Hubungan Status Gizi (LILA) dengan Anemia pada Ibu Hamil (original) (raw)
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Hubungan Anemia Dengan Status Gizi Pada Remaja Putri
SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery, 2019
Anemia can cause a risk to adolescent girls both long term and in the short term. One of the factors influence anemia in adolescents is nutrition status. This study aims to determine of anemia in adolescent with nutritional status in adolescent girls The Design of this study is cross sectional. The sample of this study is 84 adolesent girls, people was selected by simple random sampling technique from all student at class x ech high school on 2-3 August 2016. hemoglobin levels was checked by a digital, nutritional status examination of weight and height. Data were analyzed with univariate and bivariate chi square. The results of the study shows that the prevalence of anemia in adolescent is 45.2%, nutritional status underwieght is 14,3%. There is no relationship between anemia with nutrisional status (p-value=0,649). The conclusion of this research is the prevalence of anemia is still high,and there was no significant association between anemia and nutritisional status.
Status Gizi pada Ibu Hamil Anemia terhadap Lingkar Perut Janin
Journal Midwifery Jurusan Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, 2021
The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is 359 per 100,000 live births. MMR in the study area reached 100 per 100,000 live births. Causes of maternal death include bleeding, anemia, and chronic energy deficiency (KEK). In pregnant women, the main cause of death is bleeding. This study aims to determine the relationship between the nutritional status of anemic pregnant women and the growth of fetal abdominal circumference. The research design was analytic observational using cross-sectional with a sample size of 30 people. Sampling technique with purposive sampling. The duration of the study was three months starting from February to May. Data analysis using chisquare test. The results showed that the highest level of nutritional status of respondents was 18 people (60.0 %). Most of the growth in fetal abdominal circumference did not match each examination using ultrasound (USG), namely 17 (56.7%), 23 (76.7%), 27 (90.0%). The results of statistical tests of nutritional status ...
Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Remaja Putri
This study aim to assesthe relationship of nutritional status with the incidence of anemia among irl adoleccent in SMAN 8 Pekanbaru. This studi used a descriptive research design with cross sectional method. This study conducted on 86 middle girl adolescent in SMAN 8 Pekenbaru using purposive sampling technique. Measuring instrument used in the weight scales, height measurement and hemoglobin multi function monitoring system. The analysis in univariate and bivariate analysis with fisher test. The result showed that there was no relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girl with a significance level of 0.05 was obtained p value < 0.512. It is suggested to the school of to do monitoring the Hb level among student in the school. Keyword: Anemia, young women, nutritional status.
Hubungan Status Gizi dan Anemia pada Ibu dengan Kejadian BBLR di RSUD Dr. R. Soedjono Selong
ProHealth Journal
Background: In terms of mortality of 60-80% of neonatal deaths caused by low birth weight, because the lbw 20 times higher risk of death in infancy. Malnutrition and anemia lead to low birth weight. The number of pregnant women anemia in bantul regency (36.6%) and nutritional status are event numbers (4.9 percent). Objective : This research is a survey research study design with analytic case control. The sample in this research is an experienced maternity mother lbw and not lbw as much as 246 cases, groups of cases (lbw) 123 and 123 cases of the control group. Analysis of the data used is the test of chi square and multivariate analysis with multiple linear regrasi. Methods: Analysis of the results obtained, that there is no significant relationship between nutritional status with the incident with the highest p 0,236 low birth weight and there is no significant relationship between anemia and lbw with the occurrence value p 0,290. Result :There is no relationship of nutritional st...
Biggest causes of nutritional anemia is a decrease in nutrient intake is associated with a diet that is not good due to the ignorance and incompetence. The research was conducted at the health center Sudiang Kingdom of Makassar on the grounds that the highest number of maternal anemia found in this clinic (53.6%). This type of research was the study of experimental studies with experimental designs Pre One Group Pretest And Postest Design. Independent variables were the consumption patterns and hemoglobin levels of respondents as the dependent variable. The population was all pregnant women with anemia who came to check her pregnancy at PHC. While the sample was drawn by purposive sampling, totaling 16 people. Research data obtained and processed manually and by using Nutrisurvey program, Microsoft Excel, and SPSS for changes in consumption patterns and hemoglobin levels of respondents using the McNemar test. The resulted of this study demonstrate for the nutrient intake of respondents, prior education, number of samples to consume enough energy in the category of 12.5% of the remainder (87.5%) in the category of less. After education, the number of samples which consume enough energy in the category increased to 37.5%. And nutrition education given to respondents were anemic, and the results of education, the number of respondents who experienced anemia decreased to 68.8%. The conclusion of this study was nutritional education There is the influence of changes in nutrient intake of pregnant women anemia, which was vitamin C (p < 0.05). But not so with the intake of other nutrients. Also found the effect of nutrition education to changes in hemoglobin levels of anemic pregnant women (p = 0.01). It is recommended that the nutrition education program merutinkan clinic for pregnant mothers every visit to the clinic.
