Trace Elements in Pandanus ( Pandanus tectorius ) from a Manganese-Enriched Wetland in Southern Guam: A Possible Lytico-Bodig Connection? (original) (raw)
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Journal of Environmental Sciences-china, 2009
This initial research examined the presence, distribution and bioavailability of Cu, Cr, Ni, Mn and Fe in a wetland area of southern Guam. The research sites are within an area covered with saporite, a soil type derived from volcanic deposits on the island. Leaf tissue of Pandanus tectorius was extracted and analysed to determine the bioaccumulation of the target metals. Metal accumulation at sites considered aerobic and anaerobic was investigated together with an attempt to correlate actual accumulation of the target metals in the plant tissue with a recognised bioavailability indicator, in this case, three step sequential extraction scheme. Manganese was found to be accumulated in relatively high concentrations and to a lesser extent Cu was also accumulated. Chromium, Ni and Fe however exhibited very low accumulation factors. Accumulation of Mn in particular was significantly affected by aerobic conditions whereas the converse effect was experienced by Cu. Significant correlation between various steps of a Sequential Extraction Scheme and actual accumulation was not achieved although the degree of aerobic conditions at each site and soil pH did affect concentrations of metals extracted by differing steps of SES. Results obtained suggest that further research in the area should be undertaken using different plant species and tissues.
|| Bioinfo Publications || Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences AL-SAADI
The diversity in aquatic plants and the wide spread in water, in addition tolerance the changing environmental conditions, different species of plant families have used as evidence of the study of water pollution heavy elements. It is also becoming widely used in the field of purification of Biofilteration . Many plants are capable of accumulating heavy metals (called hyperacumulators), the biological activity and physical structure of soil maintained by using technique is cheap [2], but accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in the plant depends on the plant species, bioavailability, pH, cation exchange capacity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and secretion of roots . Zeidler reported that plant tolerance and heavy metal management is based on multiple physiological mechanisms. There were stated differences between concentrations in selected plant tissues. The presence of heavy metals disturbs the normal plant metabolism, but the response is determined by many factors: the internal concentration of the pollutant, the level of tolerance for the pollutant or its toxic derivatives, developmental (ontogenetic) stage, edaphic and climatic factors . These effects manifest in decrease in ger-mination, increase in seedling mortality, inhibition of growth rates and reduction in reproductive capability. For the essential micronutrients, there is usually a threshold concentration, below which no adverse effects are observed, but with elevation of levels above the threshold, monotonically increasing toxic impacts are evinced . Takeda, et al [7] study focused on temperature and relationship with transportation of heavy metal in plants. Among aquatic macrophytes pondweed Potamogeton L. (Potamogetonaceae) is a common wetland plant that grows widely in tropic and warm regions, mostly freshwater. Plants are sometimes annuals but are often perennial and typically produce rhizomes, all the leaves are submerged. There are some studies on some species of Potamogeton [8], there was a significant relationship between Cd concentration in samples of plants and water pH value. It has been found that the tissues of Typha angustifolia accumulate more heavy metals than the tissues of Potamogeton pectinatus. In the water Potamogeton, structures that use to absorb minerals, nutrients from water and soil and conduct these substances through the plant are greatly reduced, considerable absorption takes place through stem . Jamnická, et al relived that the Citation: Al-Saadi S.
The present study was conducted to determine the current level of atmospheric heavy metal pollution in the Akdag Mountain of Denizli Province. The increase in industrial activities and human population and the high urbanization in Denizli and its environs have made it one of the rapid developing cities in the Western Anatolian part of Turkey. For this reason, Akdag Mountain of Denizli was chosen as the study area. Twenty nine different plants were selected to study their potential as biomonitors of trace elements such as Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Fe and Mn (µg g -1 , dry weight). The samples were collected from two different altitudes of Akdag, a mountain overlooking at Denizli province. The concentrations of trace elements were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The mean concentrations determined at 1000 m altitude ranged from 0.329 to 0.487, 0.011 to 0.882, 0.241 to 0.714, 0.532 to 9.396, dry weight), for Pb, Ni, Zn, Fe and Mn, respectively. At 1600 m altitude, the values ranged from 0.263 to 0.889, 0.092 to 0.600, 0.272 to 0.834, 1.130 to 8.021 and 0.076 to 0.508 (µg g -1 , dry weight) for Pb, Ni, Zn, Fe and Mn, respectively. No Cd was detected at both altitudes. Statistical significance was determined by the independent sample t-test. In the independent sample t-test, comparisons were made in order to determine whether there were any differences between the averages of the herbaceous plants and woody plants.
