Otisky středoevropského podnebí v českých, německých a maďarských pranostikách: Společné pranostiky na poslední třetinu roku s etymologickými poznámkami (original) (raw)

2024, Otisky středoevropské krajiny a podnebí v našich kulturách

In this paper, I compare and analyze equivalent Czech, German and Hungarian weather lore sayings for September, October, November and December. A weather lore saying is a prediction of the weather or of future things in general, a folk saying containing such a prediction or life experience. I translated the German and Hungarian weather lore sayings into Czech to show possible lexical and syntactical differences between them. In many cases, I wrote etymological notes and explanations of obsolete, bookish, dialectal, etc. words. Some weather lore sayings have already lost their validity, but I still think that these folk sayings about the weather – like proverbs – form an integral part of the linguistic and cultural heritage of our region.

Mezi Prahou a Paříží. Neznámé a málo známé „hrdinky“ česko-francouzského kulturního světa první poloviny 20. století

Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum, 2020

The article describes the lives of several Czech-French female ‘heroines’, writers and scientists active in the first half of the 20th century who we encountered in connection with research into book provenances in Czech and French institutions and whose fates are little known, or even unknown, to the Czech and French cultural public. The first part, entitled ‘Paris in Prague and Prague in Paris’, tells the story of two women, a Francophone Belgian and a Czech living in France. The second part, ‘French Women Married to Czechs’, maps the lives of three French women who were engaged in pedagogical, translation, educational and scientific activities and who were forced to leave Czechoslovakia after 1948 for political reasons. The last part, ‘The Daughter of a Famous Father’, deals with the life of the Bohemist Jacqueline Mazon, the daughter of the distinguished French Slavist André Mazon.

Antrakologická analýza raně středověkých objektů z lokality Turnov-Maškovy zahrady Anthracological analysis of early medieval features from the site of Turnov-Maškovy zahrady

Anthracological analysis of samples originating from early medieval features at the settlement, which is located in the floodplain of a former branch of the Jizera River (for more details see Profantová – Prostředník 2014), established the presence of 13 tree species. Oak was represented most frequently, followed by Scots pine, common hornbeam, maple, beech and ash. The analyzed assemblage is characterized by three different types of samples/features. The first type of feature is remarkable by an abundant representation of charcoal and a relatively rich species composition. The second type is characterized by a limited species composition and a small amount of charcoal. The third type of sample contained very little charcoal or even no charcoal at all, but some kind of porous material resembling slag was represented there as well. The species-rich samples most probably represent non-selectively gathered firewood. Such firewood more or less points to the presence of oak-hornbeam fore...


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Милош Тимотијевић, Приказ књиге: Копаоник, Жупа, Расина, Трстеничка Морава: насеља, порекло становништва, обичаји (прир. Борисав Челиковић) Едиција „Корени. Српске земље. Насеља, порекло становништва, обичаји“. Службени гласник – САНУ, Београд 2020, књ. 43, стр. 1096.