Furniture design: Application of the semantic differential technique To measure and evaluate consumer perception (original) (raw)

A semantic differential study of designers’ and users’ product form perception

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2000

This study investigated the di!erences in the product form perception of designers and users. The semantic di!erential (SD) method was employed to examine the relationship between the subjects' evaluation of telephone samples and form design elements. The authors used 14 image-word pairs for the evaluation of telephone design. The format for a measurement scale was constructed by a projection method in order to extract design attributes for an SD test. Twenty-four real telephone samples were presented to 40 subjects (20 designers and 20 users) for subjective evaluation. Multivariate analyses were performed to analyze the subject's perceptions and to build conceptual models for telephone design. The result revealed that many di!erences exist between designers' and users' perceptions of the same real objects and their interpretations of the same image-words. Users are not clear regarding the meaning of the image-words. Moreover, they are very concerned about whether a telephone looks new. Designers tend to value telephone samples with an elegant style while users prefer modern and sleek designs. The conceptual models of the two subject groups are made up of di!erent components. Creative, mature, delicate design images play a greater role in a!ecting the designers' preference while the users' preference is a!ected mainly by images of delicacy. The implications of di!erences in preference and the relationship between image-word and actual design elements for the two subject groups are discussed. Relevance to industry It is the users' needs and preferences, not those of the designers, that should be taken into consideration during the product design process. Due to the fact that many di!erences exist between designers and users, it is a challenge for designers to transfer the consumer's needs into technical and design speci"cations. Quantitative data on the relationship between design elements and user evaluations is useful to product designers and managers in formulating design strategies.

A Study of Furniture Design Incorporating Living Organisms with Particular Reference to Biophilic and Emotional Design Criteria


This paper reports on the first (theoretical) stage of a two-part investigation of selected aspects of biophilia theory as applied in the design of furniture, and with particular reference to design criteria that designers may use, including emotional criteria. The second (empirical) part of this investigation will report on the results of surveys based on the findings of the first stage and, while some empirical findings will be previewed in this paper, the main findings will be published in a separate paper. The aims of this paper are twofold: firstly, to investigate the wide-ranging typology of published furniture designs incorporating living organisms (often with few logical explanations apart from anecdotal or implied axiomatic benefits) and, secondly, to identify the criteria designers and users may employ to make design-and-use decisions about such furniture with particular reference to biophilic and emotional design criteria. Biophilia theory proposes that humans have an instinctive and innate need to connect with nature. In general, biophilic design uses biophilic principles in the design process. Interestingly, a review of the literature has found that, although biophilic design has been widely reported in architecture and environmental design circles, few studies address the logical application of these principles in the context of furniture design. Following a critical literature review, this paper proposes a novel typology of furniture designs that incorporate living organisms (such as plants, animals and insects). This typology is based on at least 168 furniture designs classified into 4 main categories and 24 sub-categories. The underlying purpose being to provide a framework from which useful furniture design criteria may be inferred subject to empirical testing. For brevity, a synopsis of this typology is presented in the main body of the paper with the details given in the appendix along with source credits. This is followed by proposing a model of evaluation criteria, a metric which may be used to inform the design of furniture from a user and designer perspective. The paper also presents a brief preview of how these models have been applied in the empirical part of this investigation, along with a summary of findings and conclusions.

Emotionalism within furniture design

This thesis explores the question: What are the significant emotional connections between consumers and their furniture, and how do designers engage with this? Due to the nature of the question it has been necessary to explore literature across various different faculties. Therefore the literature review covers a wide spectrum of research and methodologies exploring the significance of the psychological factors (especially emotions) in the designing and consuming of furniture.


3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts Sgem 2016 Conference Proceedings, 2016

Design needs different methods in order to provide motion. Various methods are being tested in interior design, as in every discipline that involves the design activity. In this way; new relationships arise among products, processes, the user and the designer. In this study, “Do It Yourself’’ method, with a methodological study undertaken in the course of “Furniture Design II’’ in Anadolu University Faculty of Architecture and Design by Ass. Prof. Mehmet Ali Altın, has been addressed empirically. Scope of the study includes a furniture design process by the students in one academic term based on practice with “Do It Yourself - DIY’’ theme base containing production prototype. In “Do It Yourself – DIY’’ theme, it is essential to document the reply of a product designed or renewed in different scales to the question “How is it made?’’ as written, drawn, video, sound recording and the like. In the study carried out in this context, the results of the method revealed in terms of designed products, process, users and designers were explained.

