Nee, ze heeft er twee": Acquisition of Dutch quantitative 'er (original) (raw)

Statistics Netherlands

The annual figures on the fertility of Turkish and Moroccan women show that the sharp decline that took place up to the mid nineties was reduced or stagnated. In this paper we use cohort data by generation for the main population groups of nonwestern origin to show that the first generation only adjusted their fertility slowly to that of the native Dutch women. The first generation of Turkish and Moroccan women even has higher fertility rates than the women in their countries of origin. The realised fertility rate of the second generation, on the other hand, is virtually the same as that of the native Dutch women. Turkish and Moroccan women in their early thirties even have fewer children than native Dutch women that age. Their position is no longer in between the first generation and the native Dutch women, but fertility-wise they are more like the native Dutch than like their mothers.

Counting on Statistics; Statistics Netherlands‘ Modernization Program


Summary: Counting on Statistics, the modernization program of Statistics Netherlands has as aims improvement of quality, more use of administrative data, higher efficiency, and reduction of the number of ICT applications. It consists of 5 subprograms: business architecture, methodological framework, generic processes, modernization of the main economic statistics, and modernization of other statistics Keywords: Statistics Netherlands, modernization, business architecture



1. Statistics Netherlands has developed a software package called MacroView that enables an efficient development of custom-tailored macro-editing tools. Generic functionalities of macro-editing tools are implemented in MacroView. These functionalities are in fact the building blocks of all macroediting tools developed in MacroView. To actually build such a custom-tailored macro-editing tool using these building blocks, a script language can be used. Scripts specify which building blocks are combined in a macro-editing tool and how. Macro-editing tools developed in MacroView are currently being used in the redesigned Dutch Structural Business Statistics and Road Statistics. At the moment MacroView scripts are developed and tested for the redesigned Short term Statistics.

Liefhebberij: A Market Sensibility


What is liefhebberij? (Amateurism, roughly speaking) and how does the practice of liefhebberij as it's described in 17th-century Netherlandish documents and works of art relate to knowledge and the economy? Chapter 6 in Early Modern Knowledge Societies as Affective Economies, a recent volume edited by Inger Leemans and Anne Goldgar in the Global Knowledge Society Series

2015 SBA Fact Sheet Netherlands Key points

Past & future SME performance 1 : The Dutch SME sector is estimated to have experienced its first year of full recovery in 2014. In the previous years only a small proportion of SMEs had seen their value added return to pre-crisis levels. The progress in some service sectors, especially those related to tourism, was particularly dynamic. By contrast, SMEs in construction and manufacturing are still well below their pre-crisis employment levels. In 2015 and 2016 the modest recovery is expected to continue. Until 2016 SME value added growth is estimated at 6.5 % and SME employment is expected to rise by 2.1 %, a net increase of some 70 000 jobs. Implementing the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA): The Netherlands enjoys a competitive business environment. It has a generally strong SBA profile, though with isolated weak spots. In five of the SBA policy areas it exceeds the EU average. Entrepreneurship, 'second chance' and 'responsive administration' stand out. In the latter, conditions have improved significantly since 2008. Access to finance remains a challenge as is, to a lesser extent, public procurement. The Netherlands has made good progress in implementing the SBA, giving priority to entrepreneurship, 'think small first', 'responsive administration' and innovation. SME policy priorities: Further measures to improve SMEsáccess to finance remain a priority, in particular by easing financing conditions, including interest rates and collateral. At the same time, alternative finance instruments, including venture capital and crowdfunding, need to be reinforced and promoted among the SME community. The efforts to improve R&D results and turn innovative ideas into marketable products have to continue and the effectiveness of the measures already taken in this area has to be regularly reviewed.

Adriaan Kluit's statistics and the future of the Dutch state from a European perspective

History of European Ideas, 2010

This article discusses the early history of academic statistics in the Netherlands in relation to the reform challenges of the Dutch state. Statistics, before it developed into a predominantly quantitative social science, was adopted around 1800 by Adriaan Kluit as a method for shaping and articulating his political vision. Kluit's politics, the article suggests, echoed the specific outlook on the ‘intrinsic power’ of the Dutch Republic as a trading state that was developed during William IV's stadholderate in the mid eighteenth century. Through the ideas of later writers and statesmen who had trained as statisticians this same approach to envisaging the Dutch future in international trade and politics was carried over into nineteenth-century Dutch political economy and constitutional reform.