The Late 19th Century Liberal Islamist Young Turk Movement in Egypt (original) (raw)

From an Intellectual Movement to Political Parties: The Transformation of Turkish Islamist Groups


Pan-Islamism was one of the political ideas emerged in the Ottoman Empire in the 19thc.This study aims to outline the ideas of the Islamist movement in the Ottoman era and to put forward the agreements or differences of opinion vis-a-vis the Islamist movement in the Republican era with respect to their perspectives on the state and modernization.The main argument of this study is that,contrary to what the current literature claims,the organization of the Justice and Development Party did not mark a third generation,rather,changing their discourses,the Islamists in the Republican era continued their political activities within the body of Felicity Party of National Outlook Movement(NOM).Republican era of Islamists will be examined in the axis of NOM. Firstly,the political ideas of the Ottoman Empire in the 19thc will be introduced.The main aims of political movements in this century will be described and the differences between them will be identified.A detailed examination of the Is...

History of Islamic Political Movements in Turkey

This article investigates the history of Islamic political movements in Turkey. The time period of the article cover the time after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 to the year 2000. It is argued in the article that Islamic movements were largely suppressed in the period between 1923-1945 when the country was ruled with a single party regime led by the Republican Peoples Party. With the introduction of multi-party political system in 1945, political Islam found the opportunity for political activism in the body of Democrat Party. But the political Islam found a more organized opportunity with the establishment of National Order Party in 1970 and National Salvation Party in 1971 by Necmettin Erbakan. Based on a programme of National View, the Turkish political Islam was known for its aim to support material development with a parallel moral and spiritual development with a reaction to the west in interstate relations. Turkish political Islam expressed itself with Welfare Party in 1983 to function until 1998 with some clear changes in its programme particularly in its agreement with contemporary political institutions and later support for Turkey’s integration with the west. Turkish political Islam experienced its first great electoral success during the WP period. However, the WP is closed down in 1998 by the Constitutional Court due to allegations about anti-secularism and driven to a process of breakdown. Keywords: Islamic political movements, political Islam, secularism, Turkey

A Comparative Analysis of Political Strategies of Three Islamic Political Movements in Egypt and Turkey

İsmail KURUN 1 Öz İslamcılıktan ilham alan üç siyasî hareket, Mısır'daki Müslüman Kardeşler (MK), Türkiye'deki Milli Görüş (MG), ve Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (Ak Parti) siyasî arenada ortaya çıkışlarından itibaren farklı siyasî stratejiler uygulamışlardır. İki hareketin, MK ve MG'nin, stratejileri kendilerini nihayet iktidara taşımış, ancak çarpıcı bir şekilde, her ikisi de iktidarda sadece bir yıl civarında, sırasıyla 2012-2013 ve 1996-1997 yılları arasında, tutunabilmişler ve sonra askerî darbeler tarafından devrilmişlerdir. 1997'deki darbenin ardından MG üyeleri tarafından 2001'de kurulan Ak Parti, önceki iki partiden oldukça faklı stratejiler izleyerek, Ocak 2017 itibarıyla, Kasım 2002'den beri halen iktidardadır. Bu makale siyasî satratejiler üzerine mukayeseli bir çalışmadır ve kökleri İslamcılıkta bulunan üç farklı siyasî partinin siyasî başarılarının nasıl bu derece birbirinden farklılaşabildiği sorusuna cevap aramaktadır. Makalede öncelikle bu duruma ilişkin iki araştırma sorusu oluşturulmuş ve ardından bu sorulara yanıt verilmiştir. Makale, nihai olarak, İslamcılıktan doğan veya ondan ilham alan siyasî hareketlerin, kullandıkları siyasî stratejilere göre siyasî başarı oranlarının değişeceğini iddia etmekte ve İslamcılığı ilgilendirdiği kadarıyla siyasî başarı getiren siyasî stratejileri tespit etmektedir. Abstract Three political movements inspired by Islamism, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt, the National Outlook [Milli Görüş, NO], and the Justice and Development Party (JDP) in Turkey have employed miscellaneous political strategies since their emergence on the political arena. The strategies of two movements, the MB and the NO, eventually carried them to power, yet strikingly, they both could remain in power for approximately one year, between 2012 and 2013, and between 1996 and 1997 respectively. Then, they were ousted by military coups. Being founded in 2001 by the former NO members after the 1997 military coup, the JDP has been in power since 2002 to date, 2017, by employing different strategies than the former two movements. This İsmail KURUN 18 | Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi -Cilt: 15, Sayı: 2, Haziran 2017 article aims at investigating why three political parties have differed so much in terms of their political success although their roots are almost in the same ideology, namely Islamism. Two research questions are formed and answered in the article that ultimately argues that political parties inspired by Islamism may differ in their levels of political success if they employ different political strategies. The article also determines the strategies that bring about political success to the extent that they relate to Islamism.

