The evolving context of Brazil’s environmental policies in Amazonia (original) (raw)
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Análise Ambiental Na Amazônia Brasileira: O Caso Da Região Norte Do Brasil a Partir Dos Anos 2000
Revista de Administração e Negócios da Amazônia
O objetivo deste estudo foi traçar um panorama ambiental da região Norte brasileira a partir dos anos 2000. Foram utilizados indicadores que proporcionaram uma visão ambiental do território estudado, cujo resultado permitiu explicar as relações assumidas e desencadeadas pela ação humano na região, a partir dos anos 2000. Como variáveis de estudo, utilizou-se aquelas que relacionam os aspectos de proteção ambiental, uso e destinação do solo, bem como a incidência de produtos químicos, como o caso dos agrotóxicos decorrentes da ação humana. Como principais resultados pôde-se observar que a região Norte do Brasil ainda preserva seus recursos naturais e que ainda possui a maior faixa de floresta do país, especialmente por questões institucionais que impõe a obrigatoriedade de se manter intacta 80% das propriedades rurais com florestas primárias, sem contar as grandes áreas de preservação e reserva legal destinadas, exclusivamente, para estes fins. Porém a degradação e devastação ambient...
Legislação Florestal Brasileira e Políticas Do Governo De Combate Ao Desmatamento Na Amazônia Legal
Ambiente & Sociedade, 2015
The forest legislation can be understood as a set of laws governing the relations of exploitation and use of forest resources. In Brazil, the first devices aimed at protected areas or resources have his record even in the colonial period, where the main objective was to guarantee control over the management of certain features such as vegetation, water and soil. Since then, the forest legislation has been undergoing constant changes (Medeiros, 2005) that directly affect the actors linked to the management, as the technical institutions that monitor and control the exploitation of environmental areas, as well as researchers working in the area. In this scenario, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) (Law 7,735/1989) has been active in protecting the environment, ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources and promoting environmental quality nationwide. However, the need for decentralization of administrative actions of IBAMA, due to the large size of Brazil that overloads the supervisory actions of the body, led to publication of the Law 11,284/2006 of public forest management, which regulates the management decentralization process Union forest to the states and municipalities. Subsequent to this, the rural actors such as farmers and entrepreneurs with political support from government wards opened the discussions on the reform of the main legal instrument of legislation-The Forest Code. New forms that aim to address the growing need of the country in parallel with the environmental protection have been placed under discussion. Existing interests of various social groups generated a heated debate on the topic mainly opposing the interests of farmers and the interests of conservation groups. In 2011, Congress discussed the Brazilian Forest Code modification 1965. The Bill 1,876/1999, the rapporteur of Congressman Rebelo (PCdoB-SP) has proposed major changes in the Brazilian agro-forestry setting. In the political debate, two political positions in relation to the new proposal emerged and were defined as the caucus and diametrically opposed, the environmentalist bloc. By discussion of the new Forest Code, deforestation in the Amazon has undergone major changes in the first decade of 2000. These changes is related to the intensification
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2021
Brazil has 310.5 million hectares of public forests, almost 92% of which in the Amazon. Since the 1980s, Brazilian environmental legislation has been improving and, along with other measures, has contributed to a significant reduction in deforestation in the Amazon since 2005. However, changes in the legal framework and dismantling of successful socio-environmental policies threaten public forests in the Amazon. Here, we highlighted some relevant changes in the legal and political framework and prioritized some actions to safeguard the largest tropical forest in the world considering an adverse political context. We emphasized strategies associated with (1) the institutionalization of practices and processes; and (2) market-driven influence on sustainable production. The purpose is to inhibit current threats until more favorable and participatory circumstances are present and a comprehensive range of past success measures may be revisited.
Brazilian Environmental Laws and Policies, 1934-2002: A Critical Overview
Law <html_ent glyph="@amp;" ascii="&"/> Policy, 2006
This article describes and analyzes major laws, decrees, regulations, resolutions, and institutional mandates linked to environmental protection policies in Brazil, from 1934 to 2002. It argues that many early regulations resulted basically from centralization and planning policies conducted by a development-oriented state. However, it shows that most recent regulations were demanded by a more environmentally aware and more organized civil society, in the context of a more participatory and democratic political framework and improved scientific knowledge and requirements. This paper is adapted from José Drummond's 1998 master's thesis, National Parks in Brazil , and Ana Flavía Barros-Platiau's doctoral dissertation (2000), Vers quel droit de la protection internationale de l'environnement? La participation du Brésil dans le développement des régimes de la biodiversité et du contrôle du changement climatique .
