Structural alterations in vascular endothelial tight junctions in the course of their gradual degradation in vitro (original) (raw)
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Anatomy and Embryology, 1991
According to previous studies, a process of endothelial activation seems to be occurring in the chick embryo between days 7 and 18. Also, endothelial cells respond to collagen as a substratum between 12 and 18 days, and this response diminishes until it almost disappears after birth. In the present study, aortas from chick embryos (days 7 to 21), and from chicks (14 days posthatching) were used. The results obtained by the freeze-fracturing technique, showed that between days 12 and 14 the intramembranous particles were aggregated into linear or clustered arrays in the fracture P-face of endothelial cells. This could signify that some kind of gap junction-like coupling may occur between adjacent endothelial cells. Our results also indicate that in advanced stages (21-day-old chick embryos and 14day-old chicks) the growth of small aggregates into larger aggregates or plaques could occur. In addition to gap junctions, the presence of macular and linear tight junctions, reported as focal tight junctions (day 14 of development) macular and linear tight junctions with free-ending strands orientated parallel to one another (21 days) and smooth contoured ridges (14 days posthatching) were observed. This sequence of changes may represent a development from linear to macular, to a more occluding arrangement, and may also reflect an endothelial cell polarization. Histochemical study of proteoglycans was done by using cuprolinic blue according to the critical electrolyte concentration method. Cuprolinic blue-positive granular, elongated and microfibrillar materials were found in the subendothelial region, forming a meshwork that occupies the extracellular space. Qualitative and quantitative changes were observed both in proteoglycans and in other extracellular matrix components throughout development, suggesting an increase in extracellular matrix complexity. These resuits lead us to suggest that the assembly of a more complex extracellular matrix, concomitantly with the formation of intercellular junctions during development, might influence the polarization of endothelium in the aorta of the chick embryo.
Intercellular junctions and transfer of small molecules in primary vascular endothelial cultures
The Journal of Cell Biology, 1982
The ultrastructure of gap and tight junctions and the cell-to-cell transfer of small molecules were studied in primary cultures and freshly isolated sheets of endothelial cells from calf aortae and umbilical veins. In thin sections and in freeze-fracture replicas, the gap and tight junctions in the freshly isolated cells from both sources appeared similar to those found in the intimal endothelium. Most of the interfaces in replicas had complex arrays of multiple gap junctions either intercalated within tight junction networks or interconnected by linear particle strands. The particle density in the center of most gap junctions was noticeably reduced. In confluent monolayers, after 3-5 days in culture, gap and tight junctions were present, although reduced in complexity and apparent extent. Despite the relative simplicity of the junctions, the cell-to-cell transfer of potential changes, dye (Lucifer Yellow CH), and nucleotides was readily detectable in cultures of both endothelial ce...
European Journal of Cell Biology, 2000
Rat ± chicken ± tight junction ± blood-brain barrier ± claudin-1 ± claudin-5 ± occludin Endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier form complex tight junctions, which are more frequently associated with the protoplasmic (P-face) than with the exocytoplasmic (E-face) membrane leaflet. The association of tight junctional particles with either membrane leaflet is a result of the expression of various claudins, which are transmembrane constituents of tight junction strands. Mammalian brain endothelial tight junctions exhibit an almost balanced distribution of particles and lose this morphology and barrier function in vitro. Since it was shown that the brain endothelial tight junctions of submammalian species form P-face-associated tight junctions of the epithelial type, the question of which molecular composition underlies the morphological differences and how do these brain endothelial cells behave in vitro arose. Therefore, rat and chicken brain endothelial cells were investigated for the expression of junctional proteins in vivo and in vitro and for the morphology of the tight junctions. In order to visualize morphological differences, the complexity and the P-face association of tight junctions were quantified. Rat and chicken brain endothelial cells form tight junctions which are positive for claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin and ZO-1. In agreement with the higher P-face association of tight junctions in vivo, chicken brain endothelia exhibited a slightly stronger labeling for claudin-1 at membrane contacts. Brain endothelial cells of both species showed a significant alteration of tight junctions in vitro, indicating a loss of barrier function. Rat endothelial cells showed a characteristic switch of tight junction particles from the P-face to the E-face, accompanied by the loss of claudin-1 in immunofluorescence labeling. In contrast, chicken brain endothelial cells did not show such a switch of particles, although they also lost claudin-1 in culture. These results demonstrate that the maintenance of rat and chicken endothelial barrier function depends on the brain microenvironment. Interestingly, the alteration of tight junctions is different in rat and chicken. This implies that the rat and chicken brain endothelial tight junctions are regulated differently. Abbreviations. CBE Chicken brain endothelial cell. ± E-face Exocytoplasmic fracture face. ± EFA E-face association. ± P-face Protoplasmic fracture face. ± PFA P-face association. ± RBE Rat brain endothelial cell. ± TJ Tight junction. ± ZO-1 Zonula occludens protein 1.
