 72 students as research subjects. The research instrument used was observation sheet, interview sheet, expert validation test sheet, written test (pretest and posttest), and questionnaire sheet (questionnaire). The results of the research, it can be analyzed that the validity of the E-LKPD according to the material expert validator is 91.6 in the very valid category, the media expert validator was 75 in the valid category, and the language expert validator was 85 in the very valid category. The effectiveness of E-LKPD according to the results of the N-Gain test calculation of 0.61 was included in the category of quite effective and showed that there was a significant increase in creative thinking skills before and after using STEAM-based E-LKPD with 91% classical completeness results with complete criteria. STEAM-based E-LKPD was declared practical according to the results of teacher and student respondents which showed that teacher respondents scored 83 and 80 in the very attractive category and student respondents produced an average score of 81 in the very attractive category. The conclusion of the research was the development of STEAM-based E-LKPD was suitable for distance learning activities and can improve students' creative thinking skills.

The Development of Fourth Grade Primary School Science Learning Material Based on Local Wisdom at SDN Kesongo 01 Kabupaten Semarang

The Elementary School Teacher, 2017

Based on the result of 2015 PISA (Programme for International Students Assessment) in term of science, Indonesia ranked 64th from 72 countries. Meanwhile based on the result of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), Indonesian ranked 45th from 48 countries. Those results showed that Indonesia still have low quality in science. This problem also happened in SDN Kesongo 01. It was known that students had low science learning outcome because learning material had not yet developed. In order to solve this problem, researcher developed an innovative learning material based on local wisdom. This research aimed to know the feasibility, students and teacher responses, and the effectiveness of 4th grade Primary School Science learning material based on local wisdom. This research was research and development (R&D). Main subject of this research was students of class IV SDN Kesongo 01. Data analysis were percentage descriptive statistic, normality test, t-test and gain...

Effectiveness of Thematic Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom to Improve the Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students

Jurnal Ilmiah Teunuleh

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom values in improving the learning outcomes of grade IV students. This research was conducted in elementary school, Palipi district, Samosir regency. This research method is development research. The subjects of this study were grade IV students of Elementary School, Palipi District, Samosir Regency, which totaled 59 people and were divided into 3 classes. The data analysis technique in this study is a descriptive study and t-test of research results and conclusions in this study, namely thematic teaching materials based on the values of local wisdom are categorized as practical because the module of student response response results from trials is limited and large-scale trials have increased. It can be seen that students prefer to use modules in the implementation of free poetry writing learning with an average percentage of Test I student responses of 88.1% and Test II s...

Pendampingan Implementasi Lesson Study For Learning Community (LSLC) Untuk Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar Kimia Siswa SMA/MA/SMK Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Darussholihin NW Kalijaga, Kecamatan Aikmel, Kabupaten Lombok Timur

Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA, 2022

The implementation of the learning process is always oriented to the mastery of competence by students. One of the important competencies possessed by students is high order thinking skills (HOTS). Based on the results of observations at the Darussholihin NW Kalijaga Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Aikmel District, East Lombok Regency, it was obtained: (1) The students' critical thinking ability in chemistry subjects was on average still low; (2) Students' chemistry learning outcomes are relatively low; (3) The ability of teachers to apply learning models that can improve students' critical thinking skills is still low; and (4) Teachers carry out individual learning so that it is difficult to evaluate the learning process as a result of continuous improvement of learning is difficult to implement. The solution offered in this community service activity is in the form of teacher assistance in implementing lesson study for learning communities (LSLC) in SMA/MA/SMK within the Darussholihin NW Kalijaga Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Aikmel District, East Lombok Regency. This activity is carried out with a training approach, learning practice, and reflection. This activity was carried out in two stages: the first stage of socialization and workshops on LSLC, then in the second stage of lesson study (LS) practice. The results achieved from this activity are: (1) Students' critical thinking skills in chemistry subjects need to be continuously improved through various learning innovations; (2) Improving students' chemistry learning outcomes; (3) Increased understanding of teachers regarding the principles, benefits, and scope of lesson study and LSLC appropriately; and (4) increasing the enthusiasm of teachers to carry out improvement of lesson study-based learning which consists of stages of planning (plan), implementation of learning and observation (do), and reflection (see), as well as redesign .