Real estate in the web and social media era, the Greek reality (original) (raw)

As Redes Sociais na Mediação Imobiliária - Social Networks on the Web in Real Estates in Portugal

This article aims to analyze different types of Social Networks, its purpose, success and evolution, and also its advantages for people and businesses in particular in Real Estate mediation in Portugal. This article includes some research related to the use of Social Networks and its relationships with Real Estate. First the social networks and issues related to investment and Marketing relations are analysed, structured and classified, and it is also analysed the Real Estate business. Then there are presented some statistics based on data according to Social Networking use in Real Estate companies in Portugal and in particular, the use of Facebook. Finally, some conclusions of this study are presented and highlighted the main limitations of this research as well as some recommendations for future studies. According to statistics made by Real Estate companies in Portugal, in a universe of 3231, and given a sample of about 500 companies in the Real Estate business, 15% have their own sites and in these, Facebook subscription is over 12%, 4% on Twitter, 1% on LinkedIn, and no more than 1% on YouTube. By Adding and adapting technologies and new trends like Social Networks and using the Internet, we can expect a better understanding of consumers and new ways of doing business and new business opportunities. There are few articles referring to Social Networks and Real Estate and in Portuguese reality this is even more uncommon. This kind of researches should be more frequent and compared, when possible, with other countries and other situations.

Social Networks on the Web in Real Estates in Portugal


This article aims to analyze different types of Social Networks, its purpose, success and evolution, and also its usefulness for people and businesses, in particular in Real Estate mediation in Portugal. This article includes some research related to the use of Social Networks and relationships with Real Estate. First it is analysed, structured and classified the Social Networks and issues related to investment and relations with Marketing, and it is also analysed the Real Estate business. Then it is presented some statistics based on data according to Social Networking use in Real Estate companies in Portugal and in particular, the adoption of Facebook. Finally, we present conclusions of this study and point out the main limitations of this research and recommendations for future studies. According to statistics made to Real Estate companies in Portugal, in a universe of 3231, and given a sample of about 500 companies in the business of Real Estate, 15% have their own sites and in ...

Internet Marketing of Residential Properties: Investigation on Effectiveness of Its Application

Journal of Surveying, Construction & Property

The Internet has been used so widely in many aspects of life. Lately, Website promoting and marketing of real estate has become a new wave and a new strategy. Internet eases the process of searching and matching the criteria of the house and of a buyer, however the reliability of the internet in the consumer"s eyes is a factor to be discussed. Internet buying and selling does have their pros and cons which makes the topic of buying and selling a controversial topic. The research is done on both buyer and seller respectively. Through the questionnaires answered by the buyers and sellers, perspectives and opinions are pooled and analysed. Through the research, it was found out that internet buying and selling process is done by many sellers and has already impacted the property market. The Internet has many advantages which overwhelms the disadvantages, thus it is chosen as a good tool for source of information by buyers and a good marketing tool for sellers. The prediction for future use of the internet is bright and positive through both buyers" and sellers views It can be deduced that the future use of internet can be greatly exploited.

Assessment of Use of Social Media in Real Estate Transactions in Lagos Property Market

Man in quest to satisfy one of his most important needs-shelter, engages in real estate transactions at varying dimensions. Today, Social Media has been employed as a platform of search and interaction among home buyers, seller, renters, letters as well as their agents. This paper investigates the embrace of social media for property transactions among Estate Surveyor and Valuers in Lagos property market, Nigeria. Questionnaires were randomly administered on 194 real estate practitioners out of which 137(70.6%) constituted valid response and was eventually used for the analysis. Findings indicate that the use of signboard and billboard, social media platforms and property bulletin rank high among promotion tools employed. Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, are the most used social media among the surveyed professionals. The study recommends that both the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) and Estate Surveyors Registration Board of Nigeria (ESVARBON) should review various practice code to accommodate the current realities in order to upgrade the real estate practice in the country.


