Compositional Reinforcement Learning for Discrete-Time Stochastic Control Systems (original) (raw)

Nonparametric Stochastic Compositional Gradient Descent for Q-Learning in Continuous Markov Decision Problems

2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC)

We consider Markov Decision Problems defined over continuous state and action spaces, where an autonomous agent seeks to learn a map from its states to actions so as to maximize its long-term discounted accumulation of rewards. We address this problem by considering Bellman's optimality equation defined over action-value functions, which we reformulate into a nested non-convex stochastic optimization problem defined over a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). We develop a functional generalization of stochastic quasi-gradient method to solve it, which, owing to the structure of the RKHS, admits a parameterization in terms of scalar weights and past state-action pairs which grows proportionately with the algorithm iteration index. To ameliorate this complexity explosion, we apply Kernel Orthogonal Matching Pursuit to the sequence of kernel weights and dictionaries, which yields a controllable error in the descent direction of the underlying optimization method. We prove that the resulting algorithm, called KQ-Learning, converges with probability 1 to a stationary point of this problem, yielding a fixed point of the Bellman optimality operator under the hypothesis that it belongs to the RKHS. Under constant learning rates, we further obtain convergence to a small Bellman error that depends on the chosen learning rates. Numerical evaluation on the Continuous Mountain Car and Inverted Pendulum tasks yields convergent parsimonious learned action-value functions, policies that are competitive with the state of the art, and exhibit reliable, reproducible learning behavior.

Safe-Critical Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning with Temporal Logic through Gaussian Processes and Control Barrier Functions

ArXiv, 2021

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising approach and has limited success towards real-world applications, because ensuring safe exploration or facilitating adequate exploitation is a challenges for controlling robotic systems with unknown models and measurement uncertainties. Such a learning problem becomes even more intractable for complex tasks over continuous space (state-space and action-space). In this paper, we propose a learning-based control framework consisting of several aspects: (1) linear temporal logic (LTL) is leveraged to facilitate complex tasks over an infinite horizons which can be translated to a novel automaton structure; (2) we propose an innovative reward scheme for RL-agent with the formal guarantee such that global optimal policies maximize the probability of satisfying the LTL specifications; (3) based on a reward shaping technique, we develop a modular policy-gradient architecture utilizing the benefits of automaton structures to decompose overall tasks ...

Gradient-based relational reinforcement-learning of temporally extended policies


We consider the problem of computing general policies for decision-theoretic planning problems with temporally extended rewards. We describe a gradient-based approach to relational reinforcement-learning (RRL) of policies for that setting. In particular, the learner optimises its behaviour by acting in a set of problems drawn from a target domain. Our approach is similar to inductive policy selection because the policies learnt are given in terms of relational control-rules. These rules are generated either (1) by reasoning from a firstorder specification of the domain, or (2) more or less arbitrarily according to a taxonomic concept language. To this end the paper contributes a domain definition language for problems with temporally extended rewards, and a taxonomic concept language in which concepts and relations can be temporal. We evaluate our approach in versions of the miconic, logistics and blocks-world planning benchmarks and find that it is able to learn good policies. Our experiments show there is a significant advantage in making temporal concepts available in RRL for planning, whether rewards are temporally extended or not.

Stochastic abstract policies: generalizing knowledge to improve reinforcement learning

IEEE transactions on cybernetics, 2015

Reinforcement learning (RL) enables an agent to learn behavior by acquiring experience through trial-and-error interactions with a dynamic environment. However, knowledge is usually built from scratch and learning to behave may take a long time. Here, we improve the learning performance by leveraging prior knowledge; that is, the learner shows proper behavior from the beginning of a target task, using the knowledge from a set of known, previously solved, source tasks. In this paper, we argue that building stochastic abstract policies that generalize over past experiences is an effective way to provide such improvement and this generalization outperforms the current practice of using a library of policies. We achieve that contributing with a new algorithm, AbsProb-PI-multiple and a framework for transferring knowledge represented as a stochastic abstract policy in new RL tasks. Stochastic abstract policies offer an effective way to encode knowledge because the abstraction they provid...

Distillation of RL Policies with Formal Guarantees via Variational Abstraction of Markov Decision Processes (Technical Report)

ArXiv, 2021

We consider the challenge of policy simplification and verification in the context of policies learned through reinforcement learning (RL) in continuous environments. In wellbehaved settings, RL algorithms have convergence guarantees in the limit. While these guarantees are valuable, they are insufficient for safety-critical applications. Furthermore, they are lost when applying advanced techniques such as deepRL. To recover guarantees when applying advanced RL algorithms to more complex environments with (i) reachability, (ii) safety-constrained reachability, or (iii) discounted-reward objectives, we build upon the DeepMDP framework introduced by Gelada et al. to derive new bisimulation bounds between the unknown environment and a learned discrete latent model of it. Our bisimulation bounds enable the application of formal methods for Markov decision processes. Finally, we show how one can use a policy obtained via state-of-the-art RL to efficiently train a variational autoencoder ...

Non-Markovian Control with Gated End-to-End Memory Policy Networks

ArXiv, 2017

Partially observable environments present an important open challenge in the domain of sequential control learning with delayed rewards. Despite numerous attempts during the two last decades, the majority of reinforcement learning algorithms and associated approximate models, applied to this context, still assume Markovian state transitions. In this paper, we explore the use of a recently proposed attention-based model, the Gated End-to-End Memory Network, for sequential control. We call the resulting model the Gated End-to-End Memory Policy Network. More precisely, we use a model-free value-based algorithm to learn policies for partially observed domains using this memory-enhanced neural network. This model is end-to-end learnable and it features unbounded memory. Indeed, because of its attention mechanism and associated non-parametric memory, the proposed model allows us to define an attention mechanism over the observation stream unlike recurrent models. We show encouraging resul...

