An architecture for context-aware reactive systems based on run-time semantic models (original) (raw)


In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These systems are characterized by the need to express behaviors driven by external and/or internal changes, i.e. they are reactive and context-aware. These classes include, but are not limited to IoT, smart cities, cyber-physical systems and sensor networks. An important design feature of these systems should be the ability of adapting their behavior to environment changes. This requires handling a runtime representation of the context enriched with variation points that relate different behaviors to possible changes of the representation. In this paper, we present a reference architecture for reactive, context-aware systems able to handle contextual knowledge (that defines what the system perceives) by means of virtual sensors and able to react to environment changes by means of virtual actuators, both represented in a declarative manner through semantic web technologies. To improve the ability t...

Semantics-Driven Programming of Self-Adaptive Reactive Systems

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2020

In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These classes include, but are not limited to IoT, smart cities, cyber-physical systems and sensor networks. These systems are characterized by the need to express behaviors driven by external and/or internal changes, i.e. they are reactive and context-aware. A desirable design feature of these systems is the ability of adapting their behavior to environment changes. In this paper, we propose an approach to support adaptive, reactive systems based on semantic runtime representations of their context, enabling the selection of equivalent behaviors, i.e. behaviors that have the same effect on the environment. The context representation and the related knowledge are managed by an engine designed according to a reference architecture and programmable through a declarative definition of sensors and actuators. The knowledge base of sensors and actuators (hosted by an RDF triplestore) is bound to the real...

Model Driven Context Aware Reactive Applications


Abstract Context aware reactive applications (CARA) are of interest because of the explosion of mobile, tablet and web-based platforms. The complexity and proliferation of implementation technologies makes it attractive to use model-driven techniques to develop CARA systems. This paper proposes a domain specific language for CARA applications consisting of stereotyped class models for the structure of the application and state machine models for the application behaviour.


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