Developing Materials For Special Academic Purposes For Islamic Education Using Google Apps For Education/ تطوير المادة الدراسية الأكاديمية لقسم التربية الإسلامية عبر تطبيقات جوجل التربوية (original) (raw)
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alfazuna: Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2019
The teaching process that still uses traditional methods has an impact to students. One of that impact is the obstructed of student’s ability to master speaking skills, whereas the main function of language learning is as a communication tool. Therefore, researchers want to provide one way to improve the ability to speak Arabic, namely by using the Boardroom application. By using this application, the process of teaching Arabic in the classroom will be more innovative and raises student’s corage in their Arabic speaking skills. This research was conducted on eight grade students of the Belang Islamic junior high school, Kancheng Madiun. This study uses quantitative methods. The data collection process will be carried out by interviews, questionares, tests and drawings. Whit this method of data collection, the researchers will get more validity and depth data in the field.
Management is an activity that was built by a person or group of people to achieve the goals of an organization well. Then the management also is a special skill and ability to perform activities either individually or jointly with others. State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang have an organization that is unbelievably particular concentration on improving the language is in the field of speaking skills. The community is Al Kindy that have some weekly program of activities that are within the university. and activities outside the university one of which is the activity of competitions and national conferences or campsite Arabic. As this discussion there are four issues: (1) How to program planning improvements speaking Arabic at Al Kindy community? (2) How does the organization improvement program speaks Arabic at Al Kindy community? (3) How is the implementation of improvement programs speak Arabic at Al Kindy community? (4) How would you evaluate improvement program speaks Arabic at Al Kindy community? This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the instruments which are used in collecting data are interviewing, observation, and documentation. While the results of research in program planning is to show that this Arabic language improvement based on the experience of the activities of the previous year. (1) Later in the program planning improvements speaking Arabic has several programs such as the Scientific Debate, Speech, Host, Singing, Reading Book Turath, Reading Poetry / Rhymes. Then (2) The organization is overseen by the board, as for learning by mushrifs / ah in each program. As for his time every Saturday, at the back of Micro Teaching at 7:00 to 10:00 pm. (3) Then the delivery of almost every activity in accordance with the program and organizing. But a very fundamental thing that is problematic relation to time is often too late so very little time left. between members and officials because they are always late. Then to (4) the evaluation of all the programs are held in the community of Al Kindy aims to repair speak Arabic that the program Scientific debates or speeches. Because of the many programs geared to talk without seeing the text especially scientific debate. While other programs that they felt a little slow because a lot of time developing exercises look to the text.
Muhammad Nasrullah (3103139), Penggunaan Multimedia Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Arab di MA Qudsiyyah Kudus, 2009, Semarang, Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, Fakultas Tarbiyah, IAIN Walisongo. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui definisi multimedia dan penggunaannya dalam pengajaran Bahasa Arab di MA Qudsiyyah Kudus. Skripsi ini merupakan Deskriptif Kualitatif karena pokok pembahasannya bersifat lapangan dan penjelasan yang dikumpulkan berupa kalimat yang tak terhitung. Penulis mengumpulkan penjelasan dengan Metode Observasi, Interview dan Dokumentasi. Metode Observasi digunakan untuk mengetahui penerapan penggunaan multimedia dalam pengajaran bahasa arab sedangkan Metode Interview digunakan untuk mengetahui keadaan MA Qudsiyyah mulai dari sejarah berdirinya, media yang digunakan, tujuan berdirinya madrasah serta Mata Pelajaran yang diajarkan. Adapun Metode Dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengetahui dokumen-dokumen madrasah, gambar-gambar dari tata cara penggunaan multimedia pada ...
International Journal of research in Educational Sciences. (IJRES), 2021
The current study aimed to identify the importance of the Internet of Things implementation in education, where the Internet of Things is the modern technological application that has captured the entire world by linking different beings with each other without human intervention. The study seeks to help the Ministry of Higher Education in Sudan to reduce the obstacles, difficulties and emergency conditions facing the educational process such as the Coronavirus pandemic, and to know the appropriate alternatives that can help in improving educational outcomes now and in the future. To achieve the goals of the study, a questionnaire was designed and distributed on a random sample consisting of (202) participants, representing the study community from faculty members in Sudanese Universities. The study relied on structural models because of its high validity tools, especially for qualitative data, for this reason, the AMOS statistical package was used. The study dealt with the determinants of the Internet of things represented in electronic platforms, virtual classes, and electronic the effect size was weak reached 42%, which indicates that there are other variables that have a greater impact in the determinants of Internet of things. The study concluded that the Internet of Things provides many methods and tools that help faculty members to achieve valuable benefits for educational outcomes, thus facilitating their work and increasing student benefits. The study recommends conducting more studies and focusing on introducing the beneficiaries of the educational process (students) into the model.