Investigation on concentration of elements in wetland sediments and aquatic plants
The major aim of the present study was to investigate elements (Fe, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) concentration in sediment and different tissues of Phragmities australis and Typha latifolia in Hor al-Azim Wetland southwest of Iran. Sampling of sediments and aquatic plants was carried out during spring and summer 2014. Results showed that the mean concentrations of chemical elements in Phragmities australis in root and stem-leaf were as follows: iron: 4448 mg/kg, nickel: 28 mg/kg, lead: 8 mg/kg, vanadium: 10 mg/kg and zinc: 15.5 mg/kg in root and Iron: 645 mg/kg, nickel: 15 mg/kg, lead: 4 mg/kg, vanadium: 4 mg/kg and zinc 16 mg/kg respectively. Also, the mean concentrations of iron, nickel, lead, vanadium and zinc in roots of Typha latifolia were 8696 mg/kg, 34 mg/kg, 5 mg/kg, 19 mg/kg and 27 mg/ kg respectively. The mean concentrations of iron, nickel, vanadium, lead and zinc in stem-leaves of Typha latifolia were as follows: 321 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg, 7 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg and 14 mg/kg respectively. The mean concentrations of iron, nickel, vanadium, lead and zinc were as: 40991 mg/kg, 65 mg/kg, 60 mg/kg, 31 mg/kg and 60 mg/kg respectively in surface sediment of the study area. Concentration pattern of the elements in sediment were as: Fe>Ni>Zn>V>Pb. The highest concentration of the elements in the plant was seen in the roots. Also, Typha latifolia can uptake more concentration of elements than Phragmities australis. Based on the enrichment factor, nickel in summer had the highest enrichment factor values among the elements studied and it has a moderate enrichment.
Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements in Trophic Levels of Wetland Plants and Waterfowl Birds
Biological Trace Element Research
Present study investigates relationships between total and bioaccessibility of trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, NI, Pb, V, and Zn) concentrations in sediment and their bioaccumulation in species in Shadegan wetland in southwest of Iran. Bioavailability factor (BAF) and translocation factor (TF) were calculated in plants and trophic transfer factor (TTF) was determined in bird species. For this purpose, sampling of sediments, aquatic plants including Phragmites australis, Typha australis, Scripus maritimus and two bird species encircling Porphyrio porphyrio and globally threatened Marmaronetta angustirostris were carried out during winter 2009. Result of chemical analysis show that bioaccessibility concentrations of Mn (8.31 mg/kg), V (1.33 mg/kg), and Pb (1.03 mg/kg) are higher than other metals. The uptake trend of trace elements in plant decreases as root > stem > leaf. Accumulation levels of trace elements in different tissues of P. porphyrio and M. angustirostris are almost identical and considerable. Accumulation and toxicity of Cd in birds is more than plants. In addition, BAF of V, Pb, and Cr indicates high accumulation by plants and great pollution rate in the area of study. In S. maritimus TF for Mn, Cu, Pb, and V are high whereas in T. australis, Cu and Pb posses the highest TF. Also Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, and Zn have higher TF from stem to leaf than root to stem in P. australis. Finally, TTFs were compared in various bird species.
Zoology and Ecology, 2014
Trace metals from industrial effluents discharged into Malaysian mangrove ecosystems, in Sarawak in particular, are of growing concern. Concentrations of trace metals (copper, manganese, iron, and zinc) were determined in sediment, surface water, pore water, green and red filamentous macroalgae (Chaetomorpha sp. and Bostrychia sp., respectively) and the rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata from three estuarine mangrove habitats in Sarawak (Kuala Nyalau, Bakam, and Miri), Malaysia. Trace metal concentrations detected in sediment of these mangrove ecosystems (except for Zn concentration in K. Nyalau) were considerably higher than those specified in USEPA sediment quality guidelines. Sediment trace metal concentrations differed significantly (p < 0.05) among the stations studied. In pore water, trace metal concentrations were found to be higher than those in estuarine surface water. The order of trace metal concentrations in Chaetomorpha sp., Bostrychia sp. and S. cucullata was Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu, Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu, and Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu, respectively. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) in macroalgae and in one oyster species were inconsistent, although BCFs were much higher in water than in sediment. In sediment, the BCF of Mn was the highest among trace metals in S. cucullata, followed by Cu and Zn. BCF of iron (Fe) was relatively low in spite of its high concentration in sediment and water. The findings of this study may prove helpful in carrying out future studies aimed at detecting a potential biomarker in coastal ecosystems of Sarawak, Malaysia. Kartu su pramonės nuotekomis į mangrovių ekosistemas Malaizijoje (ypač Saravake) patenkantys sunkieji metalai kelia vis didesnį susirūpinimą. Buvo ištirtos Kuala Nyalau, Bakam ir Miri estuarijų mangrovės. Jų dugno nuosėdose, paviršiniame vandenyje, dugno ertmių vandenyje, žaliuosiuose ir raudonuosiuose siūliniuose dumbliuose (Chaetomorpha sp. ir Bostrychia sp.) bei austrėse Saccostrea cucullata buvo įvertintos vario, mangano, geležies ir cinko koncentracijos. Dugno nuosėdose jos buvo ženkliai didesnės (išskyrus Zn Kuala Nyalau), negu nurodyta USEPA (JAV Aplinkos Apsaugos Agentūra) rekomendacijose (Sediment Quality Guidelines). Koncentracijų skirtumai estuarijų dugno nuosėdose buvo patikimi (p < 0,05). Sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos dugno ertmių vandenyje buvo didesnės negu estuarijų paviršiniame vandenyje. Sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos Chaetomorpha sp. ir S. cucullata buvo Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu, Bostrychia sp.-Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu. Dumbliai ir austrės iš vandens bioakumuliavo daugiau metalų negu iš dugno nuosėdų. Iš dugno nuosėdų austrės bioakumuliavo daugiausiai Mn, mažiau Cu ir Zn. Fe bioakumuliacija buvo maža, nors jos koncentracijos dugno nuosėdose ir vandenyje buvo didelės. Šie rezultatai bus naudingi ieškant potencialių biologinių žymenų Saravako (Malaizija) pakrantės ekosistemose.
