Efektifitas Pemberian Jus Tomat Ditambah Jeruk Nipis Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Wanita Dewasa (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Tomat Dan Jeruk Nipis Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Wanita Dewasa Usia 40 – 60 Tahun


Background : DM is a chronic disease, not infrequently patients with DM depends on drugs throughout life. Drug consumption brings economic impact besides side effects of course. Therefore it is necessary alternative treatment in preventing the occurrence of DM disease by using vegetables and fruits. Based on the results of Riskesdas 2013, DM prevalence increased from 1.1 percent (2007) to 2.1 percent, while in Semarang there was an increase from 13,112 cases (2013) to 15,464 cases (2014). The highest prevalence in Semarang that is in Kecamatan Pedurungan with working area of Tlogosari Wetan by 8.6%. Objective : To determine the effect of tomato and lime juice on blood glucose levels in adult women aged 40-60 years. Methods : This research was clinical nutrition research. The type of research was true experiment that used randomized pretest posttest control group design. The sample size is 20 treatments and 18 controls. The test used to determine the difference of blood glucose level between the treatment group and the control group is Independent T-test and to determine the effect of tomato juice and lime juice on blood glucose control with nutrient intake is ANOVA Repeated Measure Test. Results : Based on statistical tests showed that in subjects with initial blood glucose high category (≥90 mg / dl) there was more decrease in blood glucose in the treatment group even though statistically not significant (p = 0,354). Subjects with initial blood glucose normal category (<90 mg / dl) there was decrease in blood glucose even though statistically not significant (p = 0,139). Conclusion : Tomato and lime juice can decrease blood glucose levels in the research subjects, although statistically not significant.

Analisis Kadar Asam Urat Wanita Dewasa Usia 40-60 Tahun Setelah Konsumsi Jus Tomat-Jeruk Nipis


Background : The prevalence of gout arthritis in Indonesia there is no definitive data. Epidemiological surveys conducted in Bandungan, Central Java on WHO-COPCORD cooperation on 4,683 samples aged between 15-65 years found that the prevalence of gout arthritis in women was 11.7% (Darmawan, 2003). The use of drugs aimed at lowering uric acid levels can cause some side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea so that the level of adherence will decrease (M. Adib, 2011). Objective : To analalysis determine the effect of tomato-lemon juice on uric acid level of adult women aged 40-60 years. Methods : A true experimental research design type with a randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Number of respondents 20 treatments and 18 controls. Intervention was performed for 21 days with the measurement of uric acid at before and after intervention. The test used is paired t test, independent t test and ANCOVA with 95% confidence degree. Result : paired t test showed no difference of pre and post in treatment group (p>0,05). Analysis of the effect on the group with normal uric acid category p = 0.655, in the pre hyperuricemia group p = 0.235 and in hyperuricemia p = 0.221. There was a decrease in uric acid levels by 0.26 mg / dl in hyperuricemia but not significant. ANCOVA results show that juice will give significant effect if controlled with initial uric acid level (p = 0,00). Conclusion : There was no effect of tomato-lime juice consumption on uric acid levels, but there was a decrease of 0.26 in the hyperuricemia group but not significant. It is recommended to do further research on hyperuricemia.

Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Tomat Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Remaja Putri

Jurnal Kesehatan

Latar Belakang : Hipotensi dan hipertensi merupakan dua permasalahan dengan prevalensi yang terus mengalami peningkatan pada usia remaja dan salah satu buah dengan kandungan likopen tinggi yang berpengaruh terhadap tekanan darah. Tujuan : mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jus tomat terhadap tekanan darah. Metode : Desain penelitian ini adalah quasy eksperimental dengan rancangan one group pre test post test. Sampel penelitian masing-masing sebanyak 22 responden yang diambil dengan cara purpossive sampling. Pemberian intervensi dilaksanakan selama 7 hari berturu turut. Aenalisis data yang menggunakan software program STATA 13.1 dengan menggunakan uji paired T-Test. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan intervensi terjadi perubahan signifikan (P < 0,05) tekanan darah baik sistol dan diastol pada responden hipertensi dan hipotensi. Kesimpulan : Jus tomat berpengaruh terhadap tekanan darah.

