Emergence of PI Entrepreneurship Abhigyan 1989 Spring pp. (original) (raw)

The Psychology of the Successful Entrepreneur

The entrepreneurship development is mainly due to the entrepreneurial motivation. Motivation of entrepreneurs is influenced by the external as well as internal environmental factors. Though there is no research study which reveal the extent with which the entrepreneurs are motivated by these two environments it is found that the entrepreneurial motivation is due to the influence of both the external and internal environmental factors. The psychological behaviours of the entrepreneurs are also equal playing its role while motivating the entrepreneurs, which are also discuss here. This paper also helps entrepreneurs to identify the different business opportunities and growth of the existing business. A real entrepreneur is a person who generally motivated by intrinsic psychological and also economic rewards. He indigenously tries an entrepreneurial venture for his personal satisfaction in work, ego or status. This paper reviews the psychological literature on entrepreneurs. Assessment and generalizations for the entrepreneurs are risky since there is no definite population of entrepreneurs. Psychological characteristics: In the modem days a suitable entrepreneurial culture must be created by developing healthy work environment and modem attitude towards work giving social recognition etc. These factors will give psychological stimulus which in turn promotes innovation, inspiration, ethics and values which are essential for successful entrepreneurs. The psychological behaviours of the entrepreneurs are also playing a vital role while motivating the entrepreneurs.

Managing entrepreneurship for innovation: A psychological analysis

in R. Sternberg and G. Krauss (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity. pp. 21-59, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing., 2014

Innovation is a process involving the generation of effective novelty and the subsequent implementation of this novelty in organisations. Entrepreneurship is a property of human beings which equips them psychologically to play an active role in the innovation process. However, the interaction between the two is not straightforward, and is beset by numerous paradoxes. For instance, an aspect of entrepreneurship that is good for innovation at one point in the process may be bad for it in another. What is needed is a model of the interaction between innovation and entrepreneurship which makes sense of the paradoxes and thus permits optimisation of management of innovation. A taxonomy based on "dimensions" of novelty production and "phases" of this process derived from psychological research on creativity offers a good source for developing such a model. This promises insights for "diagnosing" organisations' strengths and weaknesses with regard to innovation and making specific concrete suggestions for innovation management.

Researchjournali's Journal of Entrepreneurship Socio-Psychological Factors of Entrepreneurship: A Survey Researchjournali's Journal of Entrepreneurship

Since a long time entrepreneurship is a wide field of discussion for researchers. As a field of academic investigation entrepreneurship has attracted the researchers from different domains including economics, management, sociology, psychology etc. From the social point of view entrepreneurship is regarded as a act of some specific communities, castes and ethnic groups, and social institutions, social norms, culture, and social values affect the level of entrepreneurship, whereas, psychologists focus on personality traits and their affect on entrepreneurship. These personality traits are; need for achievement, need for power, locus of control, risk taking ability, and opportunity recognition.

Entrepreneurship: introduction

Psicothema, 2011

Many investigators from diverse perspectives focus their studies on the area of entrepreneurship due to its important role as an engine of economic and social development. The aim of this monograph is to provide an overview of the state of entrepreneurship research. It presents the controversy about the domain of the study and whether entrepreneurship can be considered a legitimate field of knowledge. We study the aspects that differentiate people who are entrepreneurs from those who are not from the perspective of cognitive psychology and we discuss the role of entrepreneurial education. The work is also an attempt to understand the factors that determine the durability of a company such as resources, location, personality traits, strategies, organizational systems, etc. Lastly, we examine the reality of entrepreneurship research in Spain.

Acting as if: Differentiating entrepreneurial from organizational behavior

Entrepreneurship: Theory and …, 1992

This paper suggests that entrepreneurshlp Is the process of "emergence." An organizational behavior perspective on entrepreneurship wouid focus on the process of organizational emergence. The usefulness of the emergence metaphor is explored through an exploration of two questions that are the focus of much of the research in organizational behavior: "What do persons in organizations do?" (we will explore this question by looking at research and theory on the behaviors of managers), and "Why do they do what they do?" (ditto for motivation). The paper concludes with some impiications for using the idea of emergence as a way to connect theories and methodologies from organizational behavior to entrepreneurship.

A Study Investigating Behavioral Nature of an Entrepreneur – an Indian Perspective

Entrepreneurship is the most important foundation for innovations and change, which is ultimately linked to economic development and growth. The engines of this growth are the people with entrepreneurial spirits who have courage to bring their dreams into realities with their own individual capacities and support of various social institutions. Lately, various economies of the world have realized the importance of entrepreneur development for growth. Now countries are encouraging entrepreneurial practices right from the academic course work of an individual, to aiding an individual in developing a business. This paper tries to investigate into the behavioral nature of entrepreneurship and bring out the characteristics that distinguish individuals with entrepreneurial spirits from those who lack such characteristics. This has been done with the help of primary survey having projective techniques where the respondent is exposed to various situations and not to the direct questions. It...