Beyond a Formal Legal Property System: Property Rights on Land, Land Apartheid and Development in Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2021
Indonesia is ranked 4th as the country with the largest population in the world. As a result, land needs continue to increase, both as a place of residence, place of business and agricultural land. The problem at the moment is how to control the ownership and ownership structure of the land. The balance between the private sector and the interests of the community or individuals can be maintained. Following the mandate of the constitution and the mandate of the 1998 reform, land use must return to defend the people's economy. But why is the paradox of land tenure and ownership still happening today? This study aims to analyze land ownership based on people's economy according to land law in Indonesia. This study used a normative juridical method with a legal statement approach, a historical approach, a political law approach to land law, and an economic approach. The results of this study are policies on the control and ownership of land rights that have responded to the demands for reform, namely the welfare of the nation's children, which is regulated in the 1999 National Guidance and Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number IX Year 2001 Presidential Decree Number 34 the Year 2003. It's just that the implementation has not been followed up because political dynamics at the time so that the opportunity and equality to obtain fundamental land rights for someone in developing a people's economy had not yet moved. Because agrarian reform regulated by Government Regulation Number 68, the Year 2019 has not been followed up.
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The Politics of Land Law and the Implementation of the Agrarian Reform Program in Indonesia
International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS)
Agrarian reform is primarily aimed at overcoming inequality in land ownership, realizing legal certainty, prosperity and welfare for the whole community. The research objective is to describe howthe development of agrarian politics related to agrarian reform, the implementation of agrarian reform in Indonesia and the obstacles faced in implementing agrarian reform. This type of normative legal research is descriptive and the statute approach and concept approach are used in this study. Secondary data that has been collected is analyzed qualitatively, and conclusions are drawn using deductive logic. The results of the study show that the politics of agrarian law related to agrarian reform in the Old Order, New Order and Reform Order eras have led to efforts to realize equal distribution of prosperity for all people. The implementation of agrarian reform achieved success achieved by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency through the acceleration of ...
The Legal Problems of Land Law Toward Investment Era in Indonesia
Tadulako Law Review, 2018
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International Journal of Law Reconstruction
This study aims to describe the authority to control land by the state in various legal and regulatory arrangements from the Basic Agrarian Law, constitution, and other derivative regulations. The object of this study is the various types of land rights that are stated in the various legal arrangements. The method used in this research is normative legal studies that examine legal products with a statutory approach. The findings describe that the 1945 Constitution and the regulations under it regulate how to obtain land rights in order to fulfill the nature and elements of the law. Some of the main things regulated in the legislation are in order to balance the public interest and the sustainability of the national economy. The findings have theoretical implications for regulatory arrangements on aspects that have not been regulated by law. The findings of this study underscore the importance of synchronizing land arrangements at the national level, as well as suggesting harmonizati...
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Legal Arrangements and Implementation of State Ownership Rights Over Land in Indonesian Constitution
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
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The Future of Land Ownership Regulation in Indonesia
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Indonesia is a state of law. All aspects of social, national and state life including government must be based on laws that are in accordance with the national system. Indonesian land law is an independent law. Based on the 2010 Badan Pusat Statistik census, Indonesia has recorded 1340 ethnic groups. With this number of diversity, Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 (UUPA) explains that customary law is the original legal source of land law in Indonesia. However, UUPA provides further understanding that customary law is adjusted to the awareness and legal situation of the wider community. Then it was perfected with the interests of the people in a modern country and in its relations with the international world, and adjusted to Indonesian socialism. The challenges in regulating ownership of land rights consist of two challenges, namely challenges at the internal level from the government and external challenges from the government. The internal challenges from the government are the tr...
International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2021
This writing aims to analyze and identify the legal regulations and politics of registration (certification) of land rights in the context of Indonesian land law, particularly in Law No.5 of 1960 on Basic Agrarian Regulations (UUPA) amidst various agrarian conflicts and legal certainty documents over land rights that occur in Indonesia. This research will also seek to find comparisons that regulate and the politics of registering land rights in other countries. This is a normative legal research method with a statute approach and a comparative law approach. The results of the research show that the UUPA is a legal product in the field of agriculture that is unification for all Indonesians which is a mandate of the provisions of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Various agrarian conflicts that occur in Indonesia are caused by problems with land titles. Legal certainty through the certification of land rights is the answer to what agrarian law politics wants, considering that to create agrarian politics that makes people prosperous, protection of the rights inherent in land is needed. Through a clear foundation of rights will be able to increase economic value for landowners and improve the welfare of the Indonesian people at large. The regulation and politics of land registration law in several other countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Mexico and Ethiopia also show the certification of land rights as an effort to provide protection and legal certainty for land that is used for community welfare.
Peasant Empowerment Trough Quasi-Agrarian Reform Program, Evidence from Indonesia
Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 2018
This article introduces the concept of quasi agrarian reform and critique of the de Soto theory of formal property. According to writer, agrarian reform, both redistribution and legalization of assets, must be run in Indonesia. The Indonesian government follows the de Soto theory by implementing the Farmers Empowerment Program. The objective of the quasi agrarian reform program is to encourage farmers to take credit in banks provided by the Government under the scheme Credit for the People (KUR).The importance of agrarian reform in Indonesia to empower farmers to solve various structural problems, such as poverty, unemployment and inequality. Implementation of an asset legalization program in this paper is called quasi agrarian reform, not in line with the original aspirations. Farmers prefer security in possession of land while the government wants it further that is the willingness of farmers to pledge their land in banks.