Misunderstanding of internal root canal morphology – a failure cause of the endodontic treatment (clinical case) (original) (raw)
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Aspecte Clinice Ocluzia În Restaurările Pe Implanturi a Edentaţiei Totale Mandibulare
Rezumat: Analiza aspectelor biomecanice are un rol important în conceperea planului de tratament, astfel, în cadrul acestui articol vor fi exemplificate prin scheme clare şi un caz soluţionat clinic câteva aspecte legate de conceperea tratamentului implanto-protetic, luând în calcul particularităţile existente în edentaţia totală mandibulară. Cuvinte cheie: ocluzie, restaurări pe implante, edentaţie totală mandibulară Abstract: The analysis of the biomechanical aspects plays a major part in the design of the treatment plan. Thus, this article will illustrate through accurate pictures and through a clinically solved case, a few aspects related to the design of the implantoprosthetic treatment, according to the existing particularities in the completely edentulous mandible. Noţiuni care stau la baza biomecanicii A.D.M. Dinamica mandibulară este un act motor realizat cu participarea articulaţiilor temporo-mandibulare şi a muşchilor mobilizatori ai mandibulei. După Posselt, mişcările ma...
Dentistry during the reign of Emperor Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte) – Part I
Romanian Medical Journal
No other man in history has influenced his era as decisively as Napoleon Bonaparte did. His life was that of an exceptionally gifted man, who knew how to make the most of all the opportunities offered by history. In this paper, we will approach the problem of dentistry, during the period when France was managed by the exceptional statesman, Napoleon Bonaparte, presenting in the second part of this material, the biographies of some personalities of French dentistry from that period.
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To evaluate the clinical outcomes 12 months after systemic administration of amoxicillin (AMX) and metronidazole (MET) adjunctive to subgingival debridement (SD) in patients with severe chronic periodontitis (sChP). 102 patients with sChP were treated randomly as follows: SD within 2 consecutive days and placebo for 7 days (group A), SD+AMX+MET (both 500mg x3 times daily TID) for 3 days (group B), SD+AMX+MET (both 500mg x 3 TID) for 7 days (group C). At baseline, at 3-, 6-, and 12-months post-treatment probing pocket depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), furcation involvement, bleeding on probing (BOP), full-mouth plaque score (FMPS) were determined. The reduction in the number of sites with PD≥6mm was defined as main outcome variable. 75 patients completed the study. At 12 months, all three treatment groups showed statistically significant improvements (p<0.001) of mean PD, CAL, BOP and number of sites with PD≥6mm compared to baseline. Mean residual PD were statistically ...
Henri Joseph Lentulo, perfect dentist and outstanding inventor
Romanian Medical Journal, 2021
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Ultrasonografic semiology of inguinal region in different clinical forms of inguinal hernias
Catedra Chirurgie FPM USMF ”N. Testemițanu”There are a lot of methods of diagnostic and surgical treatment of inguinal hernia. In this study we purpose to describe the new methods of diagnostic of inguinal hernia based on clinical applications of ultrasonographic examination of inguinal area and to find the way that will improve clinical diagnostic of hernia, treatment results with modern laparoscopic procedures. We present results of a randomised controlled trial of clinical applications of ultrasonographic diagnostic of inguinal hernia. These reasons allow us to comprise in such kinds of revealing study. A high-resolution examination is capable of deciding whether an abnormality is in the abdominal wall or inside the abdominal cavity. Physical findings in abdominal wall pathologies have low specificity and often a clinically suspected intra-abdominal lump proves to be in the abdominal wall. Corecţiei chirurgicale a herniilor inghinale sunt dedicate o multitudine de tehnici operato...
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Romanian Medical Journal, 2021
The First World War was and is considered the most terrible conflagration of all time. Thus, over 65,000,000 soldiers made up the corps of land armies, naval and air forces, combat armies that participated in the conduct of military operations during the First World War. About 8,500,000 people died and more than 21,000,000 were injured. France was one of the countries most affected by this war, its medical services, including dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery, being completely obsolete. Thus, in this material, we tried to describe some important figures of French oral and maxillofacial dentistry and surgery, which were active in French civil and military hospitals during the First World War (1914-1918).
Romanian Journal of Medical Practice, 2018
Sindromul de obstrucţie congenitală a căilor respiratorii superioare (CHAOS) este un sindrom rar, caracterizat prin leziuni malformative (diafragme, stenoze sau atrezii) ale laringelui şi traheei asociate sau nu cu afecţiuni ale altor viscere. Decelarea sindromului se efectuează prin examen ecografic şi RMN încă din primul trimestru de viaţă intrauterină. Incidenţa nu poate fi precizată, mulţi dintre fetuşi decedând in utero sau la naştere. Autorii pun în discuţie opţiunea abordării intervenţiei fetoscopice versus expectaţiunea cu traheotomia la naştere în cazul unui făt cu CHAOS necomplicat cu alte malformaţii.
În acest studiu argumentăm avantajele tratamentului videolaparoscopic printr-un singur acces transombilical total extraperitoneal LESS-TEP, în tratamentul herniilor inghinale, ce poartă totalmente caracteristicile intervenţiilor ultramoderne, miniminvazive, specific metodelor endoscopice, cu risc minim chirurgical, reabilitarea rapidă a pacienţilor şi complicaţiilor postoperatorii. Au fost evaluate şi determinate opţiunile tehnice pentru aplicarea tratamentului chirurgical LESS-TEP single port şi TEP 3-ports standard în cura herniilor. S-a analizat comparativ rezultatele postoperatorii în tratamentul chirurgical prin LESS-TEP single port şi TEP standard. Tehnica singurului acces transombilical LESS-TEP se apreciază ca o metodă ultra-modernă, sigură, cu caracter miniminvaziv, cu impact important asupra sănătăţii pacienţilor cu hernii inghinale