Biogeochemical Aspects of Manganese Content in Ilex Paraguayensis SH from Paraguay by EDXRF and INAA
Agriculture Journal IJOEAR, 2019
Yerba mate, Ilex paraguayensis, is a plant of Paraguayan origin used in infusions/macerations by the ancient inhabitants of Paraguay as a "reviver"/energy beverage and mineral supplier which consumption is lasting up today; furthermore, it is extended almost worldwide. It has been recognized in Ilex paraguayensis, diuretic, CNS stimulant, hypocholesterolemic, hepatoprotective as well as other pharmacological properties. In regard to its elemental content few studies are known despite they play fundamental tasks in the structure and functioning of plants. One of them, Mn, usually occurs as a trace in Ilex paraguayensis, at relatively high concentration and in this work its concentration in plants from Paraguay have been investigated by EDXRF at Josef Stefan Institute at Ljubljana and at University of Asunción using radioactive isotopic sources and by INAA technique in the Faculty of Chemistry at Asunción with an Am-Be neutron source. These plants are grown mainly in two regions, north and south of Eastern Paraguay; results show that their manganese content can be used as a geochemical indicator to identify the region of origin. Besides, as in other plants, absorption, transport and homeostasis of Mn could be attributed to the action of different NRAMPs. In regard to its normal high content in healthy yerba plants, Mn in excess could be hidden in nodes and vacuoles being exported afterwards.
Trace element accumulation and distribution in four aquatic macrophytes
Chemosphere, 2009
The con cen tra tion of trace ele ments was stud ied in dif fer ent parts of the submersed spe cies Na jas marina and Pot a mog eton lu cens and in float ing-leaved spe cies Nu phar lu tea and Pot a mog eton nodo sus, and also in the corre spond ing sam ples of water and sed i ment in the arti fi cial lake Ve lenj sko je ze ro, where the large amount of ash from lig nite coal (about 15 mil lion tons) is depos ited at the bot tom. The con cen tra tion of trace ele ments in water was mainly below the detec tion limit. In sed i ment only the con cen tra tion of As was found to be above the aver age Euro pean back ground con cen tra tion. It also showed the high est degree of trans lo ca tion from sedi ment into plant roots, but its mobil ity to above-ground plant parts was neg li gi ble. The submersed spe cies N. marina and P. lu cens exhib ited sim i lar con cen tra tions of trace ele ments in their organs. Of the float ing-leaved spe cies, the low est con cen tra tions of trace ele ments were found in N. lu tea and the larg est in P. nodo sus. Signifi cantly higher con cen tra tions of As, Ni, Pb and Cr were shown in roots of N. marina, P. lu cens and P. nodo sus than in their stems and leaves, whereas Cu and Zn were equally dis trib uted through out all their organs. Cr and Ni also showed rel a tively high mobil ity from roots to upper parts of N. lu tea.
Heavy Metals Content in Phaeophyceae from Malang Rapat Waters, Bintan
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences
The use of brown-macroalgae (Phaeophyceae) as an alginate source is very broad, covering the food and non-food industry, because of that it is necessary to know the safety of these natural resources, one of which is safe from heavy metal contamination. The purpose of this study was to determine heavy metals concentrations accumulated in several types of Phaeophyceae (brown macroalgae) as an alginate source from Malang Rapat waters, Bintan. The method used was descriptive non-experimental. The determination of the location of sampling was done by purposive sampling method. Samples were taken through free collection, identified species and measured of metal contamination concentrations for As, Cd, and Pb. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that Phaeophyceae found in Malang Rapat waters were Turbinaria conoides, Sargassum aquifolium, Padina australis, Hormophysa cuneiformis with each metal concentration contamination of As 13.95 to 23.30 µg.g-1 dry weight...