Relationship Servant Leadership Based on Matthew 20:26-28 and Enthusiasm to Serve with Faith Growth of Online Worship Congregation at the Player Towers of All Nations Ministry (original) (raw)

Kepemimpinan yang Melayani di Sekolah Kristen dalam Pengelolaan Organisasi, Pengelolaan Stres, dan Integritas [Servant Leadership in Christian Schools Through the Organization Management, Stress Management, and Integrity]

Diligentia: Journal of Theology and Christian Education

Leadership is needed in everyone's organization and one effective type of leadership is servant leadership. In Christian schools, leaders can apply servant leadership which can be a good example and a blessing to the people around them. Leaders' understanding and implementation of servant leadership were examined in Christian schools, while leaders' characteristics in managing the organization, in managing stress, and integrity were examined in carrying out their leadership function in schools. A descriptive qualitative research method through semi-structured interviews with school leaders was used. Coding and data triangulation techniques through interview with leaders, interviews with teachers, and questionnaires. This study was conducted on six leaders in four Christian schools in Jakarta and surrounding areas. It was found that leaders understand servant leadership by centering on the Lord Jesus and implement servant leadership by sharing their power, prioritizing others' development, and loving one another. Organizational management requires the same vision and mission, good relations, the ability to manage, and the coaching of teachers. Stress management requires consistent faith discipline and closeness with God, keeping life balanced and encouraging one another. Leaders' integrity should be upheld by setting an example of honesty, humility, sacrifice, and a close relationship with God.

Christian Religious Education Management, Government Service, in Cell Groups on the Quality of the Faith of Church Members in Indonesia Bethel Church of Graha Pena


This study examines the management of christian religious education as one form of shepherding service formation in cell groups in maturing, guiding and directing to apply the word of God. Christian religious education management as a model and example in the formation of church pastors in reaching sinners for Christ. This research was conducted at GBI Graha Pena with a total sample of 88 people who were active in participating in cell groups. The results of this study indicate that educational services are good that have led to pastoral care in realizing the Quality of Faith of GBI Graha Pena congregation members to reach people who do not yet believe in Christ. The effectiveness of the implementation of pastoral services that lead to the tasks and objectives of the church's mission through cell groups seen from members of cell groups who see the effectiveness of the service is supported by effectiveness: 58 respondents visitation (65.9%), help of sick people 88 respondents (10...

Christian Youth Leadership in a Distruptive Era (Research on Gmim Bukit Zaitunranomuut)


Christian youth leadership began to experience disruption along with technological developments. This study aims to describe how the leadership of Christian youth in the GMIM Bukit ZaitunRanomuut congregation, describes what efforts were made by young Christians as the next generation of the church in maintaining leadership within the GMIM Bukit ZaitunRanomuut congregation. The data in this study were observed and collected through interviews with young people at the GMIM Bukit ZaitunRanomuut, after which it was analyzed. It was found that the youth leadership of GMIM Bukit ZaitunRanomuut assumed that the leader was only limited to someone who led a group of people such as the youth elder and the youth commission in the GMIM Bukit ZaitunRanomuut congregation. Efforts are being made to continue to give themselves in youth fellowship and youth leadership training. For this reason, Christian youth, as successors to the church, must realize that each person is a leader who leads himself...

Servant leadership as part of spiritual formation of theological students in contextualisation of 21st century theological training


The theory of servant leadership with its key concepts of servanthood and leadership has emerged during the last few decades. A person who has a heart for people and serves them whilst leading them practices servant leadership. Servant leaders are not motivated by attaining higher positions but by serving people. Leaders call people to follow a set vision. In the church, that vision ought to be a God vision, premised on the Word of God. Leaders in the church should lead people according to the guidance of the Bible and inspiration from God. He is the one who calls people, gives them an assignment and will require an account from them. The church has been in the spotlight in recent times because of the conduct of their leaders, who are the pastors assigned with the task of leading believers. Understanding the principles of servant leadership can contribute to spiritual formation of theological students in contextualisation of 21st century theological training. The article begins with...

The Effect of Church Community Development and Pastoral Services on The Growth of The Congregation of The Bethel Indonesia Church, Family Blessing Surabaya

Journal KERUGMA, 2019

The existence of the church in this world is God's plan and will. Like a plant, which naturally grows and develops; as is the case with the existence of the church, God desires that His church grow and develop both in quality and quantity. There are various factors that influence the growth of the church, including the presence of church members and good pastoral care for the people. This research to describe the influence of church building and pastoral care on the growth of the congregation of the Bethel Indonesia Church “Family Blessing” Surabaya. Apart from that, to find out how much influence each independent variable has on the dependent variable. The approach used in this research is quantitative; where the population which is the object of this research is 400 members of the Bethel Indonesia Church “Family Blessing” Surabaya. The sample is taken from a population of 24% or 96 people who can represent the population with a simple random sampling technique. The data collec...

Servant leadership: meeting the challenges of pastoral and social ministry in the church: an exploratory study


Servant Leadership: Meeting the Challenges of Pastoral and Social Ministry in the Church (An exploratory study) Servant leaders focus on the needs of followers. Robert K. Greenleaf has maintained that a servant leader is first a servant and implicitly that everybody can lead. By popularizing this age-long principle of leadership, Greenleaf carved a niche for himself and reawakened the conscience of humanity about this sustainable style of leadership. In an egocentric society, aided by a sweeping technological advancement, people are tendentially creating a world in which they are the centre of all attractions; in which they crave the service of all and sundry but think less of what they can give to the other. This work aims at answering the following questions: Is today's Church still adhering to Jesus' example of leading by example as in the washing of the feet of his disciples? And, are those served better off for the service, that is; are they better citizens, are they healthier, are they more autonomous and are they freer? Besides an organized literature review, semi-structured interviews were conducted and a pool of responses obtained, that aided the study in no small measure. Though the interviews overly tended towards the relationship between the Church and the practice and application of servant leadership, the reach of the work is more embracing, as the Church was only used as a launching pad to demonstrate, without pretence to superiority over other styles of leadership, that the principles of servant leadership are efficient in charting the course and in the day-today running of all human institutions and organizations. From the results obtained from the studies, interviews and the analyses thereof, it was found that though relatively an up-and-coming style of leadership, some interviewees marvelled at the concept of servant leadership. Nevertheless, they agreed as to its efficacy for a successful leadership. It was observed that servant leadership presents a better alternative to all leaders who have understood that gone are the days of the CEO mode of leadership.

Servant Leader, Spiritual Leader: The Case for Convergence

Journal of Leadership Accountability and Ethics, 2013

The authors show how the concept of servant leadership can be enhanced by combining it with spiritual leadership. In fact, a true servant leader should also be a spiritual leader. The authors demonstrate that one of the earliest servant leaders, Moses, was also a spiritual leader. Abraham Lincoln is also used as an example.