Pemberian Jus Tomat Untuk Penurunan Tekanan Darah Hipertensi Pada Usia Dewasa

Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Poltekkes Depkes Bandung, 2019

Prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia pada umur ≥18 tahun berdasarkan Riskesdas 2013 sebesar 25,8 persen. Kalium yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan eksresi natrium dalam urin, sehingga dapat menurunkan tekanan darah. Tomat adalah bahan makanan yang mengandung tinggi kalium. Tujuan penelitian, mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jus tomat terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada orang dewasa. Desain penelitian, quasy two group experimental design dengan menggunakan pre test dan post test. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 14 orang sampel. Jus tomat diberikan sebanyak 200 ml selama 5 hari dan penyuluhan sebanyak 2x. Hasil penelitian, pemberian jus tomat menunjukan penurunan tekanan darah sistolik (p=0,001) dan diastolik (p=0,003) pada kelompok perlakuan. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol terjadi penurunan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik tetapi tidak bermakna. Pemberian jus tomat akan memberikan pengaruh terhadap penurunan tekanan darah lebih besar pada laki-laki dibandingkan pada perempuan, dan pada orang yang memiliki status gizi gemuk dibandingkan pada orang dengan status gizi normal. Saran, untuk menurunkan tekanan darah hipertensi seyogyanya diberikan jus tomat sebanyak 200 ml setiap hari. Pemberian jus tomat pada laki-laki dan pada orang dengan status gizi gemuk memberi pengaruh yang lebih besar.

Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Tomat Terhadap (Lycopersicum Commune) Terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Pada Wanita Menopause Kel. Campurejo Kec.Mojoroto Kota Kediri

Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Stikes Hang Tuah Surbaya, 2019

Tomato is one of diets that is rich of nutrition. Moreover, tomato has an important role to keep body balance, tomato also can be used to cure hypertension. Tomato contains potassium, calcium, and other nutrition that can decrease blood pressure of menopause women. This study is aimed at knowing the influence of tomato juice towards blood pressure change of menopause women. The sample used in this study is 16 respondents. The design of the study is pre experimental with one group pre-test and post-test approach. The data analysis used in this study is Wilcoxon test. The result of the study shows that there is an influence of tomato juice towards the decreasing of systolic blood pressure of menopause women in campurejo-mojoroto-kediri. It is hoped that the result of this study will give a beneficial contribution to menopause women and other hypertension sufferers.Keyword: Hypertension, Tomato, Potassium, Calcium

Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Tomat (Lycopersicum Commune) Terhadap Tekanan Darah Wanita Postmenopause Hipertensif

Journal of Nutrition College, 2012

Background: Hypertension is the third leading cause of death in Indonesia reached 6.7% of the population mortality at all ages. The blood pressure of postmenopausal women tends to increase due to decreased of the protective effect of estrogens and increased of salt sensitivity. Tomato fruit (Lycopersicum commune) contains potassium and lycopene which has the effect of decreasing blood pressure.Objective: Determine the effect of consuming tomato juice (Lycopersicum commune) to the blood pressure of hypertensive postmenopausal women.Method: This study is an experiment with a pre-post test control group design. The numbers of study subjects are 34 respondents with systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and or diastolic ≥ 90mmHg. The tomato juice of 200 ml consumption once a day for 7 days is made from 150 gram tomato, 5 gram sugar, and 50 ml water.Result: There is a decrease in systolic blood pressure of 11.76 ± 7.276 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of 8.82 ± 3.321 mmHg in the treatment...

Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Campuran Buah Labu Kuning Dan Tomat Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Lansia Hipertensi

Media Informasi, 2017

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemberian jus campuran buah labu kuning (cucurbita maxima) dan tomat (lyopercisum esculentum) terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia hipertensi. Metode penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan pre test and post test design with control group. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah semua lansia hipertensi yang berada dan terdaftar di Posyandu Lansia Mata Bubu Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Poasia Kota Kendari Tahun 2016 sebanyak 33 orang. Jumlah sampel adalah 30 lansia yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 15 orang kelompok intervensi dan 15 orang kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian jus campuran buah labu kuning (Cucurbita maxima) dan tomat (Lyopercisum esculentum) efektif menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia hipertensi masing-masing untuk tekanan darah sistole (p=0,022; α=0,05), dan tekanan darah diastole (p=0,046; α=0,05).

Efektifitas Jus Jeruk Dan Jus Tomat Terhadap Hipertensi DI Desa Tambaksogra Banyumas

Human Care Journal, 2020

Latar Belakang: Hipertensi atau Peningkatan tekanan darah yang berlangsung dalam jangka waktu lama menimbulkan kerusakan pada ginjal, jantung, dan otak bila tidak dideteksi secara dini dan mendapat pengobatan yang memadai.Tujuan: Menganalisa efektifitas jus jeruk dan jus tomat terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pasien hipertensi Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif desain Quasy Eksperimen dengan rancangan two group pre-test post-test design teknik purposive sample yaitu 15 responden jus jeruk dan 15 jus tomat. Uji statistik Independent sampel t-test.Hasil: Hasil penelitian rata-rata tekanan darah sistolik jus tomat sebelum 155,60±3.54159 dan setelah 130.20±6.57050. rata-rata tekanan diastolik sebelum diberikan jus tomat adalah 97,26±2.15362 dan setelah 81.33±4.08248. Dan rata-rata tekanan sistolik sebelum diberikan jus jeruk adalah 155,46±3.46135 dan setelah 137.26±4.09646. Tekanan diastolik mean sebelum diberikan jus jeruk adalah 97.86±1.24595 dan setelah 87.80±2.274...

Efektivitas Jus Tomat Dan Jus Nanas Terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Penderita Hipertensi DI Sleman


Background: hypertensive is the major health problem in indonesia. the highest prevalence of hypertension in indonesia is in the 35-44 years age group (31,6%). treatment of hypertension can use non-pharmacological therapies including tomatoes juice and pineapples juice therapy.Objective: the difference of giving tomatoes juice and pineapples juice on reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension in sleman.Methods: this research was a quantitative study, used a quasi-experimental method with pre and post test one group design. the sample amount was 30 peoples who were divided into two groups, each group consist of 15 peoples. the sampling technique used purposive sampling. data analysis used paired t test and independent t test. Results: the paired t test results in the systolic and diastolic groups of tomatoes juice values p=0,000 and 0.001, while the systolic and diastolic pineapples juice groups had a similarity of values p=0,000, in both groups have value p<0.05. the r...

Efektivitas Pemberian Smoothies Kombinasi Aneka Buah Dan Sayur Terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Pada Wanita Dewasa


Background : Hypertension is a long term condition in which blood pressure is higher than 140/90 mmHg. Antihypertensive drugs therapy took a long time and caused side effects so that further treatment is needed through non-pharmalogycal therapy such as the consumption of smoothies combination of various fruits and vegetables that contain high fiber and potassium. Objective : To determine the effectiveness of smoothies combination of various fruits and vegetables consumtion to changes in blood pressure change in adult women. Method : This research is a true experiment with Randomized Pre and Post Test Control Group Design. Sampling was done randomly to get 30 samples. Data collection were included by age, nutritional status, occupation, blood pressure data before and after treatment and fiber, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium intakes. Results : There was an effect of smoothies combination of various fruits and vegetables consumtion to decrease cytolic and diastolic blood pressure during the study with confounding variables of fiber, sodium, potassium and magnesium intake (p = 0.025 and p = 0.037). Conclusion : The average systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the treatment group were decreased after consumtion smoothies combination of various fruits and vegetables, while the control group tended to increased because they were not consume smoothies.