IASET, 2020

Digitalized marketing which is an offshoot of technology has become the expected way of conducting many aspects of businesses some businesses exist purely online. Real Estate Marketing is one of such aspect of businesses that will command greater result on various digitalized marketing platforms. The expectation of any prospective property investor is to have wide options to choose from when sourcing for properties. The use of internet / digitalized marketing can provide a meeting point for prospective clients by connecting properties to buyers or renters within a short frame of time and with little expenses. Various marketing platforms ranging from individual websites to company and corporate platforms have greatly enhanced the real estate marketing profession online. The need to obtain the best out of these various platforms has lead to the study of this paper. This study aims to identify available online search platforms for real property marketing in Nigeria. A survey on frequency of visit on property listing platforms were conducted on certain properties from ESVARBON registered surveyors in Nigeria. A total of 281 responses were analyzed. The findings of the study show that 89% of the respondent visit Facebook platform most makes it the highest visited platforms reason were that most of them have a Facebook account which is accessible easily. Recommendations are that estate firms should consider placing advert of listing platforms on the face book platform in order to publicize the platform.


The Internet is an information technology that has radically changed the world and contributed to its globalization. The rapid development and commercial application of the Internet as a global computer network, has led to significant changes in business enterprise, changing the internal relationships in organizations, as well as their relationships with customers and other stakeholders in the market. Internet as a medium has enabled cheap, fast and effective communication between the company and its public, allowing companies to improve their marketing activities and reduce the three strategic business risks: the risk of demand reduction, the risk of innovation and the risk of inefficiency.


Impact Factor(JCC): 1.3423-This article can be downloaded from ABSTRACT In this paper, we would explore how e-commerce, the World Wide Web in particular, is distressing the real estate industry. Real estate is a promising set upto study e-commerce because it is an information-intensive and information-driven industry. The transactions are based on high value and asset-specificity with many market-intermediaries like agents and brokers who connect buyers and sellers rather than buying or selling themselves and experiencing an ongoing IT related changes. We analyze the real estate transaction to suggest where IT might change the process of selling or buying a house and discuss several current ventures in this area. This analysis suggests that the e-commerce is eroding the long-enjoyed information monopoly of real-estate agents and these applications have the potential to dramatically change the current practices in the real-estate industry, including the elimination of agents.


The aim of this study is to examine the impact of online marketing of Real Estate Products (REP) in Abeokuta Nigeria with a view to providing information that will enhance real estate management practice in emerging property markets. Man in a bid to satisfy the basic need for shelter, engages in transactions on REP at varying dimensions. The use of traditional approaches to such transactions is being gradually phased out and replaced with digitalized approaches via the internet especially in developed economies. Questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the impact of this new approach to marketing REP in one of the African emerging property markets. The relevant population for this study comprised of all the twenty Estate Surveying and Valuation firms in Abeokuta metropolis. Questionnaire were administered on the managers of these firms out of which only 17 were properly filled and returned for analysis thereby representing 85% response rate. Both descriptive statistical tools as well as the Relative Importance Index (RII) were used in analyzing the data obtained for the study. Findings from the study indicated that the most preferred social media tool used for online marketing of REP in the study area was Facebook. Other online media tools in order of preferences were LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Instagram and skype. The study further revealed that these social media tools have significant impact on marketing of REP in the study area. Hence the need for all Estate Surveying and Valuation Firms in emerging markets to accept the global paradigm shifts to online marketing of REP as against the traditional approaches so as to enhance productivity in the real estate sector. .

Gender roles and online marketing communications in real estate markets

Ekonomia i Prawo, 2018

Motivation: The real estate market has attracted a lot of public interest due to its significant economic role. Changes are, however, going to abound in the nearest future as a result of difficulties in accessing housing loans and amendments to the building construction laws, amongst others. This will call for even greater involvements of tenderers in the marketing communication process. Gender-related differences in the purchasing decision making process is growing in significance and should be reflected in marketing communications. Aim: The aim of the article is to identify contemporary activities undertaken in marketing communications in the real estate market. Specifically, greater attention is paid to the gender roles of both-suppliers and customers. Another objective is to analyse the use of one of the most significant tools of marketing communications namely, the internet in the real estate market. The study involved the use of literature analysis and criticism, web content analysis provided by vendors of real estate as well as telephone interviews with representatives of both property developers and real estate agents. Results: Online marketing are the most important means of communication in real estate markets. The websites of real estate agents and property developers vary a lot. Real estate vendors, very often, make use of social media in their marketing communications. One of the most common trend is to make use of images instead of texts in marketing communications, thus creating new possibilities of communication. Very few property developers and real estate agents exploit the knowledge of gender-related differences in the reception of marketing messages. Only few communication activities take cognisance of gender roles. The need to focus marketing communications in real estate on young customers has necessitated the engagement of new media sources in communication activities. This