alfazuna: Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2017
The background of this title selection is the inability of students in Arabic. Many students do not like learning Arabic because they feel boredom in learning Arabic. Most students believe that Arabic is a language such a difficult to learn. Among the difficulties faced by students are difficulties in pronounciation and writing. Therefore, researchers want to apply an ASSURE (Analyze State Select Utilize Require Evaluation) to improve student achievement in Arabic. Researchers use quantitative methods and use observation, documentation and tests in their data collection. From the results of the pre-test and post-test conducted by the researcher it can be concluded that there is a significant improvement and shows that the ASSURE (Analyze State Select Utilize Require Evaluation) learning model is effective for use in learning
إعداد كتاب تعليم اللغة العربية على المدخل التقني لطلبة مدرسة الإرشاد المتوسطة الحكومية للبنات مالانق
مستخلص البحث تنطلق هذه الدراسة من المشكلات التي تواجهها مدرسة الإرشاد المتوسطة الحكومية للبنات مالانق عند تعليم اللغة العربية للطالبات فصل الثامن، حيث عدم توفر الكتاب التعليمي المناسب لتعليم اللغة العربية فصل الثامن. وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إعداد كتاب تعليم اللغة العربية على المدخل التقني لطلبة فصل الثامن مدرسة الإرشاد المتوسطة الحكومية للبنات مالانق، ويكون ذلك الكتاب المطور ذا فعالية كبيرة حتى يتمكن الطلبة من تعلم اللغة العربية بشكل فعال ومشوق. وأما خطوات البحث التطوير المستخدم في هذا البحث هي الخطوات التي قدمها بورج وغال (Borg & Gall)، حيث تمر هذه الخطوات بثمان مراحل، هي: 1) تحليل الاحتياجات والمشكلات، 2) جمع البيانات، 3) تصميم المنتج، 4) تصديق المنتج، 5) التصليح، 6) التجربة المبدئية، 7) التجربة الميدانية، 8) الإنتاج النهائي. تستخدم الباحثة في هذه الدراسة منهج البحث التطويري والتجريبي، وتتم عملية التطوير بأربع مراحل، هي: 1) الدراسة التمهيدية وتحليل الاحتياجات والمنهج، 2) تصميم الكتاب التعليمي اللغة العربية على المدخل التقني، 3) التأكد من تناسب الكتاب التعليمي المطور وتحكيمه من قبل ا...
تطوير كتاب اللغة العربية على أساس التعلم البصري في المدرسة الإبتدائية الإسلامية جندكي فيحا بالمبانج
مستخلص البحث عملية التدريس أيا كان نوعها أو نمطها أو مادتها ومحتواها تعتمد اعتمادا كبيرا على الكتاب التعليمي، فهو يمثل بالنسبة للمتعلم أساسا باقيا لعملية تعلم منظمة، وأساسا دائما لتعزيز هذه العملية، ومرافقا لا يغيب للاطلاع السابق والمراجعة التالية. وبعد أن قامت الباحثة بالبحث في تعليم اللغة العربية بالمدرسة الإبتدائية الإسلامية جندكي فيحا بالمبانج، فعرفت أن الكتاب التعليمي المستخدم فيه لم يكن مناسبا لدى الطلبة حتى لم يتقنوا الطلبة المواد التعليمية تماما بنسبة لم يقدروا على فهم الكلمات والعبارات فيها لأن تقدّم المولف الكتاب التعليمي باللغة العالية، لذلك يصعب المعلم في إجرائه أثناء التعليم اللغة العربية، حتى قدّم المعلم المواد من كتاب الأخرى لتوضيح ولتسهيل المواد في الكتاب التعليمي، وراغب المعلم في كتاب اللغة العربية الذي يناسب بالإحتياجات والقدرة طلبته. يهدف البحث لوصف عن إتمام كيفية تطوير كتاب اللغة العربية على أساس التعلم البصري في المدرسة الإبتدائية الإسلامية جندكي فيحا بالمبانج ولقياس عن فعاليته. ومنهج البحث استخدمته الباحثة هو منهج البحث والتطوير (R & D) وتعتمد الباحثة على إحدى ...
alfazuna: Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2017
The institute for Foreign Language Development (LPBA) is a program centered on foreign language learning activities for students of the Sunan Drajat Paciran Islamic Boarding School in Lamongan. The purpose of this institution is to master foreign language, especially Arabic and English. Therefore, researchers want to know about how to apply additional lessons in the Foreign Language Development Institute (LPBA). This research was conducted at the Sunan Drajat Paciran Islamic Boarding School in Lamongan, with class XI as the sample. This study uses descriptive quantitative method to determine the efficiency of speaking skills using the test formula “t”. The results of this study indicate an increase in santri’s speaking skills after the implementation of additional learning at the Institute for Foreign Language Development (LPBA) at the Sunan Drajat Paciran Islamic Boarding School in Lamongan with the value of t count 9.823 greater that t table 2.026 and this indicates Ho is rejecte...