Islamic Movements and Their Role In Politics In Turkey


Various opinions, institutions and individuals have influenced the political life in Turkey which constructed on a parliamentary democracy. Developments and refracting in the process of democratization and modernization have changed the roles, quality and quantity of the elements in Turkey’s political life. The affects of these elements increased and decreased in time. In this context, the role of Islamic movements in politics cannot be denied in Turkey, particularly in the recent years. Starting with the development of multi-party democracy, after the 1950’s a number of developments greatly advanced Turkey's democratization and modernization. These same events also transformed politics in Turkey which provided the environment for the growth of Islamic parties in Turkey. First, this paper, regarding these developments, discusses how to make a clarification of Islamic movements in Turkey as they are the parts of Turkey’s political life. Secondly, we try to demonstrate how differe...

Young Turks and the Becoming of a Turkish Nation

Republic of Turkey perhaps represents an example of a successful state that managed to prevent the complete loss of its territories by mobilizing its resources at the right time. Yet the processes that were happening there at the start of the twentieth century are not exceptional. We could find many cases around the world where various groups motivated by similar causes had mobilized themselves in order to bring change into their society. But Turkey`s model of Young Turks revolution is undoubtedfully among the few examples that resulted in sovereignty of the state with recognized state borders correspondent to its modern status quo.

Comparative approach to Islamism in Egypt and Turkey from theory to Practice


Egypt and Turkey have many similarities and differences in political, social, and religious fields; however, they are both important and influential states in the Islamic world of the Middle East. It means that the evolutions they experience affect other region's countries included in the Islam world. In other words, these two countries are the beginners of Islam world evolutions especially Middle East evolutions. The purpose of this article is to study Islamism evolutions in Egypt and turkey from viewpoint of Islamic thinkers' theories to Islamic characters' and parties' practical ways. Moreover, it discusses the fact that to what extent today's important political leaders such as "Muhammad Morsi" and "Recep Tayyip Erdogan" in Egypt and Turkey are faithful to Islamism based on " the Muslim Brothers society" and" justice and development party".

Militarist Turkish-Islamic Synthesis: Official Ideology, Official History and Nationalism in the Second Constitutional Period

The " Promulgation of Freedom " on 23 July 1908 paved the way to the Second Constitutional Period. A clear ideological change occurred in this 10 years period that lasted in 1918. This shift in ideology was a transition from " Islamic-Turkish Synthesis " of Abdülhamid II's reign to the " Turkish-Islamic Synthesis. " The Committee of Union and Progress could have put into practice " Turkish nationalism " or " militant secularism " as the Republican People's Party did after 1924 when they took the power after the coup of 23 January 1913. However the Balkan Wars and the World War I enforced them to postpone their will. On the contrary they made use of Islam as a unifying and mobilizing source of power and tried to build Turkish identity between the lines in the education system. That is why, as a result of these circumstances, " Militarist nationalism " and " Militarist Turkish-Islamic Synthesis " came into agenda in the Second Constitutional Period.

"National Outlook Movement" in Turkey: A Study on the Rise and Development of Islamic Political Parties

The Turkish "National Outlook Movement", defined as a continuous Islamic Political Parties' movement since the 1970s was led by Turkish former Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan. Apart from factors of economy, society, psychology, culture and ideology, the rise of Islamic Political parties was due to the inclusion-coaptation strategy initiated by the state. As a 40 years' lasting movement, the development, climax, crisis and continuity of "National Outlook Movement" will be of great help in understanding the relationship between modernization and secularization, religion and democracy, as well as the complex reasons of religious revival.