Sintaktičke pogreške u publicističkom stilu (na primjeru novinskih tekstova hrvatskih internetskih portala) (original) (raw)

Uloga medijskog izvještavanja u razdoblju prvog vala pandemije bolesti COVID-19 u Hrvatskoj

Medijska istraživanja

Početak pandemije obilježen je nedostatkom informacija, znanja i iskustava te se potreba za ontološkom sigurnošću zadovoljavala informiranjem putem medija, znanosti i drugih „ekspertnih sustava“. Pandemiju uzrokovanu COVID-om 19 ne treba promatrati samo kao zdravstvenu ili ekonomsku, već i društvenu krizu koja zahtijeva analizu socijalnog konteksta, društvenih čimbenika i aktera kao prediktora za razumijevanje učinaka i posljedica iste. Mediji su se tijekom pandemijske krize istaknuli kao važan prediktor percepcije rizika i povjerenja između institucija i javnosti. Općenito, našu percepciju prema određenim fenomenima u društvu dugujemo medijima koji izvještavanjem odabiru, izostavljaju, oblikuju ili na svojevrstan način interpretiraju pojedine društvene fenomene. Prema teoriji medijatizacije mediji se promatraju kroz prizmu (su)odnosa sa širim društvenim i institucionalnim okruženjem, stoga su ujedno ključni čimbenici percepcije pojedinih situacija i poticanja određenog tipa ponašan...

Ni o drvo, ni o kamen...": Magične formule u hrvatskim predajama o vješticama

Narodna umjetnost: Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore Research, 2007

Verse formulae that are directly connected with the flight of witches are repeated in numerous variants in Croatian legends about witches, often dependent on the region of origin of the notation. The successful flight of the witch is enabled by the correct use of the formula (along with other set acts and props). Faulty recitation of one and the same formula, even the most minute alteration of its structure, does allow flight by the observer, but he arrives at the witches' coven in a bruised, battered and wounded state. The firm and enclosed structure of such formulae (such as small prayers, entreaties, spells, healing incantations) permits the interpretation that what are in question are magical textual structures linked with ritual charms

Pleonazmi u hrvatskome standardnom jeziku

Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski …, 2011

PLeonAZMI U HRvAtsKoMe stAndARdnoM jeZIKU U radu se na temelju prikupljenoga korpusa pleonazama daju različiti formalni, sintaktički i semantički kriteriji podjele pleonazama te se pleonazmi dijele na nepotrebne i potrebne. Pleonazmi se analiziraju s deskriptivnoga i normativnoga stajališta.

Njemačke leksičke inovacije i njihovi hrvatski ekvivalenti s posebnim osvrtom na rječogradne i prevoditeljske postupke

Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Filozofski fakultet. Odsjek za lingvistiku., 2020

This thesis presents a corpus linguistic research on lexical creations in German in the period between the 1990s and the second half of the 2010s as well as their translatability into Croatian. The research is based on the following underlying hypotheses: 1) The most common parts of speech among lexical creations are nouns; 2) All lexical creations, neologisms and nonce words, are coined by the same mechanisms; 3) The most common method of making lexical creations is word-building; 4) German lexical creations are usually translated into Croatian by combining two or more techniques of translating culture-specific items. The aim of the research is to describe recent tendencies in the word-building of lexical creations in the German language, to emphasize the importance of nonce words when analyzing lexical creations and to outline possible techniques for translating German lexical innovations into Croatian. Lexical creations are the result of changes a language undergoes on a nearly daily basis, attracting considerable attention from scholars and the general public. On the one hand, lexical creations emerge as a direct response to the need to refer to new concepts and phenomena that must be designated, while on the other hand, they reflect the speaker's desire for expressive communication. Thus, lexical creations are necessarily linked to a particular language community at a given point in time and to the innovativeness of their authors, i.e. the context in which they emerged. Lexical creations are a genuinely interesting linguistic topic addressed by a number of linguistic disciplines, such as lexicology, lexicography, morphology, diachronic semantics, contact linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and stylistics. The role of language policy must not be neglected, since lexical creations can at the same time be a result of the susceptibility of a language to the influence of other languages, but also a result of linguistic purism. In this thesis, the term "lexical creations" is considered to be the superordinate of the terms "neologisms" and "nonce words". Reference sources in linguistics mostly refer to "neologisms", whereas "nonce words" are either not mentioned at all, or are not considered relevant, or are referred to as "neologisms" in a broader sense of the term. The thesis opens with a theoretical framework which identifies lexical creations as a phenomenon of linguistic change, emphasizing their essence: the necessity to meet the communication and cognitive needs of the members of a particular language community (Schippan 2002). We will analyze the motivation underlying the creation of lexical creations, which can be extralinguistic or intralinguistic (e.g. Fleischer 1987, Kinne 1998, Muhvić-Dimanovski 2005, Steffens 2010). We will also provide a possible classification of the mechanisms by which lexical creations are created, the most prominent of which are wordbuilding, borrowing, creation of multiword expressions, and semantic change (e.g., Muhvić