Conservation policy in Brazilian Amazonia: Understanding the dilemmas
World Development, 2003
Conservation policy in Brazilian Amazonia is rapidly evolving. The dynamics of different interest groups affects the political economy of land use. Choices include allocation of effort between completely and partially protected areas and between creation of new conservation units versus consolidation of existing units. Tension between different levels of government, different groups of non-governmental organizations, and between the public versus private sectors are evident. While the conflicting interests of such groups present many barriers, they also offer conservation opportunities. Negotiation with indigenous peoples represents one of the most critical areas for the long-term future of natural ecosystems in the region.
IT'S ALL ABOUT POWER:. The Political Economy and Ecology of Redefining the Brazilian Amazon
The Sociological Quarterly, 1999
What happens to rural communities in remote raw materials-rich regions when their definitions of the region's natural resources are confronted with competing and incompatible definitions presented and enforced by external actors? The social constructionist approach in environmental sociology provides an essential counterbalance to environmental determinism, but this article argues that in many contexts social construction is actually a process of the imposition of external actors' material interests over the objections of local groups. New historical materialism, via an interdisciplinary and multimethod research strategy, analyzes the changing definitions and uses of the Brazilian Amazon as a revelatory case study of the political economy and ecology of this process and its consequences for nature, rural communities, and indigenous peoples.
Perspective of Environmental Services and Management in the Amazon Region, Pará-Brazil
—At the moment the Brazilian Amazon development, especially in the areas of the Northeast of Pará (NE/PA) and Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB), demands public policies that provide attractive economic means in environmentally sustainable systems for rural societies. Thus, the objective is to make a descriptive analysis to subsidize the adaptation of a program of public policy for technical assistance and Environmental Services Provision (PSA), called the Socio-environmental Rural Family Production Program (PROAMBIENTE). In order to reach this intervention, it will be necessary to comply with a number of steps, which are mainly related to the elaboration of the Development Plan (PD), the Socio-Environmental Certification Standards (PCSA), Individual Diagnosis (DI) and Utilization Plan (PU) and the construction of Community Agreements (AC). In order to do so, future studies on the implementation of the program and its implications through the variables that will be generated will be essential, verifying those that are most influential in land use and landscape change, identifying the variables of change, in order to generate information capable of qualifying the application of integrative policies in NE / PA and RMB.
ENVIRONMENT: The Future of the Brazilian Amazon
Science, 2001
The Brazilian Amazon contains about 40% of the world's remaining tropical rainforest and plays vital roles in maintaining biodiversity, regional hydrology and climate, and terrestrial carbon storage (1). It also has the world's highest absolute rate of forest destruction, currently averaging nearly 2 million hectares per year (2).
Wild animals collected by the Independent Company of Environmental Police Monte Roraima in urban area of Boa Vista, Brazilian Amazon, 2018
A expansão da população humana tem ocasionado perda de habitats naturais, somada à supressão de animais silvestres da natureza para o consumo humano ou para a manutenção destes como animais de estimação, são problemas sérios que devem ser resolvidos pelos órgãos ambientais governamentais. Assim, este estudo foi desenvolvido com o intuito de se conhecer quais espécies de animais silvestres são mais afetadas pelas atividades antrópicas em Boa vista, estado de Roraima, entre 2014 e 2016. Nós acessamos os dados das apreensões realizadas pela Companhia Independente de Policiamento Ambiental Monte Roraima, e registramos 214 indivíduos das Classes: Reptilia (n = 102), Aves (n = 76) e Mammalia (n = 36). Os répteis foram representados, em sua maioria, por quelônios (51,96%) e squamatas (42,16%), enquanto entre as aves, pássaros e papagaios representaram cerca de 70% das capturas do grupo. Para os mamíferos, Pilosa e roedores foram responsáveis por 50% dos resgates. Esses números representam uma pequena amostra da vida silvestre retirada da natureza, demonstrando a necessidade de se aumentar a força policial disponível e os recursos para operações de fiscalização. Também existe a necessidade de se desenvolver atividades de conscientização ambiental, uma vez que o consumo e a domesticação de animais silvestres são práticas culturais na região. Desse modo, este estudo identificou que quelônios, pássaros e papagaios devem ser utilizados como espécies-alvo para o direcionamento das atividades ambientais visando aumentar a efetividade do uso dos recursos disponíveis.