Likelihood Inference for Large Scale Stochastic Blockmodels With Covariates Based on a Divide-and-Conquer Parallelizable Algorithm With Communication (original) (raw)

Scalable inference for stochastic block models


Community detection in graphs is widely used in social and biological networks, and the stochastic block model is a powerful probabilistic tool for describing graphs with community structures. However, in the era of “big data,” traditional inference algorithms for such a model are increasingly limited due to their high time complexity and poor scalability. In this paper, we propose a multi-stage maximum likelihood approach to recover the latent parameters of the stochastic block model, in time linear with respect to the number of edges. We also propose a parallel algorithm based on message passing. Our algorithm can overlap communication and computation, providing speedup without compromising accuracy as the number of processors grows. For example, to process a real-world graph with about 1.3 million nodes and 10 million edges, our algorithm requires about 6 seconds on 64 cores of a contemporary commodity Linux cluster. Experiments demonstrate that the algorithm can produce high qua...

Improved Bayesian inference for the stochastic block model with application to large networks

Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2012

An efficient MCMC algorithm is presented to cluster the nodes of a network such that nodes with similar role in the network are clustered together. This is known as block-modeling or block-clustering. The model is the stochastic blockmodel (SBM) with block parameters integrated out. The resulting marginal distribution defines a posterior over the number of clusters and cluster memberships. Sampling from this posterior is simpler than from the original SBM as transdimensional MCMC can be avoided. The algorithm is based on the ...

A scalable community detection algorithm for large graphs using stochastic block models

Intelligent Data Analysis, 2017

Community detection in graphs is widely used in social and biological networks, and the stochastic block model is a powerful probabilistic tool for describing graphs with community structures. However, in the era of "big data," traditional inference algorithms for such a model are increasingly limited due to their high time complexity and poor scalability. In this paper, we propose a multi-stage maximum likelihood approach to recover the latent parameters of the stochastic block model, in time linear with respect to the number of edges. We also propose a parallel algorithm based on message passing. Our algorithm can overlap communication and computation, providing speedup without compromising accuracy as the number of processors grows. For example, to process a real-world graph with about 1.3 million nodes and 10 million edges, our algorithm requires about 6 seconds on 64 cores of a contemporary commodity Linux cluster. Experiments demonstrate that the algorithm can produce high quality results on both benchmark and real-world graphs. An example of finding more meaningful communities is illustrated consequently in comparison with a popular modularity maximization algorithm.

Empirical Bayes Estimation for the Stochastic Blockmodel


Inference for the stochastic blockmodel is currently of burgeoning interest in the statistical community, as well as in various application domains as diverse as social networks, citation networks, brain connectivity networks (connectomics), etc. Recent theoretical developments have shown that spectral embedding of graphs yields tractable distributional results; in particular, a random dot product latent position graph formulation of the stochastic blockmodel informs a mixture of normal distributions for the adjacency spectral embedding. We employ this new theory to provide an empirical Bayes methodology for estimation of block memberships of vertices in a random graph drawn from the stochastic blockmodel, and demonstrate its practical utility. The posterior inference is conducted using a Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm. The theory and methods are illustrated through Monte Carlo simulation studies, both within the stochastic blockmodel and beyond, and experimental results on a Wikipedia data set are presented.

Optimal Bayesian estimation in stochastic block models

arXiv (Cornell University), 2015

With the advent of structured data in the form of social networks, genetic circuits and protein interaction networks, statistical analysis of networks has gained popularity over recent years. Stochastic block model constitutes a classical cluster-exhibiting random graph model for networks. There is a substantial amount of literature devoted to proposing strategies for estimating and inferring parameters of the model, both from classical and Bayesian viewpoints. Unlike the classical counterpart, there is however a dearth of theoretical results on the accuracy of estimation in the Bayesian setting. In this article, we undertake a theoretical investigation of the posterior distribution of the parameters in a stochastic block model. In particular, we show that one obtains optimal rates of posterior convergence with routinely used multinomial-Dirichlet priors on cluster indicators and uniform priors on the probabilities of the random edge indicators. En route, we develop geometric embedding techniques to exploit the lower dimensional structure of the parameter space which may be of independent interest.

Likelihood-based model selection for stochastic block models

The stochastic block model (SBM) provides a popular framework for modeling community structures in networks. However, more attention has been devoted to problems concerning estimating the latent node labels and the model parameters than the issue of choosing the number of blocks. We consider an approach based on the log likelihood ratio statistic and analyze its asymptotic properties under model misspecification. We show the limiting distribution of the statistic in the case of underfitting is normal and obtain its convergence rate in the case of overfitting. These conclusions remain valid when the average degree grows at a polylog rate. The results enable us to derive the correct order of the penalty term for model complexity and arrive at a likelihood-based model selection criterion that is asymptotically consistent. Our analysis can also be extended to a degree-corrected block model (DCSBM). In practice, the likelihood function can be estimated using more computationally efficient variational methods or consistent label estimation algorithms, allowing the criterion to be applied to large networks.

Spectral Inference for Large Stochastic Blockmodels With Nodal Covariates

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019

In many applications of network analysis, it is important to distinguish between observed and unobserved factors affecting network structure. To this end, we develop spectral estimators for both unobserved blocks and the effect of covariates in stochastic blockmodels. On the theoretical side, we establish asymptotic normality of our estimators for the subsequent purpose of performing inference. On the applied side, we show that computing our estimator is much faster than standard variational expectation-maximization algorithms and scales well for large networks. The results in this paper provide a foundation to estimate the effect of observed covariates as well as unobserved latent community structure on the probability of link formation in networks.

Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodels

Journal of machine learning research : JMLR, 2008

Observations consisting of measurements on relationships for pairs of objects arise in many settings, such as protein interaction and gene regulatory networks, collections of author-recipient email, and social networks. Analyzing such data with probabilisic models can be delicate because the simple exchangeability assumptions underlying many boilerplate models no longer hold. In this paper, we describe a latent variable model of such data called the mixed membership stochastic blockmodel. This model extends blockmodels for relational data to ones which capture mixed membership latent relational structure, thus providing an object-specific low-dimensional representation. We develop a general variational inference algorithm for fast approximate posterior inference. We explore applications to social and protein interaction networks.

Bayesian Analysis of Exponential Random Graph Models Using Stochastic Gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Bayesian Analysis

The exponential random graph model (ERGM) is a popular model for social networks, which is known to have an intractable likelihood function. Sampling from the posterior for such a model is a long-standing problem in statistical research. We analyze the performance of the stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) algorithm (also known as noisy Longevin Monte Carlo) in tackling this problem, where the stochastic gradient is calculated via running a short Markov chain (the so-called inner Markov chain in this paper) at each iteration. We show that if the model size grows with the network size slowly enough, then SGLD converges to the true posterior in 2-Wasserstein distance as the network size and iteration number become large regardless of the length of the inner Markov chain performed at each iteration. Our study provides a scalable algorithm for analyzing large-scale social networks with possibly high-dimensional ERGMs.