Effect of Subjective Evaluation Factors on the Buying Decision of Residential Furniture

There are different elements involved in the product purchase; among them, there are the subjective ones, such as satisfaction (usability) and other ergonomic factors (shape, color, maintenance, security, interaction, materials, function and durability), which are involved in the first evaluation, even if the user is not in contact with the product. In this process of perception and evaluation, some products of the furniture industry are rejected by the customers in this first visual interaction, causing large economic losses. Knowing which factors have a bigger influence on the customer, supports a designer, in the initial design process, and reduces the possibility to manufacturing a product that will not be acquired. The present study presents the case of purchase of residential living rooms furniture by women in Mexico. The attributes of pleasure and satisfaction are determinants for having a positive buying decision; these attributes were translated into design elements, which can change the buyer perception, and generate a purchase intention.

Functionality and Aesthetics of Furniture - Numerical Expression of Subjective Value

Drvna industrija, 2017

In the recent years the habits of buying furniture have changed. The fabrication of individual pieces of furniture is increasingly coming to the forefront. A personal contact is being established between the customer and the furniture, which is a relationship of one (product) to one (customer). In order to satisfy the individual demands, higher quality as well as higher prices appeared as a necessity. The competition is beginning on the market, where emotion becomes a signifi cant factor in decision-making process. Therefore, functionality and aesthetic functions, determinative forms and fashionable style play a very important role in furniture design and production. The objective of the paper is to report research results on how functionality and aesthetics of different styles of furniture could be determinated, measured and how they infl uence customer requirements and demands. To establish the proportion of functionality and aesthetic features, a numerical expression of the functions was defi ned by using various designers' methods such as Ranking Method Quality Development (RMQD) and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). It is shown that both methods could be used very effectively for designed and marketing oriented furniture, for modelling customer satisfaction as well as in connection with aesthetic functions, assuring the quality of the product in the planning stage.

Variant and Variations on Furniture for Emotional Design Impact on Users


The process of design is the subject of many studies in the field of psychology or social science or technologies. Its wealth is based on its complexity within the variant and variations that include during its progress. An investigation on computer-aided integrated design and production using advanced automated tools aims to provide integrated solutions for the design and production of geometrically complex forms merged with machines restrictions that could serve as potential design variations. These variations relies heavily on the use of parametric design modeling that are incompatible with a linear approach. Beyond functionality, comfort, and technology, the objective is to propose a conscious and creative dimension of living, offering an anti-stress formula for the design and daily management of the space. This paper investigates the emotional design impact on products specifically on furniture to evoke emotions in people, suggesting that emotions are at basic importance for th...

Design specifications of ergonomic sofa through sofa makers perception: A case study in Malaysia

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2016

Development of ergonomic sofa design is a design process that has the basic framework specification and type of material that is applied on the sofa design. This is due to human consumption that is closely related to ergonomic design of this specification which will affect human physical. To achieve this goal, a survey involving 30 respondents of sofa makers was conducted to get feedback regarding the sofa design specifications. Survey questions emphasize on the basic specifications and material dimensions of sofa materials used. The results of data analysis show that the size of basic dimensions and materials is essential in designing an ergonomic sofa. The survey is very important to find out the basic specifications in the development of ergonomic design through perception of sofa maker.

Furniture Design and Professional Practice

The mass media proclaimed the above as the new millennium began. Academics and professionals have been holding conferences about it for a while now. Designers themselves have insisted on it all along. But what, exactly, does that statement mean? A proliferation of hip hotels and award-winning potato peelers do not an era make. Because those of us who are part of the design profession are optimists, always on the lookout for how we can make our environment better, we’re eager to claim that the twenty-first century is, at last, the era of design, the time when design—and designers—have come into their own and taken power as a cultural force. But do we agree about what design is? To be sure, each designer has a unique vision and works in a unique way. Yet, we’re all part of one profession, and being a professional of any kind acknowledges that there is a common ground shared by its practitioners. Do designers know the coordinates and parameters of their profession? Do they realize what they must learn if they are to be successful designers in the twenty-first century? More important still, as professionals, do designers know what it means to do design?

The semantic differential for the discipline of design

This paper presents the results of a recent research that aimed to propose the Pragmatic Dimension's object on the Conceptual Model of Semantic Differential proposed by Osgood, which is a type of a rating scale designed to measure the connotative meaning of concepts that is used to derive the attitude towards the given object for user. The measurement of meaning is addressed in two ways: by developing a theoretical-conceptual and development through the data. The first focus involves an approach to the problem of the measurement of meaning, was offered a theoretical-conceptual framework which allowed us to establish new categories in the Semantic Space for the collecting and interpretation on the user´s expectations, from a pragmatic perspective of the object. The second option, that aimed a methodological approach, is developed a focalization more empirical in the theme study that to focusing on collecting and analyzing data, was developed a pilot study in which was observed how the meaning of a product is influenced by the Social Group to which the user belongs.