Design Propeller Turbine chapter IV (original) (raw)

Turbine Propeller Design

The United Nations estimates that 1 billion people worldwide access to electricity, has a poor power quality. China has an installed capacity of hydroelectric power plants ranked first in the world. The United Nations estimates that 1 billion people poor quality of electricity. . From the above five countries are aggressively developing micro hydro as in the graph below show, from five countries such as Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil, China had an installed capacity of hydroelectric power plants ranked first in the world. In 2011, the national electrification ratio only amounted to 72.95% . A total of 27.05% in Indonesian territory has not reached by electricity with diverse obstacles, either because the remote location so that access is difficult. One attempt to do to resolve the electricity problem is to exploit the potential of existing energy sources around the residence society. One of the potential that may be used is the energy source of water. From a survey conducted in rural . showed that much of the energy sources of water around settlements with head and low discharge. Utilization of water sources with discharge as described above, ideally performed by using a system that uses a generator turbine type propeller. The turbine in addition to expensive and difficult to make than in the other turbines that can be used for low head like a cross flow. The difficulty of making a turbine propeller especially at home and turbine blade manufacture. In this research in the search effort for simplification of the turbine casing and turbine blades so easily made. Simplification of the turbine casing is done by making the turbine casing of iron pipes and simplification of turbine blades is done by making a turbine blade by removing an aerodynamic cross-section of the blade, so the blade can be made of steel plate without casting as treated on an aerodynamic cross-section. Keywords : low head, blade, simplification,aerodinamic, non aerodinamic,

Propeller Turbine Design for Power Generation

Jurnal Teknik Mesin

The national electrification ratio is only 72.95%. As many as 27.05% of the territory in Indonesia has not been reached by electricity with various obstacles, one of which is because of the remote location so that access is difficult. One of the efforts to overcome the electricity problem is to take advantage of the potential energy sources around people's residences. One potential that might be used is a water energy source with low head and discharge. Ideally, this is done by using a generator system that uses a propeller type turbine. The difficulty of making propeller turbines is especially in the manufacture of housings and turbine blades. In this research, an attempt is made to simplify the turbine housing and turbine blades so that they are easy to manufacture. The design is made for Head (H) : 5 m Water flow (Q) : 0.11 m3/s Viscosity (ρ) : 998 kg/m3 Gravity (g) : 9.81 m/s2 Assumed hydraulic efficiency (ηh) : 0 ,80 Power (P) : 4,37 kW, Angle of attack (180o-β∞) 16o, Glide...

Parameter Design Propeller Kapal

Kapal, 2008

Designer propeller kapal harus mempertimbangkan berbagai parameter untuk menghasilkan bentuk, type dan ukuran propeller yang memiliki nilai efektifitas dan effisiensi propulsi tinggi. Propulsi kapal merupakan faktor yang mendominasi operasional kapal, karena pemakaian bahan bakar untuk operasional propulsi kapal merupakan 42% dari total cost operasional kapal dan merupakan added value yang akan diperoleh oleh perusahaan pelayaran. Pertimbangan parameter desain propeller argonomis dapat mendukung tujuan di atas sehingga dapat menurunkan pemakaian bahan bakar hingga 20 % saat kapal dioperaionalkan.

Bab 4 Proyeksi

Proyeksi merupakan cara penggambaran suatu benda, titik, garis, bidang, benda ataupun pandangan suatu benda terhadap suatu bidang gambar. Proyeksi piktorial adalah cara penyajian suatu gambar tiga dimensi terhadap bidang dua dimensi. Sedangkan proyeksi ortogonal merupakan cara pemproyeksian yang bidang proyeksinya mempunyai sudut tegak lurus terhadap proyektornya. Secara umum proyeksi dapat dilihat pada gambar 9.4. dibawah ini :


BAB VIII PORT SERIAL MIKROKONTROLLER BAB VI PORT SERIAL MIKROKONTROLLER 6.1. KOMUNIKASI SERIAL DENGAN UART AVR ATMega8535 memiliki 4 buah register I/O yang berkaitan dengan komunikasi memakai UART, yaitu UART I/O Data Register (UDR), UART Baud Rate Register (UBRR), UART Status Register (USR) dan UART Control Register (UCR).

T PD 1009546 Chapter5

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian seperti yang telah dikemukakan pada bab sebelum ini, diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut :

Perancangan Steam Turbine Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi di Kamojang Unit VI

Teknika: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, 2019

Panas Bumi merupakan sumber panas yang berasal dari lapisan magma di dalam tanah yang relatif tidak pernah berkurang, menjadikan panas bumi sebagai sumber energi yang terbarukan. Area sumur 6 lapangan panas bumi di Kamojang Jawa Barat memiliki 6 buah sumur produksi. Salah satu sumur produksi yang belum tereksplorasi yaitu Kamojang-68. Sumur ini memiliki nilai entalpi 2.778 蠘ཐ dan tekanan sebesar 11,86 bar dengan kandungan gas non-terkondensasi sebesar 0,81% berat uap. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang steam turbine yang sesuai dengan kondisi sumur Kamojang-68 dengan daya output 3 萈. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu pengumpulan data sumur produksi, analisis heat and mass balance, perhitungan ukuran utama turbin. Hasil perancangan diperoleh bahwa uap panas bumi pada sumur produksi Kamojang-68 termasuk tipe uap kering sehingga model konversi energi yang sesuai yaitu direct steam. Daya output pembangkit sebesar 3,02 萈 dengan tekanan 6-6,5 bar masuk ke dalam steam turbine. Steam turbine yang dirancang dalam tujuh tingkat dengan efisiensi dalam relatif turbin sebesar 0,687.