A Perspective on the Practice of Spontaneous Translanguaging in Indonesia (original) (raw)

Among English, Indonesian and local language: Translanguaging practices in an Indonesian EFL classroom

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics

Teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in Indonesia has its own complexity due to the multilingual situation and the broadly different levels of English proficiency. To cope with this particular challenge, some Indonesian teachers tend to use a translanguaging method in teaching their students so that their classes are more interactive and engaging. In this case, translanguaging is a form of multilingual practice in the context of multilingual education where students are given equal rights to develop their language potential. Realizing the complexity of the learning process in a multilingual context, we aimed to reveal the types and purposes of Translanguaging in the learning process. This study used a qualitative method and data were collected through observations, interviews, and document analyses. This study shows that there were three types of translanguaging used by teachers during their teaching. The types of translanguaging are intra-sentential translanguaging, inters...

use of translanguaging to facilitate students’ English learning in an Indonesian Pesantren

Communications in Humanities and Social Sciences

This self-observation report aims to investigate the translanguaging practices of teacher-students’ interactions in multilingual classrooms in an International Islamic Boarding School (henceforth: Pesantren). Since Pesantren is a multilingual and multicultural melting pot for Islam-based character building, it is necessary for English teachers in Pesantren to consider some relevant teaching approaches that merit to the needs of multilingual classrooms. Through extensive navigation, we found that translanguaging is one of referred teaching approaches that can accommodate the needs of learning English in multilingual context. However, empirical findings using translanguaging approach in Pesantren is found rare so far. Thus, this study is focused on the use of translanguaging to facilitate English vocabulary learning in a multilingual context. This self-observational report describes the first author’s teaching description about her teaching practices in a Pesantren classroom. She rec...

Indonesian Suburban Area EFL Teachers' Perspectives on Translanguaging

Register journal/Register, 2024

Bilinguals and multilingual people use translanguaging, which is the technique of using different linguistic components or forms of independent languages to improve communication. When incorporated into teaching methods, translanguaging strategies enable educators to bridge linguistic gaps and support the learning of a foreign language. Despite the perceived advantages of translanguaging, variations in teachers' perceptions create ideological barriers, hindering students from fully embracing translanguaging. This study intends to investigate the perspectives of Indonesian teachers teaching in suburban areas on translanguaging in English language instruction in order to obtain a deeper knowledge of this subject. This study used semi-structured interviews using a qualitative research design to go deep into teachers' insights on the topic. The result of the study shows that the participants

Teachers’ attitude towards translanguaging practice and its implication in Indonesian EFL classroom

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2022

Previous studies have shown that the majority of teachers tend to be receptive towards translanguaging practices (Khairunnisa Lukmana, 2020; McMillan Rivers, 2011; Nambisan, 2014; Yuvayapan, 2019). However, in Indonesian context, there are relatively few studies in this field employing a case study design to reveal more detailed information. This study was aimed at investigating teachers' attitudes towards translanguaging practices and how the practices took place. The participants were four English teachers from two private junior high schools located in East Nusa Tenggara and Central Java, Indonesia. The data were collected by using questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and observations. The analysis reveals that all participants implemented translanguaging in several typical situations in their EFL classrooms. Despite participants' various feelings towards translanguaging, they still use translanguaging in their teaching and associated translanguaging with positive ...

To Translanguage or Not to Translanguage? The Multilingual Practice in an Indonesian Efl Classroom

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2018

Translanguaging, the use of learners’ full linguistic repertoire in language learning, has recently been theorized as an effective pedagogical practice because it creates more learning opportunities for multilinguals. Despite the growing number of research on this topic, less attention has been paid on the actual use of translanguaging in the classroom. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating translanguaging practice in an EFL classroom in Indonesia where learners used their full repertoire (English, Indonesian, Javanese) to negotiate meaning in learner-learner interactions. Specifically, this research attempts to find out both the effectiveness and the challenges of applying translanguaging to promote learning. The data were collected from the video-recording of naturally-occuring interactions among junior high school students (14-15 years old) in an EFL classroom in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data were analyzed using discourse analysis technique and perceived using ecolo...

The Use of Bahasa Indonesia (L1) in the Intensive English (L2) Classroom


This study was designed to explore, describe, and explain the use of students’ native language ( Bahasa Indonesia ) in the intensive English classroomorganized by the Center for Language Development (PBB) of IAIN SyekhNurjati Cirebonas well as the lecturers’ and students’ attitudes towards it. It also sought to establish the role that Bahasa Indonesia actually played in the class. This study employed a mix-methods design. For confirmations and clarificationsit observed 7 classes, surveyed 7 lecturers and 167 students, and interviewed 5 lecturers.Findings revealed that some amount of Bahasa Indonesia was used by both the lecturers and the students. Use of the mother tongue was mainly influenced by students’ level of English proficiency and the skill of language being taught. Both the lecturers and the studentsfound the L1 useful for teaching and learning culture-related issues and difficult concepts like grammar. However, they also realized that use of the L1, at a certain extent, ...

Translanguaging Practices in a Tertiary Efl Context in Indonesia

TEFLIN Journal: A publication on the teaching and learning of English

This paper presents partial results of an ethnographic study in 2021, aiming to identify translanguaging (TL) practices (the use of Indonesian and English), their functions and benefits, and the participants’ opinions about such practices in a tertiary English as a foreign language (EFL) context in Indonesia. The study involved 75 participants in four courses organized online (due to the COVID-19 pandemic), in the English Education Study Program of a state university in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The study drew on the notion of TL, synthesized with principles of effective online teaching. The data were obtained from a phase of teaching with teachers as researchers in 7 meetings (out of 16 meetings required), informal interviews with the participants after the class, and a questionnaire administered online, involving 46 volunteers. The results reveal that TL practices occurred in all courses, which served different functions, including interpretive, managerial, and interactive fu...

Learners’ Perceptions on the Use of Indonesian (L1) in the English (L2) Intensive Course: Implications for Translanguaging Pedagogy


This study explores the use of Indonesian (L1) in an English class at an undergraduate program in a university in East Java, Indonesia. The English class was called Intensive Course (IC). In the class the students were expected to learn general English so that they could have the required competence to become English teachers. The students who passed the course in 2018-2019 (50 students) were asked to complete a questionnaire. Follow up interviews were conducted to four selected students representing positive and negative perceptions on the use of Indonesian. The findings of this study shows that L1 could be a potential resource to learn English but when the L1 was overused in the classroom, the learning opportunities and exposure to the target language diminished, limiting their learning opportunities and bringing about negative perceptions of the students. Implications from the findings are discussed in relation to translanguaging as pedagogy.

Students' Attitude Towards Translanguaging Practice in Indonesian EFL Classes

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

The multilingual world demands educational stakeholders to adjust by embracing multilingual pedagogies. Translanguaging is deemed a prominent language practice to be implemented in educational settings, especially in the EFL class. However, the practice still obtains criticisms. Many scholars point out challenges in implementing classroom translanguaging. Therefore, studying attitudes, specifically students' attitudes, becomes significant at this point because it helps to reveal how students' feelings and thoughts of translanguaging practice are based on their learning experience. Further, their attitudes can be considered in the classroom decision making whether to translanguage or not to translanguage. The present study will generally continue what previous scholars have done but in a new context and methodology. This study investigated students' attitudes towards student- and teacher-directed translanguaging in Indonesian EFL classrooms. The participants were 40 grade...