Structure in Reinforcement Learning: A Survey and Open Problems


Reinforcement Learning (RL), bolstered by the expressive capabilities of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for function approximation, has demonstrated considerable success in numerous applications. However, its practicality in addressing various real-world scenarios, characterized by diverse and unpredictable dynamics, noisy signals, and large state and action spaces, remains limited. This limitation stems from issues such as poor data efficiency, limited generalization capabilities, a lack of safety guarantees, and the absence of interpretability, among other factors. To overcome these challenges and improve performance across these crucial metrics, one promising avenue is to incorporate additional structural information about the problem into the RL learning process. Various sub-fields of RL have proposed methods for incorporating such inductive biases. We amalgamate these diverse methodologies under a unified framework, shedding light on the role of structure in the learning problem, and classify these methods into distinct patterns of incorporating structure. By leveraging this comprehensive framework, we provide valuable insights into the challenges of structured RL and lay the groundwork for a design pattern perspective on RL research. This novel perspective paves the way for future advancements and aids in developing more effective and efficient RL algorithms that can potentially handle real-world scenarios better.

Decision-Aware Actor-Critic with Function Approximation and Theoretical Guarantees

arXiv (Cornell University), 2023

Actor-critic (AC) methods are widely used in reinforcement learning (RL), and benefit from the flexibility of using any policy gradient method as the actor and value-based method as the critic. The critic is usually trained by minimizing the TD error, an objective that is potentially decorrelated with the true goal of achieving a high reward with the actor. We address this mismatch by designing a joint objective for training the actor and critic in a decision-aware fashion. We use the proposed objective to design a generic, AC algorithm that can easily handle any function approximation. We explicitly characterize the conditions under which the resulting algorithm guarantees monotonic policy improvement, regardless of the choice of the policy and critic parameterization. Instantiating the generic algorithm results in an actor that involves maximizing a sequence of surrogate functions (similar to TRPO, PPO), and a critic that involves minimizing a closely connected objective. Using simple bandit examples, we provably establish the benefit of the proposed critic objective over the standard squared error. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the benefit of our decision-aware actor-critic framework on simple RL problems. 1 Introduction Reinforcement learning (RL) is a framework for solving problems involving sequential decisionmaking under uncertainty, and has found applications in games [38, 50], robot manipulation tasks [55, 64] and clinical trials [45]. RL algorithms aim to learn a policy that maximizes the long-term return by interacting with the environment. Policy gradient (PG) methods [59, 54, 29, 25, 47] are an important class of algorithms that can easily handle function approximation and structured state-action spaces, making them widely used in practice. PG methods assume a differentiable parameterization of the policy and directly optimize the return with respect to the policy parameters. Typically, a policy's return is estimated by using Monte-Carlo samples obtained via environment interactions [59]. Since the environment is stochastic, this approach results in high variance in the estimated return, leading to higher sample-complexity (number of environment interactions required to learn a good policy). Actor-critic (AC) methods [29, 43, 5] alleviate this issue by using value-based approaches [52, 58] in conjunction with PG methods, and have been empirically successful [20, 23]. In AC algorithms, a value-based method ("critic") is used to approximate a policy's estimated value, and a PG method ("actor") uses this estimate to improve the policy towards obtaining higher returns. Though AC methods have the flexibility of using any method to independently train the actor and critic, it is unclear how to train the two components jointly in order to learn good policies. For example, the critic is typically trained via temporal difference (TD) learning and its objective is to minimize the value estimation error across all states and actions. For large real-world Markov decision processes (MDPs), it is intractable to estimate the values across all states and actions, and 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023).

Towards a Theoretical Foundation of Policy Optimization for Learning Control Policies

arXiv (Cornell University), 2022

Gradient-based methods have been widely used for system design and optimization in diverse application domains. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in studying theoretical properties of these methods in the context of control and reinforcement learning. This article surveys some of the recent developments on policy optimization, a gradientbased iterative approach for feedback control synthesis, popularized by successes of reinforcement learning. We take an interdisciplinary perspective in our exposition that connects control theory, reinforcement learning, and large-scale optimization. We review a number of recently-developed theoretical results on the optimization landscape, global convergence, and sample complexity of gradient-based methods for various continuous control problems such as the linear quadratic regulator (LQR), H∞ control, risk-sensitive control, linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control, and output feedback synthesis. In conjunction with these optimization results, we also discuss how direct policy optimization handles stability and robustness concerns in learning-based control, two main desiderata in control engineering. We conclude the survey by pointing out several challenges and opportunities at the intersection of learning and control.

Two stochastic dynamic programming problems by model-free actor-critic recurrent-network learning in non-Markovian settings


We describe two stochastic non-Markovian dynamic programming (DP) problems, showing how the posed problems can be attacked by using actor-critic reinforcement learning with recurrent neural networks (RNN). We assume that the current state of a dynamical system is "completely observable," but that the rules, unknown to our decision-making agent, for the current reward and state transition depend not only on current state and action, but on possibly the "entire history" of past states and actions. This should not be confused with problems of "partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs)," where the current state is only deduced from either partial (observable) state alone or error-corrupted observations [11]. Our actor-critic RNN agent is capable of finding an optimal policy, while learning neither transitional probabilities, associated rewards, nor by how much the current state space must be augmented so that the Markov property holds. The RNN's recurrent connections or context units function as an "implicit" history memory (or internal state) to develop "sensitivity" to non-Markovian dependencies, rendering the process Markovian implicitly and automatically in a "totally model-free" fashion. In particular, using two small-scale longest-path problems in a stochastic non-Markovian setting, we discuss model-free learning features in comparison with the model-based approach by the classical DP algorithm.