Obtención de masas ovígeras del caracol lancetilla, Strombus pugilis (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) en condiciones de laboratorio (original) (raw)
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Densidad, estructura de tallas y actividad reproductiva del caracol rosado Eustrombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) en Banco Chinchorro, México Abstract: Density, size structure and reproductive activity of the pink conch Eustrombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) in Banco Chinchorro, Mexico. The pink conch Eustrombus gigas is an important fisheries resource. At the regional level in the Caribbean, over-exploitation and habitat destruction have caused a decrease in the abundance of this resource. In order to provide necessary information for the species management in Mexico, this work aimed to analyze the total density, adult density, size structure and reproductive behavior of pink conch population at Banco Chinchorro during 2009-2010. Data from three seasons were obtained (rainy, dry and cold fronts periods) in three areas: Norte (North), Centro (Center) and Sur (South). The organisms were separated into two groups: (a) the criteria based upon legal harvest in Mexico: legal size conchs (siphonal length≥200mm) and illegal size conchs (siphonal length<200mm), and (b) the criteria based upon sexual maturity using the 15mm lip thickness standard: lip<15mm as juvenile conch and lip≥15mm as adult conch. Copulation, spawning, egg masses and aggregations were evaluated as reproductive evidences. The highest total density was observed during the dry season with 384ind./ha, and the lowest during the rainy season with 127ind./ha. The highest density was reported at Sur (385ind./ha) and the lowest at Norte (198ind./ ha). The highest adult density was observed during the rainy season (8.33ind./ha), and the lowest occurred in the dry season (6.11ind./ha). Adult density values were 5.55, 7.05 and 8.33ind./ha for Centro, Sur and Norte areas, respectively. Adult densities were lower than the threshold needed for reproduction, and 42% of the population may be vulnerable to fishing, as they had the minimum size for catch (Lsi 200mm). Furthermore, only 2.2% of the population reached a Gl>15mm as sexual maturity indicator. During the study period, only six evidences of reproductive activity were observed. The smaller densities reported at Banco Chinchorro may cause reproduction events to be almost absent which in turn is sufficient evidence to show that the Allee Effect is acting on the queen conch population and there is an urgent need of fishery closure. Three important points were proposed for management of queen conch at Banco Chinchorro: total closure of fishing, systematic assessment of the conch population and the implementation of conch fishing refuge. Rev. Biol. Trop. 61 (4): 1657-1669. Epub 2013 December 01.
Rev. Biol. Trop, 2012
Abundancia y distribución de larvas de Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) durante el período reproductivo de la especie en el Caribe Mexicano Abstract: Abundance and distribution of Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) larvae during their reproductive period in the Mexican Caribbean. The Queen Conch (Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of economic importance in the Caribbean Sea, which, in the 1980's represented the second fishery after de spiny lobster, reason that is currently in a state of overfishing. In order to determine the larval abundance variation during the reproductive season, four locations of the Mexican Caribbean "MC" (Mexico: Puerto Morelos, Sian Ka'an, Mahahual; Belize: San Pedro) were sampled. Monthly, from May to October 2008, planktonic net drags (300μm) were carried out at each location. Temperature (°C), salinity (ppm) and dissolved oxygen (mg L -1 ) were recorded for each site. A mean larval density of 0.34±0.87 (larvae 10 m -3 ) was registered between locations, with a peak in August and September (0.82±1.00 and 0.76±1.68 larvae 10m -3 , respectively). The larval density was 60% correlated with salinity (r=0.6063, p<0.05). A one-way ANOVA showed significant statistical larval density in time (p<0.05) and space (p<0.05), where Puerto Morelos displayed the higher records during the study (0.54±1.49 larvae 10m -3 ). An average larval size of 332.44±59.66µm was recorded. Larval sizes differed significantly between locations (p<0.05), but not considering months (p>0.05). A 100% of the captured larvae correspond to stage I, showing local reproductive activity, that might indicate the sampled sites in the MC are a source of larvae to S. gigas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (Suppl. 1): 89-97. Epub 2012 March 01.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2015
Abundance and distribution of Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) larvae during their reproductive period in the Mexican Caribbean. The Queen Conch (Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of economic importance in the Caribbean Sea, which, in the 1980's represented the second fishery after de spiny lobster, reason that is currently in a state of overfishing. In order to determine the larval abundance variation during the reproductive season, four locations of the Mexican Caribbean "MC" (Mexico: Puerto Morelos, Sian Ka'an, Mahahual; Belize: San Pedro) were sampled. Monthly, from May to October 2008, planktonic net drags (300μm) were carried out at each location. Temperature (°C), salinity (ppm) and dissolved oxygen (mg L-1) were recorded for each site. A mean larval density of 0.34±0.87 (larvae 10 m-3) was registered between locations, with a peak in August and September (0.82±1.00 and 0.76±1.68 larvae 10m-3 , respectively). The larval density was 60% correlated with salinity (r=0.6063, p<0.05). A one-way ANOVA showed significant statistical larval density in time (p<0.05) and space (p<0.05), where Puerto Morelos displayed the higher records during the study (0.54±1.49 larvae 10m-3). An average larval size of 332.44±59.66µm was recorded. Larval sizes differed significantly between locations (p<0.05), but not considering months (p>0.05). A 100% of the captured larvae correspond to stage I, showing local reproductive activity, that might indicate the sampled sites in the MC are a source of larvae to S. gigas.
