ERASMUS partners in conversation: Psychology at the University of Wroclaw and University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (original) (raw)

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Experiencing ERASMUS: Reflections on Integrating Polish Psychology Students onto a Year of a Degree in the UK Cover Page

Theoretical and Methodological Priorities in The Psychology of Higher Education in Western Europe (pp.47-54)

PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION: EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Materials VI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference Siberian Education Psychologists, 2020

The objective of my theoretic and empirical research to define the main axes of the development of academic psychology in Western European countries on three main axes: scientific research, the teaching of psychology at university and professional practice in public and private institutions. The main goal is to define the priorities of modern academic psychology based on analyses of theoretical work, as well as my experience as a university teacher and practical psychologist.

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Theoretical and Methodological Priorities in The Psychology of Higher Education in Western Europe (pp.47-54) Cover Page

Routes for Specialization in Psychology throughout Europe

Behavioral Sciences

The specialization of psychology helps to delineate fields in the practice of psychology. When establishing professional qualification criteria, associations seek to promote, in their members, scientific skills and knowledge considered fundamental for the practice of psychology in a given area. The present study reports on a survey of the member associations of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA). The survey inquired about: (a) the initial requisites for entering the profession and (b) additional requisites for specialization. Of the 37 associations contacted, 14 replied and we retrieved the information of 12 associations from their official websites. The results indicate that specialization is widespread throughout Europe and is independent of the regulation of the profession. In almost half of the countries considered, the specialization process is completed in universities—it is frequently associated with the postgraduate level of the EuroPsy—and relies o...

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Routes for Specialization in Psychology throughout Europe Cover Page

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Teaching Psychology INVITED ADDRESS IA122 Rethinking Undergraduate Psy- chology Programs: New Goals and Directions INVITED SYMPOSIUM IS101 Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum: Perspectives from the Majority World Cover Page

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Internationalizing Psychology Courses Cover Page

The Status of the History of Psychology Course in British and Irish Psychology Departments (2015)

The history of psychology has a limited role in psychology departments. In many departments, the role of the subject is limited to a single undergraduate course, though there are also some departments that do not offer any courses in the subject. Many historians of psychology see the continued presence of the undergraduate course as important for the continued health of the field and there have been concerns expressed over the fact that some departments are no longer offering the course. These concerns have led to surveys being carried out in the United States and Canada but no such surveys have been carried out in Europe to date. The present study goes some way towards rectifying this situation by providing details of a survey of British and Irish psychology departments. The main finding is that the subject is not as widely taught as it is in Canada and the United States. It also tends to be offered as part of an introduction to psychology in the first year, whereas many American and Canadian departments offer a more detailed course in the final year. Many of the other findings are similar. The courses are generally taught by specialists in other areas of psychology who have the history of psychology as a secondary teaching interest. Few departments consider it important to have a specialist in the history of psychology. The view that the history of psychology can be adequately covered by incorporating historical material into other courses, which is commonly held in Britain, is also discussed.

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The Status of the History of Psychology Course in British and Irish Psychology Departments (2015) Cover Page

Editorial. School Psychology in European Countries Facing Economic Challenges


Listening to Psychologists in the Educational Systems (here abbreviated as School Psychologists) of various European countries, you hear the same serious complaint nearly everywhere: Shrinking budgets in public administration risk School Psychologists to disappear from educational systems. Education International (2009) concluded from a study in 43 countries that the total expenditure in education has been reduced by 5-10% due to the global economic crisis. In 2013 France closed 3 university units educating School Psychologists. Instead of the internationally recommended proportion of 1 School Psychologist per 1000 students, The ESPIL Project found that the ‘statistically average School Psychologist’ in Europe:  Serves 10-30 schools with 2100 students and 180 teachers  Is female  Aged 40+  Works in public administration  37-40 hours per week  Has a salary equivalent to a secondary school teacher  Finalizes 5 years of psychology study with a master degree  Has rarely professi...

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Editorial. School Psychology in European Countries Facing Economic Challenges Cover Page

Section 2 - Psychology in its place

Psychology Teaching Review

In 1996, Graham Richards published Putting Psychology in its Place: An introduction from a critical historical perspective. Here, I seek to consider what is or should be the ‘place’ of Psychology in education, more particularly Higher Education, and not just from a historical perspective. This raises issues about several contexts in which Psychology finds itself. In the Higher Education context itself, Psychology continues to be in demand. But what is offered in first degrees is largely dictated by the requirements of the Graduate Basis for Registration of the British Psychological Society. These have been criticised both as not ideal as professional preparation, and as being unsuited to the large majority of students who will not enter the restricted psychological professions. Little attention is paid to more general educational aims. In the context of other disciplines, Psychology (with some exceptions) largely fails to draw on other sources of knowledge about human behaviour, suc...

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Section 2 - Psychology in its place Cover Page

Educational psychology in higher education : current scene in Portugal


Con el fin de afrontar los desafios del aumento demografico de la educacion superior, las Instituciones de Educacion Superior (IES) crearon los Servicios de Apoyo Psicologico buscando:(a) ayudar a la adaptacion a la universidad, (b) mejorar el desarrollo de los estudiantes y (c) favorecer su integracion en el mercado laboral. El presente estudio investigo la estructura de los Servicios de Apoyo Psicologico en las IES de Portugal, asi como las principales actividades desarrolladas por los psicologos escolares. A partir de las entrevistas realizadasen ocho servicios de apoyo psicologico, se observo que todos ellos estan disenados para los estudiantes. Si bien la actividad principal es la consulta psicologica para los estudiantes, los psicologos educacionales desarrollan tambien una variedad de actividades de intervencion, tales como: programas de desarrollo de competencias, apoyo a los estudiantes con necesidades especiales y programas de tutoria para dar la bienvenida a nuevos estudi...

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Educational psychology in higher education : current scene in Portugal Cover Page

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Eight Things Wrong with Introductory Psychology Courses in America: A Warning to My European Colleagues Cover Page