Designing a Multi-Objective Stable Mathematical Model for Routing Municipal Waste Collection Vehicles (original) (raw)

التكلفة المستهدفة أداة لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية

Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences

تُعد تقنية التكلفة المستهدفة من بين أهم التقنيات الحديثة للمحاسبة الإدارية الستراتيجية التي ظهرت استجابة لمتغيرات بيئة الأعمال المعاصرة فضلاً عن نمو المدخل الستراتيجي في الإدارة، إذ إن الهدف منها تعزيز القدرة التنافسية للوحدات الاقتصادية المحلية عن طريق إيجاد السبل المناسبة لتخفيض تكاليف منتجاتها وتحسين نوعيتها أو المحافظة عليها. ولأجل تحقيق هدف البحث الذي تمثل ببيان مدى إمكانية تحقيق الميزة التنافسية باستعمال تقنية التكلفة المستهدفة، فقد تم تقسيمه إلى: أولاً: منهجية البحث. ثانياً: تحديد التكلفة المستهدفة. ثالثاً: الميزة التنافسية –مدخل نظري. رابعاً: انعكاس تقنية التكلفة المستهدفة في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية.

Directions of design solutions for Administration Buildings


The administration buildings is a distinctive and important types of building classification Because of its importance stems from its areas , and the number of occupants ,whether from employees or public works intended for these buildings . The administration buildings deal with a large number of employees who differ in the scientific levels , between administrative staff ,reception staff, and staff performing specific tasks and think about each level individually , which is certainly reflected in the choice of the direction of the solution appropriate to design him , and found that through our study of administration buildings that trends in design solutions are divided into two grounds :First slit , design of the treatment of the building itself, whether this stretch horizontally or vertically ,Second, prong design which is directly related to the internal design is a direct reflections ,which leads us to study t...

Quantitative analysis of the road network in the Mafraq Governorate


تهدف الدراسة إلى تحليل شبكة الطرق في محافظة المفرق باستخدام النظرية البيانية وبعض الأساليب الكمية، بهدف التعرف على واقع شبكة الطرق من حيث درجة اتصاليتها ودورانيتها وسهولة الوصول ومدى تعرجها، بالإضافة إلى تحليل العلاقة بين أطوال الشبكة والتوزع السكاني، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن شبكة الطرق تعاني من تدني درجة الاتصالية والدورانية بشكل عام خاصة بعد استبعاد شبكة الطرق القروية، وأن شبكة الطرق الرئيسة والثانوية تمتاز بالاستقامة نوعا ما مما يؤكد على طبيعة المنطقة السهلية، كما توصلت الدراسة إلى أن هناك تفاوتا في توزيع شبكة الطرق داخل المحافظة وأن نسبة أطوال الطرق لا تتناسب مع نسب السكان، لذا أوصت الدراسة بضرورة وضع الخطط التنموية الكفيلة بإعادة توزيع السكان وتلبية احتياجاتهم.

SFC Stock-Flux Consistent Model in post-Keynesian thought

Finance and Business Economies Review

This paper is a detailed analysis of the SFC paradigm in the Post-Keynesian thought by Lavoie and Godley(2001-2002), based on cash flows between macroeconomic clusters in the form of an input and outputmatrix among the components of the real economy, (Households, Enterprises, banks) as a basic model.Whose ideas did Dos Santos and Zezza (2004) by from to merging other sectors, within the same closedeconomy by adding the central bank and the government, How Zezza (2008) tried to explain the crisis of theUnited States in 2008, expand.

Ecological Strategies for Designing Urban River Banks\ Abu Nuwas Buffer Zone in Baghdad as a Case Study

Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences

The riverbank is an effective component of the city-river interconnection, and any damage that occurs to it affects its natural structure and particularly its ecological values. Most of these problems are diagnosable and observable in the riverside space, and many studies have focused on them. The emergence of these problems may appear in varying proportions in the riverbank environment depending on the type of human intervention, both in urban and non-urban spaces, which may have a negative impact on the riverbank space. In light of this, studies have been directed towards exploring different ecological strategies that should be applied on the urban riverbank space, which work in an integrated manner with many other values to restore the natural characteristics of landscape and riverbank space and reduce the impact of negative human intervention in them. The main research problem is defined in the loss of the ecological value of riverbanks in cities in general and Baghdad city in p...

Use of Shadowing Moments to Statistically Model Mobile Satellite Channels in Urban Environments

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2013

ABSTRACT The performance of mobile satellite networks in built up areas is liable to deterioration since the wireless channel variations significantly affect the link availability over time. Previous statistical models which employ empirical data for estimation of fading parameters, are reliable only for specific environments. In this paper, we incorporate simple physical-statistical characteristics of urban canyons into estimation of shadowing moments which describe the received signal envelope. Our flexible model utilizes analytic fading parameters and accounts for azimuth and elevation angles hence, it facilitates simulation of low earth orbit (LEO) satellite links with good accuracy in areas where channel measurements are not available. Moreover, our novel approach can be effectively used for evaluation of the quality of service (QoS) in terms of bit error outage probability.