Efecto de la temperatura y la acidificación en larvas de Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae)
Revista de Biología Tropical
The increase in CO2 emissions produces heating and reduced pH in the oceans, which may have negative effects on many marine organisms. This is particularly important for those with calcified structures such as the molluscs and their larval stages. We studied Strombus gigas larvae, a gastropod of commercial importance in the Caribbean Sea, in order to know the effect of water temperature and acidification on their development, growth, mortality and calcification during the larval period. A larval culture with triplicate samples was carried out employing four treatments of temperature and pH (Control = 28 °C - pH 8.1, T1 = 28 °C - pH 7.6, T2 = 31 °C - pH 8.1 and T3 = 31 °C - pH 7.6) in August 2015. We registered hatching (No. of eggs – No. of larvae hatched) and organs development, while shell growth and mortality ratio were evaluated over time. Shell calcification was studied in 30 days old larvae using EDX and RAMAN analysis. Our results showed that organs development and shell grow...
Estudio histológico del caracol pala Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758
Thesis for: Bachelor of Science, 2001
Six organisms of Strombus gigas were collected at 22°22” North and 89°41” West in Alacranes reef, located 135 Kilometers in front to the coasts of the municipality of Progress, in the State of Yucatan, of the Mexican United States, in June of 2001. To know and identify the structural characteristics at cellular and tissue scale to develop a histological atlas of Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758. The three males and three females collected presented a length of the shell (of the end of the turn at the end of the sifonal channel) with an average of 228 mm (Standard desviation D.E.=20.4, n=6) and thickness of the lip (in the central part of the lip to 40 mm of the edge of the shell) with an approximated average of 16 mm (D.E.=1.8, n=6). The selected anatomical parts for this study were: Probosis, eye, antenna of the eye, foot, body muscle (females), penis (male), mantle, male gonad, female gonad, digestive gland, style sac, ctenidium, kidney and anal pore. Each animal was removed from its shell and samples were taken of 1 cm3. The samples were fixed for 4 days in Davidson A.F.A. solution, previous to the histological processes. The tissues were washed in 70% ethanol, dehydrated through a graded series ethanols of 70%, 96% and 100%, and embedded in Paraplast paraffin. Sections were cut at six microns of thickness and mounted on albuminized slides. The staining was made with Harris Hematoxylin - yellowish Eosin (HHE2), regressive stain method (modified of Howard y Smith, 1983). All material analized was photographed using a Sony video camera colour of hight resolution join light microscope Carl Zeiss MC-63A.
Revista De Biologia Tropical, 2003
The spawning relationships with temperature/photoperiod of Strombus gigas were investigated considering three habitats in Alacranes Reef, Yucatan, between February 1999 and March 2000. The sites were 22o34’N, 89o42’W (site 1); 22o29’N, 89o45’W (site 2) and 22°22’N, 89o39’W (site 3). At each site, transects (100 m x 10 m) were done. Different kinds of reproductive behavior of S. gigas was observed: such as copulating and egg-laying. Individuals alone and egg masses were registered as well. The S. gigas shell length and lip thickness were measured. High density of adults was found at site 2 with 87 conchs in one transect of 1000 m2. The mean density per m2 was 0.004 for site 1; 0.035 for site 2; and 0.003 for site 3. The mean shell length was 220 mm and the lip thickness mean was 16 mm (N = 783) for all sites. In February 1999 egg-laying female was found on sand. There was a high reproductive activity at site 2 with 8 egg-laying and 18 egg masses. Minimum reproductive activity was fou...
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2014
Basic eco-ethology of the queen conch, Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) in Xel-Há, Yucatán, Mexican Caribbean. The queen conch Strombus gigas is an important fishery in the Caribbean, whose populations are currently overexploited. Since the decade of 1980 there have been several studies on aquaculture, resource management and area rehabilitation. However, little is known about its behavior in a natural environment and the influence of environmental parameters. Monthly surveys, from January to November 2012 were conducted in in Xel Ha, to observe and quantify six behaviors of S. gigas: rest, feeding, movement, burying, copulation and spawning. The observations were made every hour from 8h to 17h by free diving through three transects with three replicates each. Each behavior was observed 90 times each month. Salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen were registered at the bottom. We found the highest number of snails at rest in July and the lowest in March and September. Feeding and movements had a peak in August. Most buried in October and November. Copulation was first observed on March with a peak in June and July to October's spawning. In daytime observations restingt had a peak at 8h; feeding and moving at 12 to 17h. Copulation and spawning did not have a clear pattern. Variations between months and hours (resting, feeding, moving and buried) were significant (p<0.05). Resting correlated with temperature and being buried with oxygen level (r=-0.5803; p=0.0536). Feeding and moving correlated with temperature and salinity. These results should be useful for the conservation, restoration and aquaculture programs.
AquaTechnica Revista Iberoamericana de Acuicultura
Se evaluó el efecto en la nutrición de la sustitución de la harina de pescado por la de cianobacteria S. subsalsa en un cultivo de caracol manzana Pomacea bridgesii, donde se utilizaron 60 organismos a los cuales se les suministraron dos dietas (A y B) de alimento balanceado: una adicionada con harina de S. subsalsa (A) y la otra sin S. subsalsa con harina de pescado (B). El cultivo se realizó en un sistema de recirculación conformado por seis unidades de cultivo, durante un periodo de diez semanas. Para evaluar la eficiencia de las dietas se utilizó la tasa de crecimiento absoluta (TAC), con un valor de 0,168 ± 0,011 para A y 0,162 ± 0,009 para B, la tasa de crecimiento específica (TEC), con un valor de 1,417 ± 0,013 para A y 1,416 ± 0,065 para B, en cuanto al factor de conversión alimenticia (FCA), se obtuvo un valor de 1,52 ± 0,11 para A y 1,33 ± 0,08 para B. Se realizó un análisis de varianza para la TAC y TEC, entre los tratamientos A y B, sin encontrar diferencias significativ...