Selecting GCM scenarios for impact studies based on regional climate change information (original) (raw)
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Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2012
As worldwide efforts to reduce global warming gases, the construction Industry is endeavoring to diminish carbon dioxides emissions. Especially, by introducing the LCA methodology to the industry, A variety of related studies to measure the emission of carbon dioxides have been conducted. However, when the conventional LCA methodology is applied to the construction projects, some limitations have been reported. To overcome the restrictions derived from the industry characteristics, this research suggested the Activity-based LCA model by applying the Activitybased Costing (ABC), which breaks down the whole life cycles into more detailed stages. By implementing the newly developed model, forecasting accuracy of CO2 emission was elevated, and the critical control points on carbon dioxides were established. Through the case study of aluminium curtain-wall system, this research verified the usefulness of the Activity-based LCA.
Validations of Typhoon Intensity Guidance Models in the Western North Pacific
Daegi, 2016
Eleven Tropical Cyclone (TC) intensity guidance models in the western North Pacific have been validated over 2008~2014 based on various analysis methods according to the lead time of forecast, year, month, intensity, rapid intensity change, track, and geographical area with an additional focus on TCs that influenced the Korean peninsula. From the evaluation using mean absolute error and correlation coefficients for maximum wind speed forecasts up to 72 h, we found that the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting model (HWRF) outperforms all others overall although the Global Forecast System (GFS), the Typhoon Ensemble Prediction System of Japan Meteorological Agency (TEPS), and the Korean version of Weather and Weather Research and Forecasting model (KWRF) also shows a good performance in some lead times of forecast. In particular, HWRF shows the highest performance in predicting the intensity of strong TCs above Category 3, which may be attributed to its highest spatial resolution (~3 km). The Navy Operational Global Prediction Model (NOGAPS) and GFS were the most improved model during 2008~2014. For initial intensity error, two Japanese models, Japan Meteorological Agency Global Spectral Model (JGSM) and TEPS, had the smallest error. In track forecast, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and recent GFS model outperformed others. The present results has significant implications for providing basic information for operational forecasters as well as developing ensemble or consensus prediction systems.
Assessing Vulnerability to Agricultural Drought of Pumping Stations for Preparing Climate Change
Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers, 2019
In order to implement practical alternatives to proactively cope with the agricultural drought, the potential vulnerability of irrigation pumping stations to agricultural drought was quantitatively evaluated. Data for the 124 pumping stations which are correlatable to the three proxy variables, i.e. exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity was collected by the Korea Rural Community Corporation, and then standardized considering distribution of each data set. Finally, the vulnerability index was calculated by multiplying the weights determined by the expert survey. The results showed that the vulnerability index ranged from 0.709 to 0.331 and the most vulnerable pumping stations such as Judam, Wongoo and Jinahn were mostly located in Gyeongbuk province likely because of the climatological characteristics with high temperature and low rainfall around this area. In addition, it was found that the adaptive capacity was a dominant factor comparing to exposure or sensitivity proxy variables in contributing to the vulnerability. It is therefore recommended that more practical alternatives should be employed to effectively reduce the vulnerability of an individual pumping station to agricultural drought. Furthermore, the corresponding data related to adaptive capacity should be systematically organized and managed at a field level to design reliable adaptation strategies.
Regional Cooperation by the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit and Water Network
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Analysis of climate change impact on flow duration characteristics in the Mekong River
Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 2019
The purpose of this study is to analyze the Mekong River streamflow alteration due to climate change. The future climate change scenarios were produced by bias corrections of the data from East Asia RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios, given by HadGEM3-RA. Then, SWAT model was used for discharge simulation of the Kratie, the main point of the Mekong River (watershed area: 646,000 km2 , 88% of the annual average flow rate of the Mekong River). As a result of the climate change analysis, the annual precipitation of the Kratie upper-watershed increase in both scenarios compared to the baseline yearly average precipitation. The monthly precipitation increase is relatively large from June to November. In particular, precipitation fluctuated greatly in the RCP 8.5 rather than RCP 4.5. Monthly average maximum and minimum temperature are predicted to be increased in both scenarios. As well as precipitation, the temperature increase in RCP 8.5 scenarios was found to be more significant than RCP 4.5. I...
Statistical Properties of News Coverage Data
Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 2012
In the current analysis, we examine news coverage data widely used in media studies. News coverage data is usually time series data to capture the volume or the tone of the news media's coverage of a topic. We first describe the distributional properties of autoregressive conditionally heteroscadestic(ARCH) effects and compare two major American newspaper's coverage of U.S.-North Korea relations. Subsequently, we propose a change point detection model and apply it to the detection of major change points in the tone of American newspaper coverage of U.S.-North Korea relations.
Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, 2017
In this paper, we propose novel feature extraction algorithm for classification of seabed sediment. In previous researches, acoustic reflection coefficient has been used to classify seabed sediments, which is constant in terms of frequency. However, attenuation of seabed sediment is a function of frequency and is highly influenced by sediment types in general. Hence, we developed a feature vector by using attenuation variation with respect to frequency. The attenuation variation is obtained by using reflected signal from the second sediment layer, which is generated by broadband chirp. The proposed feature vector has advantage in number of dimensions to classify the seabed sediment over the classical scalar feature (reflection coefficient). To compare the proposed feature with the classical scalar feature, dimension of proposed feature vector is reduced by using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Synthesised acoustic amplitudes reflected by seabed sediments are generated by using Biot model and the performance of proposed feature is evaluated by using Fisher scoring and classification accuracy computed by maximum likelihood decision (MLD). As a result, the proposed feature shows higher discrimination performance and more robustness against measurement errors than that of classical feature.