Lärares rörlighet i text och praktik (original) (raw)

Förändra praktiken genom imperativ policy? Lärares förutsättningar för arbetet med kartläggning i förskoleklass

Utbildning & Demokrati – tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitk

Change the practice through imperative policy? Teachers’ conditions for doing assessments in preschool class. This study examines the conditions given to teachers in preschool class in order to execute the guarantee for early interventions and mandatory assessments of six-year-olds. The reform contributes an imperative policy that is to be interpreted literally to ensure equality. The study involves the analysis of survey responses from 792 teachers in 191 Swedish municipalities. The results reveal three gaps: 1) there is variety in the local preconditions and time spent on the assessments despite the standardization in this imperative policy, 2) the guarantee seems to be integrated into the local institutional culture rather than to be driving change, and 3) the reform seems to have become the teachers’ responsibility to implement within existing resources and timeframes. The conclusion is that the reform and its policy lead to large variation when implemented in local practice. Th...

Gymnasieelevers arbete med och attityder till processkrivning i moderna språk


Swedish students’ proficiency in written production in a third language (L3) ​​has proven to be insufficient (European Commission 2012). Despite its potential for language learning (e.g. Manchón 2011), writing tends to be a neglected skill in foreign language classrooms in Sweden. Students are given few opportunities to produce texts (Knospe 2017). Therefore, students often feel insecure and lack strategies for text production in their third language. There are few in-depth studies of students’ ability to reflect on and process their texts. In this article, we focus on process-oriented writing in German as a foreign language in a Swedish upper secondary school (course 4). Texts from 20 Swedish learners of German (level A2 ̶ B1) working with process-oriented writing for three months were collected. After having finished the work with process-oriented writing the learners were asked to fill in a questionnaire on their attitudes towards the work with process-oriented writing. Our study...

Lärares professionella autonomi under New Public Managementepoken

Utbildning & Demokrati – tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitk

Teachers' Professional Autonomy During the New Public Management Epoch. The last few decades of intensive school reform has affected and continue to affect teachers' work and the construction of the teaching profession. This article examines how upper secondary school teachers perceive and respond to the consequences for their professional autonomy of recent school reforms and restructurings. Based on empirical material from interviews of 119 teachers in three studies conducted between 2002 and 2014, the findings indicate that teacher autonomy has been reduced by school reforms and restructurings since the late 1980s. Most of these policies are neo-liberal policies or New Public Management technologies. The findings testify to the ongoing emphasis on the significance of market logics as well as on how these work together with bureaucratic logics to shift occupational professionalism to organizational professionalism and licensed autonomy to regulated autonomy.

Performans och text – entextualiseringar av dans och rytmik i idrottsundervisningen i en högstadieklass

Nordic Journal of Literacy Research

Artikeln, som är en del av en längre etnografisk studie om skrift- och bedömningspraktiker i idrottsämnet, undersöker skriftliga texters roll under ett undervisningsblock i dans och rytmik i en högstadieklass i Sverige. Närmare bestämt undersöks för vilka ändamål skriftbaserade texter används och vad de använda texterna handlar om, det vill säga vilket specifikt ämnesinnehåll som entextualiseras (Bauman & Briggs, 1990). Därmed fyller artikeln en empirisk lucka i forskningen om literacy i idrott och hälsa. I studien ses literacy som situerade sociala praktiker, vilket innebär att man kan tala om olika ”literacies” i olika domäner. Här undersöks literacy i förståelsen skriftbruk i idrott och hälsa med hjälp av begreppen skrifthändelse och skriftpraktik. Resultaten visar att texter används för mångfasetterade syften, så som planering och introduktion av undervisningen, utvärdering och reflektion, kunskapsredovisning och bedömning och som redskap i såväl teoretiska som praktiska undervi...

Didaktik som lärarutbildningens innehåll och form. Motstånd, utmaningar och möjligheter

Utbildning & Demokrati – tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitk

Didaktik as content and form in Teacher Training: Resistance, challenges and possibilities. The aim of this article is to, through a pedagogical-philosophical argument, illustrate how didactical perspectives can contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the transformative content and pedagogy of teacher education. We begin by discussing the pedagogical challenges both teacher-educators and teacher-students face within teacher education, namely the existential trial of shifting from a pupil perspective to a teacher perspective. By addressing rather than ignoring these challenges, we attempt to show that there is an inherent and potential pedagogy of teacher education. By problematizing the relationship between pedagogy and didactics we illustrate how didactics risk being viewed instrumentally if severed from their pedagogical roots. We then introduce didactical perspectives, rooted in a German speaking tradition and argue that these can be seen as not only appropriate as content for teacher education, but also as a pedagogical point of departure for teacher educators. Finally, we suggest that a university pedagogy with a didactical orientation can attend to the existential transformation from a student to a teacher and give the becoming teachers both relevant knowledge and language for their future practice.