Objective, Scope and Importance of High Temperature Processing of Fish (original) (raw)

A review on dried fish processing and marketing in the coastal region of Bangladesh

Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, 2018

Sun drying of fish is an important method of fish preservation throughout the world. Due to its availability and product specific flavor and texture, dried fish has become an important part in the diet of people living particularly in the coastal region of many Asian countries including Bangladesh. Product type is considerably wide depending on the season, availability of fish, infrastructure and technical know-how of the processors. These are mainly processed from marine fishes that are caught by the artisanal fishermen and marketed throughout the country by multistep marketing channel up to reaching to the consumer. Due to the importance of the product in terms of market volume as well as its major role in the socio-economic condition of millions of people of the country, the sector needs proper attention by appropriate authorities to ensure quality and safety of the product produced and marketed. In this paper, different methods of sun drying practiced traditionally in the coasta...

The Impact of Drying and Salting on the Fish Resilience and Quality

International Journal of Natural Science and Engineering

Drying fish is one way of preserving fish by reducing the water content of fish so that the activity of microorganisms can be reduced. Preservation by drying is intended to extend the shelf life of fish. Many fish species have used the drying method for a long time. This study aimed to analyze the effect of drying on salted and unsalted fish to test the resistance and quality of fish. Making salted fish is the simplest preservation with low cost. The characteristics of fish that have a neutral pH, soft texture, and high nutritional content make fish a good medium for bacterial growth. Most Indonesian people manage fish to overcome the damage, including those processed into salted fish. Salted fish is one form of traditional fish processed products with drying and salting technology. Based on the study's results, it was concluded that salted fish that was dried for more than 12 hours of heating in the sun produced products that were acceptable to consumers, while drying under 8 h...

The Effect of Traditional Drying on Salted Fish Quality

International Journal of Natural Science and Engineering

Fish is a source of animal protein that is widely consumed by the public. With a high protein content, fish quickly undergo a post-harvest decay process if it is not directly processed into food. In general, what causes fish to rot quickly are bacterial and chemical factors. as for the method used in this study is a qualitative research approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of drying on the quality of fish. The results showed that the drying time of fish depends on the weather and also the size of the fish. Drying using sunlight is widely used because heat energy is abundant and the equipment used is inexpensive. during the drying process cleanliness must be monitored. This study also aims to determine the difference between drying fish using salt and not using salt. The parameters observed were the quality of the fish starting from the texture, color, smell, and content contained in the fish after drying. Drying salted fish is widely available in Indonesia...

Effects of Salting on the shelf lives extension of sun-dried Shoal (Channa striatus Bloch, 1801) and Taki (C. punctatus; Bloch, 1793) fish-products stored at room temperature (270C - 300C)

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2014

Keeping the quality of fish and fish products at its best is the most important issue in any kind of fish processing. Among them, Drying of fish (dried fish-product called ‘shutki’ in Bangladesh) is widely used as a traditional method for preservation and considered as a concentrated source of nutrients to Bangladeshi people. So, an experiment was carried out to assess the sensory-evaluation and changes in chemical-compositions of sun-dried salted (SDS) Shoal and Taki fish products stored at room temperature. TVB-N, pH and FFA value increased significantly (p<0.05) with the time of storage period and between these two salted products, these parameters rapidly increased in SDS Shoal than SDS Taki fish and at the end of 5 months SDS Shoal fish product became spoiled whereas SDS Taki fish still in fresh condition. TVB-N value was found below the range suggested by various researchers for fish and fishproducts.

Financial Feasibility of Traditional Processing Industry : Study of Processing Dry Salted Fish of Tatah Mina Group , South Kalimantan


The research is aimed to determined the financial feasibility of the dry salted fish processing industry of Tatah Mina Group, South Kalimantan. The production of dry salted fish need salt which fucntion as natural preservative and gave flavour to the product. Changes in the purchase price of salt would give an impact on production costs and affect the selling price. Result showed that the processing of dry salted fish is still feasible to continue for the next 5 years until the interest rate of 9% with absolute profit value is Rp. Rp 46,594,359.63, Net BCR of 1,64 and IRR of 31,633%. The advantages of dry salted fish processing business are not sensitive to increase of salt prices, but sensitive enough to decrease a product prices of 3%. The suggest of this research that need diversification of fish species for processing dry salted fish, efficient use of salt, and need to maintain the quality of dry salted fish to prevent a decline in selling prices.

Overview on fish quality research-Impact of fish handling, processing, storage and logistics on fish quality deterioration


Stutt geymsluþol fisks er takmarkandi þáttur í útflutningi ferskra fiskafurða frá Íslandi. Fjallað er um upphafsgaeði hráefnis, aðferðir við kaelingu, vinnslu, pökkun og aðstaeður við geymslu og flutning ásamt áhrifum allra þessara þátta á ferskleika og geymsluþol fiskafurða. Hitastigsstýring er mjög mikilvaeg til að viðhalda gaeðum fisks. Forkaeling flaka í vinnslu hefur verið notuð til að laekka hitastig fyrir pökkun. Samt sem áður verður að gaeta þess að taeknin við forkaelingu stofni ekki örveruástandi vörunnar í haettu og verði þar með til að hún skemmist fyrr eftir pökkun. Samverkandi áhrif sem verða af ofurkaelingu og loftskiptri pökkun (MAP) geta lengt ferskleikatímabil og geymsluþol fiskafurða verulega. Ennfremur eru pökkunaraðferðir skoðaðar þar á meðal nýjar umhverfisvaenni pakkningar. Að lokum er raett um áhrif flutningaleiða ferskra fiskafurða á lokagaeði þeirra til neytenda á markaði. Skýrsla þessi veitir yfirsýn yfir rannsóknir Rannsóknastofnunar fiskiðnaðarins og Matís ohf síðastliðna þrjá áratugi á viðfangsefninu. Ennfremur er raett um hvernig þessar niðurstöður geti nýst fiskiðnaðinum.

Study of traditional fish drying activities at Atrai upazilla of Naogaon district in Bangladesh


The investigation was conducted on traditional fish drying activities of the Atrai upazila under Naogaon district from July 2011 to December 2011. There was only one fish drying point was found in study area. The observed fish drying points are seasonal (from July to December). There are sixteen fish species were identified for drying among study area. Most of the raw fish collect from local market or Atria River. Transportation of raw fish was done by non-mechanized van or by head load of the labour. Price of the raw fish varied according to the species, size and availability. It is observed that September-October peak period for drying. The rate of mixing salt in the study area was found as 1kg salt for 12 kg of raw fish. At normal weather condition drying duration recorded to be varied from 2-5 days depend on the size of the raw fish. Plastic, jute sack and sometimes bamboo baskets were used for packaging purpose. The marketing channel is too small here. It was found that all the dried fish product in study areas, carried to the Sayadpur dry fish wholesale market in Nilphamary district directly by producers. The annual production of dried fish range 6000-8000 Kg. The highest price per kg dried fish was found as 400-550 Tk (Baim) and the lowest was found as 90-120 Tk (Punti, Darkina, Colisa). The cost benefit ratio for fish drying activities of study area was 1:0.671. The dry fish trader faced some problem such as insufficient credit, lack of raw fish insect infestation, storage and marketing facilities. From the present study some recommendations were also formulated to minimize the problem.