Tight junctions as regulators of tissue remodelling
Current opinion in cell biology, 2016
Formation of tissue barriers by epithelial and endothelial cells requires neighbouring cells to interact via intercellular junctions, which includes tight junctions. Tight junctions form a semipermeable paracellular diffusion barrier and act as signalling hubs that guide cell behaviour and differentiation. Components of tight junctions are also expressed in cell types not forming tight junctions, such as cardiomyocytes, where they associate with facia adherens and/or gap junctions. This review will focus on tight junction proteins and their importance in tissue homeostasis and remodelling with a particular emphasis on what we have learned from animal models and human diseases.
Endothelial cell‐to‐cell junctions
The FASEB Journal, 1995
The endothelium forms the main barrier to the passage of macromolecules and circulating cells from blood to tissues. Endothelial permeability is in large part regulated by intercellular junctions. These are complex structures formed by transmembrane adhesive molecules linked to a network of cytoplasmic/cytoskeletal proteins. At least four different types of endothelial junctions have been described: tight junctions, gap junctions, adherence junctions and syndesmos.
Adherens junctions connect stress fibres between adjacent endothelial cells
BMC Biology, 2010
BACKGROUND: Endothelial cell-cell junctions maintain endothelial integrity and regulate vascular morphogenesis and homeostasis. Cell-cell junctions are usually depicted with a linear morphology along the boundaries between adjacent cells and in contact with cortical F-actin. However, in the endothelium, cell-cell junctions are highly dynamic and morphologically heterogeneous. RESULTS: We report that endothelial cell-cell junctions can attach to the ends of stress
Transient and Steady-State Effects of Shear Stress on Endothelial Cell Adherens Junctions
Circulation Research, 1999
Endothelial cells exhibit profound changes in cell shape in response to altered shear stress that may require disassembly/reassembly of adherens junction protein complexes that mediate cell-cell adhesion. To test this hypothesis, we exposed confluent porcine aortic endothelial cells to 15 dyne/cm 2 of shear stress for 0, 8.5, 24, or 48 hours, using a parallel plate flow chamber. Cells were fixed and stained with antibodies to vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin, ␣-catenin, -catenin, or plakoglobin. Under static conditions, staining for all proteins was intense and peripheral, forming a nearly continuous band around the cells at cell-cell junctions. After 8.5 hours of shear stress, staining was punctate and occurred only at sites of continuous cell attachment. After 24 or 48 hours of shear, staining for VE-cadherin, ␣-catenin, and -catenin was intense and peripheral, forming a band of "dashes" (adherens plaques) that colocalized with the ends of stress fibers that inserted along the lateral membranes of cells. Staining for plakoglobin was not observed after 24 hours of shear stress, but returned after 48 hours. Western blot analysis indicated that protein levels of VE-cadherin, ␣-catenin, and plakoglobin decreased, whereas -catenin levels increased after 8.5 hours of shear stress. As cell shape change reached completion (24 to 48 hours), all protein levels were upregulated except for plakoglobin, which remained below control levels. The partial disassembly of adherens junctions we have observed during shear induced changes in endothelial cell shape may have important implications for control of the endothelial permeability barrier and other aspects of endothelial cell function.
Hold Me, but Not Too Tight—Endothelial Cell–Cell Junctions in Angiogenesis
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 2017
Endothelial cell-cell junctions must perform seemingly incompatible tasks during vascular development-providing stable connections that prevent leakage, while allowing dynamic cellular rearrangements during sprouting, anastomosis, lumen formation, and functional remodeling of the vascular network. This review aims to highlight recent insights into the molecular mechanisms governing endothelial cell-cell adhesion in the context of vascular development.
Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1988
Previous studies have shown that bovine aortic endothelial cells (ECs) in culture respond to repetitive tensional deformation with an increase in deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and cell proliferation. This study was designed to determine whether cyclic tensional deformation of ECs in vitro induces different morphologic or protein synthetic responses. ECs from passages 6 through 9 were seeded in 35 mm 2 well silicone rubber plates at 2 x 10 s cells/well and allowed to attach for 24 hours. The experimental group was placed in a vacuum-operated stress-providing device that exerted an elongation of 24% at maximttm downward deflection of the culture plate bottom and was subjected to repetitive cycles of 10 seconds of 24% maximum elongation and 10 seconds of relaxation for 5 days. The control group was subjected to similar incubation conditions but without stretch, asS-methionine (500 ~tCi/well) was added to the plates 24 hours before harvesting, and two-dimensional gels of the harvested lysates (isoelectric focusing with pH 3 to 10 ampholytes followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on 12.5% gels) we,,: performed and the labeled proteins visualized by autoradiography. The data indicate that there is a differential synthesis of proteins, with synthesis of some proteins decreased or ablated whereas other proteins were increased in response to cyclic mechanical tension. The actin filament organization was evaluated after staining with rhodamine phalloidin, a fluorescent F-actin probe. The ECs subjected to tension had a more polygonal shape and demonstrated pseudopods and actin stress fibers, whereas ECs ~ltured under static conditions were more rounded and did not express actin stress cables. We conclude that ECs subjected to repetitive mechanical deformation are not only stimulated to proliferate but also respond to tension by altering their cellular morphology and protein synthetic capabilities. These findings may contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms by which the endothelium in vitro responds to constant, pulsatile forces of the circulation.