What is teacher development? (original) (raw)
Related papers
Teacher Development: An Overview of the Concept and Approaches
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2014
Teaching is an on-going professional activity rather than something that can be mastered once and for all through the acquisition of a restricted set of skills. It needs to be refreshed and developed with the passage of time as new ideas and approaches towards teaching and learning are discovered. This emphasises the need of development activities for staff to update and enhance their professional skills. This paper explores the concept of teacher-development giving a comprehensive account of the topic and discusses the teacher appraisal system as its integral part. A review of various approaches is also given to enhance the concept of teacher development. The paper also makes suggestions to implement a teacher development plans taking into account the phases in the successful implementation of change.
Teacher Development: Strategies and Perception
Saptagandaki Journal, 2017
Aspects of teachers' professional development in general and EFL teachers in non-English speaking countries in particular are issues that warrant constant research. Although these are widely researched areas internationally, within Nepal grounded professional development studies have been sparsely carried out. A considerable section of practicing English language teachers has no clear idea of the issue although it directly concerns themselves. Against this backdrop, this article explores some EFL teachers' perception on the concept of teacher development in a relatively sophisticated centrally located town of Nepal.
Chapter 1 Defining teacher development
A person-centred approach to teacher development with short readings and questions to take teachers through an exploration of aspects of their personal development that can enhance who they are as teachers. It explores what teacher development can mean, the facilitative relationship, ways of working with groups, teacher development groups, supporting yourself.
Building Teacher Education on What We Know about Teacher Development
Abstract: Based on an analysis of the nature of theory that is relevant to teachers, this paper presents an approach to teacher education, the realistic approach, and reports on its use in two countries. The paper uses the concepts of episteme and phronesis to introduce a new ...
Teacher Development: Keys to Educator Success
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2023
This study evaluated the participation of 174 teachers from 6 departments of Baguio Central University in various professional development programs. Utilizing a survey, the study explored how informal and formal professional development avenues influence the faculty members. The investigation revealed that teachers typically assume an active role in professional development, with informal and formal activities being deemed extremely beneficial. Additionally, the study pointed out that the level of involvement in particular professional development initiatives is commonly affected by their personal characteristics. Furthermore, the results highlighted that engaging in official discussions with colleagues can be highly beneficial for teacher's professional growth. Overall, the research findings suggest that all of the participants tend to have analogous professional development requirements. In terms of significance, this research is advantageous in providing an understanding of professional development activities in the higher educational setting.
Pedagogic relevance of teacher development
elixir.com, 2012
Teacher development has become a key concept in the field of education. Both pre-service and in-service teacher training are extremely crucial in the entire process of the development of a teacher as a professional. In-service training received due attention from the experts and educators in order to strengthen the base of pre-service training or lay a new foundation for those who have no formal training, and to follow up training needs as continuous teacher development. Education has been changing globally in order to meet the urgent demand of the society, economics, and science-technology. There has been a focus all over the world to develop the teachers of the institutions to meet the needs of the students, and institutional effectiveness leading to the national development. King Abdulaziz university (KAU) is one of those pioneering institutions in Saudi Arabia that has been taking the initiatives to equip its staff to raise them to the international standards (if required). Jeddah community college (JCC), being the part of KAU also realised the need of teacher development activities. Many training, pedagogic, and developmental activities took place in the past especially from 2007 till date. The present paper aims at exploring those training activities that were carried out at JCC in order to equip and update the skills of the target teachers. In this connection, many seminars, workshops, training sessions were organised by the JCC, and the teachers attended those programmes within the college, university, and even went abroad for a 2 weekintensive trainer’s training organised at Greenwich Community College, London, UK. The training course was sponsored by the university. It was expected that after such teacher development activities, the teacher preparedness will be enhanced, and the outcomes will be more beneficial for the students. As a matter of results, the present teaching at JCC is modern, novel, innovative, e-learning/online learning based and computer assisted which itself is one of the motivating factors, interesting for the learners, and needed for the ultimate human resource development.
Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professional
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Journal of Education & Social Policy, 2020
TNTP's The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth About Our Quest for Teacher Development(TNTP, 2015) was a study released in August 2015.Usingdatacollected from three large, geographically diverse public schools and one mid-sized charter network, the study argues that, despite of tremendous investment of financial resources, time, and good will in teacher development, there are very modest returns on this investment. The authors contend that we do not know how to improve teachers at scale, making the goal of effective professional development a mirage. Recommendations suggested by the authors include redefining teacher development; reevaluatingtheeffectiveness of current supports and programs; and reinventing the way effective teaching is supported at scale. The study's strength is in the rich descriptive information provided. However, the authors make poor analytic choices, rendering somewhat inaccurate conclusions, and thus limiting the study's usefulness.
A Framework for Teacher Learning and Development
In this paper, I am less concerned with making an argument than with outlining a proposal for a framework. The argument, that teachers have a unique professional learning process, which undergirds teacher training and development activities, has been made and supported through research over that last two decades. Increasingly the question now is one of practice: How will that research and theorizing support the design and implementation of teacher training and development activities at both the large, project level and the small, seminar or workshop level? In this paper, I introduce such a framework and the rationale for it. Then I look in detail at one particular aspect, the roles that are designed into teacher training and professional development activities, as a way of applying the framework more specifically.