Architectural Conditions of A Jakarta State Vocational School: A Child-friendly School Design Perspective (original) (raw)
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Proceedings of the 6th UPI International Conference on TVET 2020 (TVET 2020), 2021
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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In this paper it has been attempted to investigate the lack of attention to how specific spatial characteristics of the children except existing places such as nurseries. In order to achieve the standard center to faster children understanding their mentality is the first issue that must be studied. Exploring the spiritual characteristics and complex ities of children can not be possible except in accordance with the different aspects and background of their growth in variouse age periods. In order to achieving the standard center for fostering children, the first issue that must be studied understands their mentality. Exploring the spiritual qualities and complexities of children are not provided except in accordance with the characteristics and their different growth backgrounds in different age periods. According to previous researches game or playing is the most important activity that helps children to communicate and educate and sometimes therapy in specific fields. Investigating game as a proper way to train, the variety of games, the various kind of play environment and how to treat some abnormalities thereby are the issues discussed in recent research. Another consideration concerns the importance of artistic activities among children which is very evident in studying identification of their abnormalities. At the end of this study after investigating how to understand child and communicate with him/her, aiming to recognize Specific spatial characteristics for better training children , The physical and physiological criteria and characteristics is Reviewed and ends up to a list of required spaces and dimensional characteristic of spaces and needed children's equipment.
Pengaruh Elemen Interior Studio Animaxx Terhadap Proses Pembelajaran
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2021
Abstract: Dynamic education must be able to follow the progress of the times that continue to develop. The demands of 21st century skills have an impact on improving the quality of vocational education through innovation of educational facilities and infrastructure that are in line with sustainable development goals in realizing quality education. To achieve this goal, the school seeks to improve the quality of learning through structuring the interior elements of the learning space. The purpose of this study was to describe the interior elements of Animaxx studio in terms of lighting, color, shape, and material aspects and to determine the effect of interior elements on the learning process in terms of motifs, affective, and learning achievement. Combined research methods (mix methods) were used in this study, quantitative methods were used to collect data about user perceptions of interior elements and responses to motives, affective, and learning achievement through questionnaire...
KnE Social Sciences, 2020
The study aims to determine about how does school facilities affect school quality at vocational high school in Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. The approach and methods used in the study was evaluation research using a discrepancy model. The data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. Meanwhile, the analysis used interactive model by Milles and Huberman. The results showed that the school facility at vocational high school in Pati is up to standard of Regulation of National Education Minister Number 40 Year 2008. The value of school infrastructure is 72.5% or adequate category, while school facility is 84.3% or adequate category. School facilities become one of the factors in supporting student learning achievement and teacher performance. Therefore, learning achievements can be improved through improved the school facilities. Thus, it is able to improve the school quality.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2021)
At this time, learning in the Department of Architectural Engineering at the Pontianak State Polytechnic is carried out in a hybrid manner (online and offline). Practical courses such as the Design Studio are carried out offline but are not effective considering that classroom settings such as furniture still use pre-pandemic settings; this still allows the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. This study aims to prepare for the new normal and prepare for the learning process, especially the classroom setting, both for the drawing studio and the theory room, following health protocols. The research method is the descriptive qualitative research method, a form of research aimed at describing or describing existing phenomena, both natural and engineered. The results obtained are recommendations for modeling space settings based on layout furniture where these results can be applied to New Normal conditions and in the future.
A Design Model of Special Vocational High School for Children with Visual Impairment
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology, 2019
This paper aimed to describe architectural design model of vocational high school that is accessible and meets the behavioral needs of children with visual impairment. The method used was a rational design method or often called as a glass box method, which was divided into four steps: 1) design criteria; 2) children with visual impairment’s behaviour; 3) programming; 4) designing model. The design criteria was combined based on its accessibility, space, sensory awareness, enhancement of learning, flexibility and ability, health and well-being condition, safety and security, sustainability, incorporation of nature environment and buildings, and availability of open space. These principle implemented from outside to inside the building, as well as from the site, landscape, building to interior of classroom. We believe that this study gives important for the need of architectural building model for students with special needs.
Caring, Learning, Adaptable and Sustainable School (Class) Building: A Mixed Use School Building
This study assessed the status of the school building in the Province of Sorsogon. Specifically, it seek answer to the following questions: 1. what is the status of school building along the identified variables (caring, learning, adaptable and sustainable) as: Learning, Evacuation and Quarantine facility? 2. What are the problems met along the identified variables (safety, adequacy, health protection, sustainability) as; Learning, Evacuation and Quarantine facility? 3. What school building design and policy intervention can be proposed based on the results of the study? Findings of the study provided baseline data needed for the assessment of the status of school building along the identified variables (caring, learning, adaptable and sustainable). There were forty (40) respondents in the Province of Sorsogon and three (3) architect's expert in their own field that reviewed and evaluated the proposed school building plan of the study. The descriptive method was used, with the self-made questionnaire as the main research instrument. The data were presented, analyzed and interpreted with the use of statistical tools such as the frequency count, ranking, percentage distribution, weighted mean and average mean. The study revealed that the following findings that the status of school building in overall weighted mean in terms of caring with 3.28; learning, 3.14; adaptability 3.31; and sustainability 3.10, were all rated as equivalent to "good" as to learning facility. As to evacuation facility an overall weighted mean of 3.01 for caring; learning 2.78; adaptability 3.18; and sustainability 2.81, all with equivalent rating of "good". As to quarantine facility, an overall weighted mean of 3.08 for caring; learning 3.06; adaptability 3.15 and sustainability 2.80, all with equivalent rating of "good". It also revealed the problems met in school buildings as learning facility in terms of safety is that there is no adequate emergency exit and fire safety equipment with a sum of rank of 88; adequacy is that the students are overcrowded using the toilet rooms (ratio of students per toilet fixtures such as water closet, lavatory and urinals not met) with a sum of rank of 97; health protection is that there is no ramp provided in every floor level with a sum of rank 97; and sustainability with a sum of rank of 105 is that it has no alternative supply of water (rain water collector). The problems met in school buildings as evacuation facility in terms of safety is that there has no adequate
The global challenge to the future prospect of any nation is fundamental to the educational performance of the people. Decline in the performance of children in primary schools in African nations is evident from cross sectional studies. Among several factors that are apparent, design layout and management of primary school facilities are cardinal issues that affect the performance of pupils. This paper examines the effect of these variables on the performance of pupils when other several factors are adequately controlled. This work presents design alternatives and demonstrates the effect of layout and management of school facilities as index to performance of pupils. Nigeria primary education milieu is showcased for generalization in African context for this assessment. Prior to this research, government intervention had not succeeded in improving the situation due to limitation in selection criteria in the areas of technical and human resource skills. The study employs a positivist view and a cross-sectional analysis to explore the theme. It follows-up with a survey aimed at stake holders comprising Primary School Teachers; Parents of Primary School pupils; Primary School Pupils and; the Ministry of Education. Performance of school children is evident in improved performance in school and interest in learning. The contribution of this work underpins the value of design, layout and management of facilities in enhancing the performance of pupils in primary schools.