Jurnal Insan Cendekia, 2016
LatarBelakang :Remaja merupakan masa puncak dari tumbuh kembang .Dimana salah satunya dipengaruhi oleg status gizi , apabila pada masa remaja status gizinya kurang optimal bisa berdampak pada tumbuh kembang yang kurang optimal, berat badan menurun, mudah sakit, dan bisa menyebabkan terjadinya anemia , sehingga bisa mengakibatkan penurunan prestasi belajar disekolah.Tujuan : Tujuan dari penelitia ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan status gizi dengan kejadian anemia pada siswi kelas XII di Madrasah Aliyah Kalibening Mojoagung Metode : Desain analitik, dengan rancangan cross sectional. Tehinik pengambilan sampling yang digunakan Non Probabelity Sampling dengan jenis purposive sampling , dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 siswi kelas XII dengan menggunakan uji Man Whitney Hasil : Terdapat korelasi positif anatara status gizi dengan kejadian anemia . Dari Hasil uji statistik man Whitney dilakukan dengan taraf signifikan α ≤ 0,05 yang setara dengan = - 1,96 maka H0 diterima dan Hi d...
Hubungan Status Gizi Ibu Hamil Berdasarkan Lila Dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah
Ibnu Sina: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
WHO melaporkan berat bayi <2500 gram berkontribusi sebanyak 60-80% dari seluruh kematian neonatus. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi ibu hamil berdasarkan LILA dengan kejadian BBLR di Kabupaten Maros Periode Januari-Desember tahun 2019. Metode: Metode penelitian ini yaitu observasional analitik dimana peneliti hanya melakukan observasi terhadap objek yang diteliti tanpa melakukan perlakuan dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang digunakan adalah seluruh ibu yang melahirkan di Kabupaten Maros dengan melahirkan bayi BBLR yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dengan jumlah sampel 200 sampel. Sampel yang didapat dari data sekunder dan kemudian dianalisa melalui uji Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan sebesar 5% (α=0,05) dan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil: Diperoleh nilai p-value 0,000 (P<0,05) dan analisis data uji korelasi Pearson diperoleh Nilai r Hitung 0.265 lebih besar dari r table 0.138 untuk N = 200, dan Nilai signifikansi p-value <0.005 (0.408), ya...
Hubungan Antara Asupan Zat Gizi Dan Status Gizi Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Remaja Putri
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi, 2017
Kebutuhan zat besi pada remaja putri lebih tinggi dibandingkan remaja putra, disebabkan remaja putri rutin mengalami menstruasi, sehingga remaja putri lebih rentan menderita anemia. Kebiasaan makan yang salah pada remaja putri merupakan penyebab anemia. Anemia gizi pada remaja putri dapat berakibat menurunnya kesehatan reproduksi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi dan asupan zat gizi dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri.Jenis penelitian ini cross sectional Penelitian dilakukan di SMK Mahfilud Duror II Jelbuk pada bulan September sampai November tahun 2016. Pengambilan sampel dengan mengunakan metode accidental sampling. Kriteria inklusi yaitu remaja putri usia 14 – 18 tahun, tidak sedang menstruasi, tidak mengkonsumsi tablet Fe. Data yang dipakai adalah data asupan yang diperoleh dari hasil perhitungan food recall 2 (1 x 24 jam), data status gizi diperoleh dari perhitungan tinggi badan dan berat badan kemudian diukur indeks massa tubuh (IMT...
Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Siswi Kelas VIII SMP II Karangmojo Gunungkidul
Latar Belakang : Salah satu masalah gizi yang dialami remaja adalah defisiensi zat besi sehingga remaja memiliki resiko tinggi men galami anemia. Berdasarkan hasil riskesdes proporsi anemia pada remaja 23,9%. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional . Pengambilan data menggunakan data primer , Pengambilan sampel denga n total sampling /total populasi dengan jumlah sampel 81 siswi kelas VIII SMP II Karangmojo. Tek nik analisis uji Spearman Rank . Hasil : Ada Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Siswi Kelas VIII di SMPN II Karangmojo tahun ajaran 2016 -2017, dengan nilai p-val ue sebesar 0,001 (< 0,05 ), dengan keeratan hubungan sedang yang ditunjukkan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,401. Kesimpulan : Ada Hubungan antara Status Gizi dengan Kejadian Anemia dengan keeratan hubungan yang sedang