Produse vegetale și fitopreparate cu acțiune hipoglicemiantă (original) (raw)

Activitatea Antivirală a Unor Plante Ierboase Din Flora Spontană a Republicii Moldova, Utilizate În Prevenirea Și Tratamentul Bolilor Respiratorii, În Contextul COVID-19


În baza temei tratate, a fost selectată literatura de specialitate, prezentă în biblioteca USM și în bazele de date NCBI, MedPUB, Google scholar. Analiza surselor de specialitate s-a realizat pornind de la principalele plante medicinale utilizate în tratamentul bolilor respiratorii: <em>Althaea officinalis</em> L.,<em> Inula helenium </em>L.,<em> Leonurus cardiaca</em> L., <em>Malva sylvestris</em> L.,<em> Marrubium</em><em> vulgare</em> L.,<em> Origanum vulgare </em>L<em>., Plantago major</em> L., <em>Primula veris</em> L.,<em> Silybum marianum</em> L., <em>Thymus vulgaris</em> L.,<em> Tussilago</em> <em>farfara </em>L.,<em> Verbascum thapsus </em>L. Rezultatele studiului au permis identificarea plantelor medicinale cu activitate antivirală și/sau antitusivă, care ar putea servi drept potențiale surse de profilaxie/t...

Managementul produselor apicole în Republica Moldova


This paper aims to highlight the importance and aspects of the implementation of the management principles in the apiculture sector in the Republic of Moldova. The major problems that the beekeeping sector is currently experiencing have been identified, the results of actions already implemented, the latter being oriented towards creating favorable development conditions and materializing the provisions reflected in the National Program of Beekeeping Development in the Republic Moldova, while identifying priority directions for state involvement in the development and continued support of the beekeeping sector in the Republic of Moldova.

Analiza de conținut a cercetărilor ştiinţifice la subiectul „nutriție” publicate în Republica Moldova


Background. The scientific research resulted in the discovery of some reality representations, disseminated at the society level through publications. The dissemination of knowledge about nutrition is an excellent way of educating the population. Objective of the study. To analyze the dissemination of scientific research on the topic "Nutrition". Material and Methods. There were analyzed 35 scientific articles on the topic "Nutrition" published in the Republic of Moldova, between 01.01.2014 and 31.12.2016. Object of study: scientific articles. Work tool: 29 question-grid of content analysis of scientific articles. Results. Of the 35 articles, in 8 articles the topic "Nutrition" had the main significance, in 5 articles -secondary connotation and in 22 articles – tangential. Most articles were from two academic fields: Public Health (18 articles) and General Medicine (8 articles). Only 2 articles had a well-determined research purpose. In both articles nu...

Activitatea Biologică a Uleiurilor Esenţiale Din Formele Autohtone De Mentha Spicata L


Ecotipurile autohtone sălbatice de <em>Mentha spicata</em> L. au fost colectate din opt zone diferite şi a fost analizată compoziția uleiurilor esenţiale. Chemotipurile diferă în compoziţia componentelor uleiul esenţial şi în raportul cantitativ al com­po­nentelor. Chemotipurile de mentă au fost impărţite în funcţie de componenta principală – sintetizarea carvonei, linaloolului sau mentolei şi keto-oxizilor. Chemotipurile studiate au arătat o activitate bactericidă şi fungicidă semnificativă.

Modificările enzimei glutation peroxidazei în serul sanguin la administrarea unor compuși coordinativi autohtoni


Background. Testing of new remedies to correct the redox imbalance are of particular interest. In this aspect an important role is assigned to glutathione peroxidase - the key enzyme, maintaining the optimum level of which is essential to life and characterizes the endurance capacity of an organism. Objective of the study. is the investigation of the influence of some new copper coordination compounds (CC) on the GPx activity in blood serum, the estimation and selection of the most effective compounds that could be used for improvement the antioxidant protection. Material and Methods. The action of CC - CMJ-33, CMT-67, TIA-3 and TIA-160 was evaluated in experiments on white female rats after subcutaneous administration of 1,0 μM/kg body weight, 3 times a week for 30 days. The evaluation of serum GPx was performed by Warburg test using the microplate Synergy H1 Hybrid Multi-Mode Reader (BioTek Instruments, USA). Results. The administration of CC has led to a moderate increase in GPx ...

Phytotoxicity assessment of some herbal extracts by Triticum bioassay


Disciplina Botanică farmaceutică şi Biologie celulară, Facultatea de Farmacie, UMF “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, Romania, Catedra Farmacognozie și Botanică farmaceutică, IP USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Republica MoldovaObiectiv: Evaluarea fitotoxicităţii a trei extracte hidroalcoolice de origine vegetală, deoarece efectele asupra celulei vegetale, şi în special cele observate la nivelul nucleului, pot oferi indicii despre potenţiala toxicitate asupra celulei animale şi umane. Materiale şi metode: Efectele a două extracte hidroalcoolice obţinute cu etanol 70% din rădăcinile speciilor Glycyrrhiza glabra L., lemn dulce (fam. Fabaceae) şi Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal, ginseng indian (fam. Solanaceae) şi ale unui extract hidrosolubil de origine comercială obţinut din rădăcina speciei Panax notoginseng (Burkill) F. H. Chen ex C. Y. Wu& K. M. Feng, notoginseng (fam. Araliaceae) asupra rădăcinilor embrionare de Triticum aestivum au fost evaluate prin metoda Constantinescu. Din fiecare extract ...

Оценка употребления диетических добавок до зачатия и во время беременности


IP USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra Obstetrică, ginecologie și reproducere umanăThe aim of this work was to determine the dietary supplement administration rate in the preconception stage and pregnancy, in relation to international and national guidelines on antenatal care. From 201 women included in the survey, just 26,40% of the pregnancies were planned. Intake of folic acid in the preconceptional period was reported by 54 women from 201 (26,90%) and in the first quarter of pregnancy 177 women (88,10%). Iron supplements administration was reported by 160 women (79,60%) during pregnancy. Most women did not recognize the need for routine administration of polyvitamins during pregnancy, their rate being small and decreasing relative to the trimester of pregnancy (I trimester – 25.90%, II trimester – 15.90%, III trimester – 7.0%).Цель этой работы заключалась в том, чтобы определить уровень употребления диетических добавок до зачатия и во время беременности, согласно международным и...

Innovative Food Products


The monograph Innovative Food Products brings together several extensive scientific studies on complex topics treated in detail, multilaterally and expressed through bibliographic studies, data, figures and results of scientific research.<br> Collective monograph Innovative food products is recommended for publication by the Senate of the Technical University of Moldova. The paper is intended for specialists in the field of food technology, nutrition and public catering. Various aspects of creating innovative food products are analyzed, and the research vector is directed towards gluten-free products; fortification of foods with calcium, iodine; food emulsions; capitalization of chickpea flour, walnuts and walnut meal (Juglans regia l.); fruit jam and jam, elucidating the technological and nutritional challenges, at the same time, taking into account the theoretical principles, coming up with practical elaborations. The monograph inserts recommendations for initiation in resea...

Polichimismul Intraspecific Mentha Spicata


Pentru studiul comparativ al diferitelor chemotipuri de <em>Mentha spicata</em> L. acestea au fost colectate atât din populaţii spontane de pe teritoriul Moldovei, cât şi din alte zone geografice. Pentru depistarea posibilităţilor potenţiale ale ecoti­pu­ri­lor de mentă a fost efectuat studiul particularităţilor vegetaţiei, ponderea de ulei, compoziţia calitativă a uleiului. După compoziţia calitativă mentele studiate au fost împărţite în 3 grupe.